Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

This looks so boring I'll be surprised if the thread gets more than 50 replies

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Oh you mother fucker

Fat cat is fat

>Drawn on lined paper
>stereotypical "kawaii" last panel

Tae truly is regressing to her teen weeb stage again.

Artfags what are you gonna draw bag boy for his birthday?

>back to no color
Hey why even pretend to show effort after that shit show of a last chapter right?

author's commentary:
>This’ll be a little unusual. I wanted to make a fun little chapters-within-a-chapter series where we check out what the characters are up to in their (drama-filled) everyday lives!
hooray. Uninteresting af AND longer than the usual 1-2 pages

She maybe recycled an idea for a BCI chapter she already started but didn't get to refine.
Or maybe you're right.

arent we all?

Literally filler
Help me so I can help you, Taeshi

What the hell happened to the last thread?

it got stalin'd

I missed it but i would guess much rage at the abrupt ending and letting the bitch be a bitch again with no punishment

My initial reaction was, "oh for fuck's sake she really has stopped caring"

I read the thing below it though and apparently she enjoyed writing this, so maybe it'll be decent? She probably rushed the last chapter because she was just tired of writing Paulo and wanted to get past it, but there might not be that problem here. Kind of like the Ships Ahoy strips or some of the BCI comics, the more lighthearted stuff can be somewhat enjoyable. Plus somebody posted last thread that Vera typically only has enough effort to do either background, decent character art, or writing, but never more than one or two at a time. Well, the art just became a lot easier to do, so maybe she's putting more into the writing. I dunno, it'll probably be shit but I'm willing to be optimistic. The last chapter was shit because it was a massive mishandling of an important plot point but this chapter doesn't seem as consequential, so it'll probably be harder to fuck up if nothing else.

tldr: mite b gud, I want to believe, daisy a cute

Bagboy's trying to keep the gravy train running so he doesn't have to work my dude.

I didn't miss it, I was just confused as to why it got deleted

>mite b gud, I want to believe, daisy a cute

Couldn't have said it better my dude

What the fuck is happening to this comic?

I love how much this author mess with us

>Your unemployed husband starts feeling the end of the comic coming around
>Does everything in his power to prolong the story

Awkward teen phase? not sure what else to cll it.

It might be good.
Taeshi has a weird sense of humor that usually works. I like it.
But the timing is horrible. We need to go on with the story after the shitfeast that was the last chapter

I just binge read this series in 3 days and now I'm caught up.

Is this true suffering?

the usual suitposting that happens after the page/chapter discussion dies out.

It was a request from an user, probably the same who posts it in every thread

elaborate pls

From the text below the page:
>There’s a bunch of information I wish I coulda expanded upon further before LUCY CAME BACK AND STOLE THE SPOTLIGHT.
>In the end, we’ll find a way to integrate it into Volume Six and the larger archive, but for now, take it as a experimental chapter from the world of BCB before Lucy.

Lucy hasn't even been back for two chapters and Taeshi is already tired of writing her. That parasite really does ruin everything.

Yea, being a reader of this comic is basically asking for pain. At least you chose a pretty good time to get caught up. Fucking imagine having to wait for the last few chapters to update every week. Pure pain.

Guess I oughta ask, since you're a new reader
>Did Mike do anything wrong?
>Is Augustus an interesting character?
>Were the Polo a Gay chapters really that bad?
>What do you think of Paulo as a character, and as a person?

>I just binge read this series in 3 days
the hell?
It took me five days to get up to date five years ago. How did you even digest Vol. 1 in less than two days?

>go to desuarchive
>click "view same" on that pic
>look the first time it was posted

the Mike Was Right pic?


I should really stop spoonfeeding

You're talking to the guy that posts this shit.
I have no idea what you're talking about


wtf why on line paper now

I thought that
>I love how much this author mess with us ()
refered to today's page, not my pic, that's why I wasn't understanding anything you were saying.

>Did Mike do anything wrong?
The only thing he really did wrong was going complete batshit on Lucy, he went a little too far. Kind of understandable though. I really like mike though, the most reasonable character by far imo.
>Is Augustus an interesting character?
Yeah, I mean he's not incredibly unique or anything but I'm interested to see where his plot line goes and he doesn't deserve to suffer.

>Were the Polo a Gay chapters really that bad?

Not really, they just seemed a little out of nowhere and then never really brought up again. The scene with David was cute.

>What do you think of Paulo as a character, and as a person?

He's fine. He's an interesting character because he kind of represents all the "figuring yourself out stage" of being a teenager. His personality can be annoying at times but he seems to be a good person who cares about his friends. I don't understand why he likes Lucy so much though.

Thanks for these questions, I haven't really been able to discuss this comic with anyone since reading all of it, if you have any more I would happily answer them.

