Mark Waid Flash Storytime Part 10

Previous Threads:

Let's do it.










Where'd you find good scans, OP?











Jay and Max and qjesee quick are coming back.












Shit pulse will never exist again.

Based Didio

bumping for OP






Any idea why Messner-Loebs's Flash and WW runs are uncollected? It strikes me as odd.






Are you going to storytime Johns Flash too, user?


I was gonna ask actually and if people wanted me too I totally have no issue with it.


I remember Jay was a member of the jla.


It's almost time for Human Race!


Yep! That will be storytimed tonight!



Morrison must have a field day whenever he gets to write Flash with all the crazy ass stunts he can have him pull


I swear the guy uses the Speed Force as a metaphorical symbol of progressing the plot.
























>Throwing out a bunch of Scottish/British references/phrases



Why is McCulloch so Based and why is Scudder so lame?













