Kitty Thread

Post pics of the best kike mutie.

Stay Out Benis





stuck up whiny princess




Kitty is trash and I hope anyone that likes her gets raped by a dog.















That's racist, user.
Racist to a minority whose smiles are worth protecting.


More like Brood war


I've been out of the X-loop for a while. Parody aside, did the second page of shit ACTUALLY. HAPPEN.

Pretty much.


She wouldn't like you calling her a kike.

Where do you think we are?

She'd be more pissed about being called a mutie, nigger.

I used to ship her and Kurt so hard thanks to this show.

Lance a shit.

On Sup Forums you fucking retard. God Sup Forumsfags are the worst cancer of Sup Forums since bronies.

At what level of playability is this now?

Want to know how I know you're a newfag?

You can't fuck Kitty yet.
Oni has finally figured out how to unfuck his coding so that'll be happening for a while.
I'd recommend waiting a few more months before bothering.

t. /weg/

are you serious?? the...porking with N-Nightcrawler? and having a baby and Apoc--- are you serious??!

Can you type like a normal person?

And that doesn't even include all the Benis stuff.

That parody comic appeared the actual comics, it's not fanmade. All of it really happened.

This is what happens when you stop telling people to lurk moar


>thinking Sup Forums isn't one of Sup Forums's many subhubs

No, user.
It's just stupid to think that this whole website doesn't have an incredibly huge overlap.

/vr/, Sup Forums, and occasionally since /cock/,
/ck/ here.
I still hate kikes and niggers without having been on Sup Forums in forever.

Sup Forums's infected everything. The board needs to get deleted, it's the only thing that will save Sup Forums.

No, you whining cunts need to leave so everything can return to normal.
Look at what you've done to this thread.

I just got here.

Then kudos on continuing to make it worse, newfag.



I've been coming to Sup Forums for 11 years.




Who made this in the context of the comic?



Speaking of Benids, i'm pretty sure that if not for the FOX embargo, he would have a story of her and Miles hooking up.


It' s a whole chapter of Hank McCoy' s introspection with the Watcher telling him how shit he is.


>Sup Forumsmblr
>one of Sup Forums's subhubs











oh you sweet summer child.

you have no idea the hell that you're in.

now I know you're a newfag. They've tried deleting Sup Forums several times and they always have to bring it back because getting rid of Sup Forums just makes all of Sup Forums Sup Forums

Sup Forums isn't even a containment board. it's more like a bleed off valve to release as much of the pressure as possible.

>now I know you're a newfag

Nigger please, I've been around since '07.

how was this supposed to contain her again?

and in 10 years you never learned this basic fact?

it's autism, isn't it?

>it's autism, isn't it?

Certainly sounds like what you're suffering from considering you're bootyblasted over an user not paying attention to the goings on of an anonymous Bhutanese image board.

>not taking monthly breaks from Sup Forums so you can go outside and accomplish things

I'm sorry for your sad life.

Who was Kitty's best lover, Storm or Illyanna?

Nice samefag, samefag.

why is every thread like this?

We all hate niggers, why does every single thread have to be about how that's arguable?

>going outside
>accomplishing things
Fuck off, normalfag.

>waaaahhhh stop calling me autstic!!

You're really dead set on ruining this thread.
Are you an angry kike or an angry mutie?

because Sup Forums is cancer

No, user, you are the cancer.
You've done all this and I'm sure you've ruined dozens of others threads and are too blind to see your own faults.
Keeping blaming others for your fuckups, though.

>he doesn't realize this board is Sup Forumsmblr
>thinking this is a Sup Forums subhub

Go to Sup Forums, you sheltered lightweights, that's really Sup Forums's subhub.

>You're really dead set on ruining this thread.

I just got here. You seem to have me confused with Maybe you should try posting something else instead of responding to b8, you tremendous retard.

gods no, I went to Sup Forums to see what they thought of the new Doctor.

fucking place is more cancer and Sup Forumsmblr than this board is. Never again if I can help it.

>fucking place is more cancer and Sup Forumsmblr than this board is.
>saying this about Sup Forums jr.
>the board that's full of actual pedophiles, non-stop discourse over liberal actors, daily threads about movies where women get raped and abused, and BLACKED porn threads

Spoken like someone who knows shit about fuck.

>>the board that's full of actual pedophiles
That's every board, user.
Glad to meet you.

hope it's okay but im gonna post some of my own, huge KP mark over here

First day on Sup Forums? Don't take things so seriously.

Go ahead, it would actually get this thread back on track.

Are her scenes programmed into Rogue-Like yet? I heard the threesome code was added in the latest update.


I don't know anything about threesomes, but I know for a fact that you can't fuck her yet.
Also, that footjob scene that was teased ages ago still isn't in.
Oni is mostly un-fucking his shit code right now.