Welcome to the Mike Was Right church, brother

>We need to go on with the story after the shitfeast that was the last chapter

At this point I want anything but the excuse of a story she is doing in the main comic. Hell, I even want to believe she is doing this due to the huge backlash she got from the whole disgrace of the last chapter. Not even the nazi of her husband couldn't hide the truth this time.

>tldr: mite b gud, I want to believe, daisy a cute

This should be screencapped. Exactly my feelings right now. I wanna know what's up with the rest of the characters while the comic focuses on our pathetic trio of retards.

I work at a hospital as a Nurses aid and often I will be sitting one on one with an elderly/confused patient where I basically sit in their room all night for 12 hours and make sure they don't get out of bed so I just used the majority of that time to read.

I can see how the confusion originated.
Still, Mike a shit.

>the most reasonable character
>With those random as heck sandy mood swings

I think they were both in the wrong a little bit and I don't want either of them to suffer but it was kind of annoying how everyone white knighted Lucy over Mike 99% of the time


t. Lucy

one day you will see the light

>it was kind of annoying how everyone white knighted Lucy over Mike 99% of the time
it starts this way

>I work at a hospital as a Nurses aid
You don't happen to have seen any triple-amputee half-japanese half-scandi 7 y.o. girl whose parents both died in a car crash, and who now you want to adopt, do you??

Doesn't help with the trainwreck of last chapter's last pages being unbelievably crappy, even by chibishit animu standards.

It's gonna be a dark stain that blemishes all other efforts, but now she tries to distract instead of fixing shit.

Just break out that virtual eraser already and get it over with, no pain, no gain.

Mike was right and I won't ever deny that. The way he said it though went too dang far.

I agree

Mike Was Right fag

Nah the last one I saw was 9

>Lucy hasn't even been back for two chapters and Taeshi is already tired of writing her.
No wonder she swapped her self-insert points into bitch dyke.

If Mike was so right, how come he felt so much guilt, then?
Maybe he realized he wasn't that right after all, and that his thoughts leading up to December were obfuscated by his double feelings for both Lucy and Sandy.

guys what if they realized they couldn't get away with how bad the last chapter was and scribbled out some filler while they put more work into real chapters?


I kinda miss casually enjoying the comic like this. Before getting to the point where we over-analyze every page as they come out, to the point where bitter disappointment and meta-drama like artist & baggage stuff starts coming up and tainting the perception of everything.

I just want to get back to enjoying cute characters suffering endlessly. Should I just stop reading for a year and come back? Maybe things might get better?

Because even though he Was Right he fucked up the tone he used. Calling her a parasyte even though she is was uncalled for and he's a good kid, he feels guilty because he cares about others.

plz adopt her.
And then make a new long series of epic threads of your misadventures.
I'm in withdrawal from stories of lolies adoptions

Yet core character problems are still the same, by being a insufferable bitch.

But of course the Dyke isn't gonna get called out because then Tumblr is gonna have a spergfit again.

Should put work into redoing that chapter instead.

But we all know that means admitting you fucked up and try to make things right again, and that's one thing baggage boy has absolutely no experience with, and as such can't help his dear moody weeb waifu with.

>he fucked up the tone he used
nah, he fucked up the whole thing. He only remembered her sweet side only after he thought he lost her forever. From Acapulco onwards he completely, unjustifuingly demonized her, blinded by his relationship with Sandy, and his paranoia that everyone was out to destroy it.

It's been on a perpetual decline since chibi started.

Give up and abandon ship, only sane solution.

speaking of ships...

>i',m sick you parasite. Stay away from me
>gets mad whenever she was around or spoke to any other guy(Paulo and Augustus)

I'd genuinely love this. Paulo's dad would be happy and David and paulo would be literal brothers. [

Something something Mike Suffering.
I'm going back to sleep. Later.

Not really. Lucy is a terrible person and a terrible friend. Acapulco confirmed Mike suspicions that Lucy's clinging was too much and that it was only that: clinging. The way she went for Paulo when she thought he was dead closed the deal. He realized she didn't saw him as Mike but just as her safe place.
Why should he continue to be friends with someone like that? Especially someone that tries to ruin his relationship with Sandy, which was going just fine.
And when she doesn't get what she wants she clings to Paulo. Again. Destroying every possibility of Mike seeing her confession as something true

>his paranoia that everyone was out to destroy it.
It isn't paranoia if it's true.
Say what you want about Mike x Sandy but people criticize his relationship all the time and it isn't because they are worried about Mike.

Not if you aspire for greater things.

>Say what you want about Mike x Sandy but people criticize his relationship all the time and it isn't because they are worried about Mike.

Maybe he shouldn't be proving them right then.

But alas, after last chapter anyone sane would question the plot, story and characterization from now on.

