Why are comics terrible now? How long have they been terrible like this?

Why are comics terrible now? How long have they been terrible like this?

Just track sales numbers and plot them out. You'll get an answer from the hivemind that way instead of individually biased views from raging shitheads like me.

>Comics are terrible
>Pic related is one of Marvel's best

What did he mean by this?

>Its another sweeping generalization bait thread.

Remember, shitposting can only be banned if you report it and will only increase if you dont ignore it.

Is this going to be one of those threads where Sup Forumskids pretend they read comics to push their political agenda?

Marvel's best is complete shit, then.

Oh look its a casual who doesn't read comics.

I used to read comics, but stopped around 2013 or so when all the tokenism shit started.

> 137. Ms. Marvel #19 (Marvel) - 17,907 [140]

Isn't this cancellation territory?

After Dark Reign ended Marvel decided they needed to do more positive stories. On top of that Disney bought them out which probably isn't helping.

didn't they do a story where she fought President Trump or something?

No, they didn't.

> How long have they been terrible like this?
More or less 20 years.

No, I read DC and Dark Horse, not your SJW Marvel crap.


You're thinking of the issue where she gets people to go out and vote. (For Mayor)

And no, it's not a Hillary expy or any democrat that wins.

The whole book is focused on getting Millenials (and upcoming Get Z) to vote.

Given how bad everything Marvel sells now, the cancellation threshold is getting lower and lower.

And they say she makes it up in digital sales although they don't publish numbers on that.

No you dont.

They've always been terrible. You just liked a different kind of a terrible that they don't do anymore. They do a new kind of terrible that you're not used to and you're set in your ways.

But they've always been terrible.

diversity ruins everything

You can tell by the way OP used Ms. Marvel and not something like Chavez.

DC ones are mediocre, but enjoyable at least. The Button was the last great book in recent memory. I like King's writing and his Batman run, but in some issues he's up his own ass.

I'm sorry to hear about your shit taste. Maybe you'll grow out of it someday.

>everything's always been terrible, you just didn't realize it

I'm calling bullshit on this. There are definitive highs and lows, and we've gone downhill. Maybe things weren't perfect before, but they were still better than the shit we're slogging through now.

You dont read comics.


You're mistaking shitty SJW propaganda for comics.

You dont read comics.

You don't even know what comics are.

You dont read cmics.

You dont read comics.

ITT: summerfags

Ms. Marvel is great though...in her own book.

It's events that are killing Marvel's crop of new characters more than anything else. They get thrown into these global/galactic conflicts within like a few months of getting powers, often take actions or say things that conflict with their beliefs and actions in their actual comics, don't even really get to have their own rogues galleries because they're too busy fighting other people's villains, etcetera. They're being suffocated in the crib by the rest of the Marvel Universe, to the point where I just can't see any of them having much in the way of longevity once their writers move on to other projects (or worse, they'll have longevity because their writers will never move on, but also never improve, like Bendis with Miles).

Ms Marvel has always been mediocre though. I tried re-reading her first few issues and I noticed that even her original run was predictable and uninspired.
I think most of Sup Forums likes her because of the waifu thing.

>Pic related is one of Marvel's best
Even if she was SJW propaganda was a good character but not anymore, they ruin the character and now is shit because they want to promote her

>I think most of Sup Forums likes her because of the waifu thing.


How about explain your reasoning before flexing your coping mechanic for not liking something.