Every board is allowed one meta thread

Every board is allowed one meta thread.

Should THICC posting be banned?

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Inb4 thread is flooded with THICCness.

I really can't wait for the niggerspeak fad to end.


Yes, along with any other fetish or cheesecake image dump. There are multiple other boards for that.

I agree. Jap Moot needs to make /fat/ and let us post in peace.

nah, who cares

can we just have a rosianna thread instead?
it feels like i havent seen one in ages

inb4 404

Probably because the author quit.

When will the persecution end?


Shut up, thicc threads are one of the only good things about this shit board

>Should THICC posting be banned?
No, it's annoying and gross half the time(due to people that don't know the difference between fat, thick and inflation/slob), but it doesn't deserve a ban until it becomes NSFW.

But what should be banned automatically are those fucking Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr screenshot threads of Sup Forums creators saying something political, just so people can start arguing about SJWs/Trump/personal Politics and the like and hiding it under the flimsy guise of "They make stuff for Sup Forums, therefor what they say is Sup Forums related". Some artist/writer/content creator saying something political in a tweet isn't Sup Forums just because they work in cartoons/comics.

He seems to be under the delusion that he'll have a real job in the animation industry one day, so he quit the only successful thing he's ever done.


Just ban the stupid word with two cs, put a word filter over it

what a fucking retard

Since we're banning words why not ban nigger, faggot, niggerfaggot, and every other word that somebody doesn't like.

Fucking this, Sup Forums has become a stealth Sup Forums board

>Ban everything I don't like!
Of course Sup Forumsmblr would want more speech control

Thic.c Boy that was hard to get around.

They banned our actual fat threads, at least let us have stealth fat threads.