If bag is still watching these threads he should have noticed two things recently:

1. Everyone especially hated the clumsy conclusion of the last chapter, and the rest of it in general.

2. Everyone loved the goofy vampire Mike gag comic.

Is it too much to ask that they learned something from this?

Proving them right how?
This is like having someone criticize a 10 year marriage that was happy for 9 years then fell apart during the last year and say he was right since the beggining.
Relationships come and go and change. Mike's friends were never right and never criticized for the reasons that were there.

True. All the four of them deserve it.
I never said Lucy wasn't fucked up either. But Mike's judgement was affected by a strong confirmation bias against Lucy's every action. When Lucy "clinged" to Paulo at Acapulco was because she was phisically sick from thinking Mike was dead, and she literally had to be carried because she couldn't even stand.
Also looks like he conveniently forgot when they almost both drowned because of him. Lucy tried to selflessly save him, almost drowning herself in the process. She didn't go cling to anyone else at that time
She saw Mike both as a friend AND as a safe anchor for her.

My only complain here is that, if she is now drawing coloreless, black only and backgroundless pages from now on, could she have the decency of posting more or longer pages per day?


>Everyone especially hated the clumsy conclusion of the last chapter, and the rest of it in general.
Even if he doesn't read the threads anymore he should know this from all of the Facebook comments he made """""disappear"""""


>Why should he continue to be friends with someone like that? Especially someone that tries to ruin his relationship with Sandy, which was going just fine.
Name one (1) time Lucy ever tried doing that to Mike and Sandy

also meant to


Mike was right to call Lucy out for how she had been acting but the way he approached the conversation was wrong. He totally overreacted and snapped and then he avoided her while she was left to suffer alone. He knows he hurt her deeply and - in Lucy's world - he waited too long to try to make things better.

The real truth is somewhere in the middle. We can't act like Lucy had no hand in pushing Mike's patience to it's limits.

The entire point of the Acapulco chapters was that Lucy's tsundere behavior was toxic, and that she can't have her cake and eat it, too (or in her case, she can't ball up her only redeeming qualities in a shell where no one can see them, and expect Mike to still give a shit about her).

You can say Mike had terrible timing, or spent too much time bottling up it and took his ranting too far, but his feelings were definitely justified given he could only judge by what he sees.

Hey, my boy! Haven't seen you in ages!

This thread turned to repeating the "who's a bigger shit" argument in record time.

That's what I assumed as well

>But Mike's judgement was affected by a strong confirmation bias against Lucy's every action.
There's no confirmation bias when Lucy literally tried to hook up with Paulo soon after. It doesn't matter what her reasons were, Mike doesn't have to accept her bullshit.

by confessing and becoming angry it didn't work out, putting the table against Mike.


I just don't take it too seriously and enjoy it for what it is, try re reading maybe.

Is that SIMULATED lined paper? This is drawn digitally, isn't it?

Going for a homey, low-effort, doodly atmosphere? Well, maybe embracing that more is better than just shitting out bad art.

still seein' the mango tropes, including reverse tzantza

>by confessing
oh yeah, what a horrible thing she did. Confessing her feelings
>becoming angry it didn't work out, putting the table against Mike.
She got angry because he acted like nothing happened, and she knew he knew how she felt about it. . She even tried to stop her "friends" from giving shit to Mike.
She didn't get angry just because he rejected her feelings, she screamed at him (see ) because, when explaining things to his friends, told them that the whole business wasn't that big of a deal.






Kind of autistic; maybe Mike just didn't want to air his awkward shit w/Lucy in front of everyone. Why did she?

He was always irritated about how people didn't take his thing with Sandy seriously so I can't blame him for not wanting to talk about Lucy confessing and rejecting her. He got a lot of bullshit for that, even from voice-of-wisdom Tess.

Is this page literally all for today?

>Could've done the logical thing and get a job so to have steady income while having the comic be a secondary income train so in case the comic dies/end it won't be such a huge loss
>Fuck that, let's put all our faith in this once comic making enough cash money to survive on. Shit'll never die. Shit'll never turn to shit. Shit's making money so it must be good. What the FUCK could possibly go wrong?

If you want more than three pages a week you'll have to cough up thousands for their patreon. Then you'll get four.

>Why did she?
she was being pestered by all of her "friends" about what happened between her and Mike. I'm saying that Mike was wrong for not wanting to talk about it, but brushing it off saying it wasn't a big deal clearly hurt Lucy.

Not sure what you're expecting. It's always one page per update.

Can Mike save this comic?

If we ignore Lucy ship

>all of her "friends"
Mike has more reason to be bitter about the others than she does.

No. Only Haley can
True. But it's ascertained that Lucy has BPD now, so it's no surprise she never acknowledged anyone other than Mike