Toffee was a name given to him by Eclipsa. Discuss

Toffee was a name given to him by Eclipsa. Discuss.

This show is shit. Discuss

The idea Eclipsa has a sweet tooth is great.

We have no idea whether Toffee or Eclipsa is older from one another. Toffee might be older than Elcipsa or even her lover.

Though if it is his real name then it would make more sense if she was his parent/owner than his lover. Which mean that the Trigon demon might still exist, too.

I watched the movie the other day (rarely watched the show) and didn't really get it. What the fuck was Toffee's endgame? What was his motivation? After being brought back to life, where was he going when he was walking away while being a coy edgelord to everyone? Was he just walking away because it's dramatic?

How hilarious would it be if Toffee was Eclipsa's lover?
Think of what it would mean.
Eclipsa unknowingly gave Moon the spell to kill her love.

I'm tired of people passing their retarded fan fiction as canon

This actually sounds pretty plausible given her sweet tooth

He was humiliated by 14/F/BK and swore revenge. He corrupted their magic, burned the book, and reversed Moon's victory over him.

He's immortal so he's in no rush. Letting everyone stew in their broken moment was enough for the day.

He wanted his finger back.


i think if they go that direction you can BET that she guessed the one Moon was trying to kill was Toffee

The plan was to fuck up magic so much that the Butterfly family couldn't use the Darkest Spell to kill immortal lizardmen anymore. Now that it was done, he had all the time in the world to go build his army back up, because they can't kill him.

Yeah I didn't get it, he could have simply killed the queen and the royal family bloodline would be gone forever,hell he gave up the kingdom by leaving Luddo body.

>He gave up the kingdom and supreme power for a finger
So he's retarded?

>because they can't kill him
That worked out well.

>he gave up the kingdom by leaving Luddo body.
Would you really want to rule a kingdom in a little bird body via whispers?

Daron called him Toffee because he turned into goo at the end.


That's not how contracts work user

and DEAD was a name given to him by Star and Ludo

Wouldn't it have been great if Toffee whispered into Moon's ear:

"I killed your mother, and now your daughter. Once I return I'll take your people. Only when you are left, may you die."

I'm guessing past cooking experience.

He's a simple man with simple needs. Also immortal. Both of those things are finite. Getting rid of the gaping wound in your hand you will otherwise have forever takes priority.

>Killed her mother and daughter

A swift death really would of been a mercy for Moon.

"You think you've won? Ha! You don't make the plans. I do! Me! Only I know how this all turns out!"

>tfw Toffee never truly had anything but his reputation as le keikaku man and then in the end it turned out he didn't even really have that

I hope he's not gone for real because of that asspull. Disappointing.

What I want to know, is where he got his knowledge of magic from. He obviously didn't know much about it when he first met Moon. When he faced Star he knew about the Whispering Spell and the magic goo inside the wand.

He must have gotten help from someone in the Butterfly family.

I now right. An extra line or two of dialogue could of gone a long way.

He was reading a large book about the wand in Ludo's castle.

Post em pictures.

He seemed to know about Eclipsa's pages of the book, so she probably left the monsters some information before she was imprisoned.

Is that a Bill Cipher wand?

The Avarius family must have been pretty chummy with the Mewmans in the past.

I'm just saying what if Eclipsa finds out that she killed her lover unwittingly and hilarity ensues.

If she did on purpose, well she's a cold-hearted bitch. Still funny though.



I just realised, that if Star was dead and Toffee went away the biggest threat to him would be... Ludo.
I bet that little fucker would just go through everything, stalk Toffee and probably cut him in little pieces, isolate them in containers then fucking burn every piece on a low fire.

Like, I know this is edgy and shit, but Ludo without Stars shenaningans with magic would've become the next biggest threat to Toffee, if he gets himself together.

I know the paintings are embellished but I'm pretty sure the monster we see in it is definitely the lover

I got Pilaf vibes from Ludo. He's a cute little villain, I felt pretty bad for him at points.

>if he gets himself together.
If he didn't get tossed in the void to go on another LitW vision quest, Ludo wouldn't have been a threat to anybody. Just would have been mindbroken. Smashing Toffee brought him back

> anything other then a nuisance

Ludo may be a goof but he's a disciplined goof. When he goes for something he fucking goes for it, failure or not. It's how he managed to go on his own for so long

What if it was Toffie who also betrayed Eclipsa and her monster lover instead?
Hence the reason for giving Moon the spell in the first place, other than a ticket to freedom.
>Eclipsa was Toffie's boss instead, maybe?

He was a badass all by himself after he was thrown in the void but before found the wand.

Ludo is just a manchild that hire cheap thugs to do his dirt work, he's not a threat to anyone.

>tfw Toffee's name could have been "Snookers"

He was a good underdog.

>Ludo is just a manchild that hire cheap thugs to do his dirt work
So was every bloodthirsty tyrant throughout the history of mankind.
I mean, Nero for fuck's sake.


That would give her the motivation to actually become a villain.

If Toffee is a child of Eclipsa and named due to a sweet tooth then he must of had a lot of respect for his mom not to change such a ridiculous stupid name.

>Implying thousands of rats ripping you apart so that a manchild would burn those pieces one by one is totally not a threat

And that is only one of the possibilities

I don't know about the monsters, but he earned Eagle, Spider and the rats' respect

i don't think he can control rats anymore, now that he lost a wand. they only obeyed him because he blasted them into submission

FUCK, you know what i just realised?

