Shitty Sup Forums ships

Jashi because of all the forced threads





At this point I'm starting to think is the same user posting them in this threads



I hate this fucking shit so much.

you mean starcuck


>it's impossible that more than one person would hate my shitty OOC ship

The same pics with the same filenames makes it so

>there are people out there right now who think Jaybabs is a good ship

Diana and Bruce Wayne yes.
Wonderwoman and Batman fuck no

>same filenames
>same denials
>There's more than one person guys!

Seems legit.

i'm a simple man
i like seeing two sexy women together

Batman is pretty shit paired with most female superheroes
They all seem too good for him

>too good for literally perfect human being who dedicated his whole life and wealth to help other people.
End yourself

literally every hero/villain fujo ship

>literally perfect human being
A mentally ill man who dresses up as a bat to punch people, acts like a stoic asshole to most people, surrounded by a bunch of other men who have also dedicated their lives to helping people

I like Batman but he's not the best person to get into a fulfilling relationship with

At this point I'd rather let Zatanna stay single, her relationships end in either death, disappointment or Constantine.

>biggest cock according to authors
>ripped af
>have full control of his body
And dresses as a bat? Have you seen The Flash who wears pajama? Arrow who dresses as a fucking Robin Hood? And I don't remember Batman acting like an asshole. He is in charge in some questions, so he has to be stoic. Like a leader.

Bruce Timm is that you?

>And I don't remember Batman acting like an asshole.

? ? ? ? ?

No, I hate this guy for fucking disgusting KJ. It seems like Paul Dini did all the work, but somehow Bruce is having all the glory for DCEU.

Can you give me few examples please? I'm pretty sure there are situations where people needed commands or cold answer to made them do something useful.