WHY was he called "THE LIZARD" out of nowheere in the movie? Was it really important to give him a second nickname? Did nefcy tried to fool the audience to make his appearance a suprise? Im pretty sure everyone knew who he was since Moon already mentioned that he was the ruler before starting the flashback,



Reposting my thought

It really did strike me as odd that this guy's name was Toffee. If he had a really silly or an over the top name like Rasticore does, then I'd be like "oh that's the joke" but Toffee isn't silly it's just...weird. For a villain.

And now that we know Eclipsa's really into sweets, there has to be some kind of correlation. Or not. Just would be a weird coincidence

>Toffee has a wife and she calls him Snookers
Its so ridiculous it might actually be true

Oh shit nigga

He did want Moon to be alive to feel miserable over her daughter and mother being dead. I guess that was more important to him than killing her.

They feared him because of the wand, but they served him him because he got them corn, not because of the wand

Theres too many immortal monsters for her to think she meant Toffee. And last time she saw him was probably waaay beofre he became a warmonging rebel

I like the theory that powerful generals being given candy names is some kind of weird tradition she accidentally started back when she was free.

The idea of Eclipsa and Toffee having anything to do with each other is absurd. His death wouldn't have been the condition to set her free if they were in cahoots.

See, now, that assumption doesn't 100% have weight because of Moon never actually namedropped Toffee. In fact, I don't think she mentioned it was a lizard

what if you saw star getting into a strange man's car

well he doesn't have that going for him now whatsoever

>The idea of Eclipsa and Toffee having anything to do with each other is absurd.
Didn't his shoulder armor have spades on it?

Either this, because it looks like 'TFOE," or both.

>tfw season 3 finale will probably be a super form battle between Star and Eclipsa
I hope Marco gets a tentacle monster form so he can get a cool fight scene too

That's why he's starting over from scratch. I think Eagle and Spider still cared about him though

All that magic was Toffee, not Ludo. Ludo only knows one fucking spell

Moon Okay, what do you want?
Eclipsa My freedom.
Moon What?!
Eclipsa Oh, I know. It's a lot to ask. But... I've just been here so long, all by myself. I want to buy my own chocolate. Or those little shrink-wrapped muffins at the bottom. Mmm!

There is just too much connection to her and sweet things. And the fact that they only told his name to Moon after she alreeady made a deal makes this very likely that they are indeed connected.

Spider is best girl

Ludo is literally a crybaby who thought growing up as a midget with siblings who picked on him was the equivalent of having a hard life

Speaking of Eagle and Spider, i still didn't quite get how they got back to Mewni after being teleported on Earth

This is the moment where i need to use this gif. Ludofags are just too cirngy.

And Star loses right?

i'd get in with her

I swear if this is what Daron had envisioned since introducing Toffee she is an absolute mad woman

He was annoyed when Moon called him out on his stupid name. He seem to really respect that name or he would want to call himself "the lizard"

That's when Marco has his PLUS ULTRA moment

It's a coincidence. If there was any link between Eclipsa and Toffee, it would have been brought up the moment Moon spoke to Eclipsa about getting a means to kill him. Toffee is immortal but no one knows when he was born and everything Eclipsa has done wasn't considered evil until after she was imprisoned


Pilaf was a relatively smart villain. He had the means to locate the Dragon Balls, and his plans to defeat his enemies would have worked just fine if he didn't so happen to be dealing with Goku, who becomes one of the most powerful heroes in the history of storytelling. Pilaf is unlucky. Ludo is unlucky and self-defeating. But still, you feel for him anyway.

Glossaryk is the Bene Gesserit and Star is his Kwisatz Haderach.

You know that scene with him constantly trying to roast the pudding in the fire? That's a metaphor for his continuing process to create the perfect conduit for Magic.
All his past creations were failures. But Star succeeded.

This Toffee business is all according to keikaku

Someone needs to make a gif of when Ludo smashed Toffee with a pillar.


Good point.

Good get.

>All his past creations were failures. But Star succeeded.
But that doesn't make sense. Yes Star succeeded but it's because of the piece of pudding he was roasting and managed to get perfect in the first place. I mean, that's why he had soup, to mimic the "skimming and dipping" metaphor about soup that he made in season 2

I still can't believe like half the shit in the "Toffee" episode actually happened

>I don't mean my horns, Marco

Except Eclipsa not knowing that she killed him might be the trigger to her becoming a threat. Moon didn't even mentnion that he was a lizard. She just called him an "immortal thing".

>Yes Star succeeded but it's because of the piece of pudding he was roasting and managed to get perfect in the first place.
The little sphere of magic wasn't literally that bead of roasted pudding.
It was a metaphor.
Like the soup.

The idea that the Mewmans would have a book like that lying around at all, particularly in the hands of monsters seems weird.

I wasn't talking about magic

>The little sphere of magic wasn't literally that bead of roasted pudding.
Yes it was. If not, then what was he making it for? It was even in a sphere shape that birthed the new unicorn, I thought it was obvious

I doubt it was acquired legitimately.

Not to mention that if Toffee was so important to Eclipsa, she would have been able to connect the dots the moment Moon spoke of him. There's no relation between the two

There are a lot of races living in that Mewman village, how many countries are on their world?

>she would have been able to connect the dots the moment Moon spoke of him
How? There are many immortals that Moon could be talking about. Why would Eclipsa's mind immediately go to Toffee?