If he had chosen to be more like Goku instead of Superman he could've just blasted the missile out of the sky with a...

If he had chosen to be more like Goku instead of Superman he could've just blasted the missile out of the sky with a Kamehameha or some shit instead of blowing up like a retard.

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But he chose to be a pacifist, not a saiyan

You can be a pacifist and still use laser beams. There was no reason for the Giant to not use his crazy alien weapons to shoot down the nuke and live happily ever after.

But he did live, asshole.

If he had chosen to be more like Goku instead of Superman he would have had a son and sent him to take care of the missile, only to realize his son can't handle that shit and sacrifice himself when the missile explodes, only for the missile to regenerate itself more powerful than ever and return to Earth to fight his son again

And that's why only teenagers like DBZ.

the hero we need


I think you're rather missing the point here, OP.

The reason he couldn't use his guns is because his gun subsystems were directly tied to his rage and bloodlust. He couldn't have activated them unless he had a reckless disregard for life, but then he wouldn't have had any reason to save everyone to begin with.

He literally was a weapon, but the only way he fired was if his anger pulled the trigger. It all ties back into a giant (heh) visual allegory for the old adage- guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people. You can only truly murder someone once you hate them more than you love them; guns don't make pacifists into murderers and their absence doesn't make aspirant killers into lambs, they just make the inevitable happen that much faster.

The obvious loophole is that he could just hate the missile and blow it to hell, but seeing as his last fit of rage destroyed half the town and only through sheer luck didn't leave a corresponding body count to match, I believe he was too terrified of what he was capable of and couldn't summon that concentrated hatred again- certainly not in time to stop the missile.

The only option left was to stop the missile mid-flight as a person, not as a gun.

There is also the fact that it's set in the fucking cold war. Goku didn't exist at that point

The Iron Giant is way more like Goku than Superman anyway.

They're all aliens who crash landed on earth but only 2 of them
>were sent to earth to conquer it
>hit their head and forget their original purpose
>sacrifice themselves to save everyone from an explosion (Cell)

I´m not crying, you are crying.

Iron Giant Super reveals he dooms us all with his friendship to child gods

>you go, I stay. No following

So you mean he powers up for 20 episodes.
O well, the bomb has hit ground
there all fucking dead.
all of them.

And then he wishes them back with the soviet dragon balls

A better Superman movie then Man of Steel.

what about three and four?

If it did just shot the missile down, how much longer until someone else tries to destroy it? It's better if the world thinks it's destroyed, otherwise the people around him will just get caught in another nuclear blast.

I'm not saying power always invites opposition, but in this case a giant robot with the capability to destroy a city in a day is too good of an advantage to ignore. Shit would hit the fan.

so another 20 episodes of nothing happening.

>He literally was a weapon, but the only way he fired was if his anger pulled the trigger.
He almost blew Hogar's head off when he had a squirt gun, so that's objectively incorrect.

How does one miss the point of the movie so hard?

Has anyone called out Goku for being a massive piece of shit for dooming trillions upon trillions of lives yet, all in the name of his selfish desire to fight strong things at any cost?

Are you talking about this?
This scene, clearly showing the giant getting a war trauma trigger from the gun that subconsciously unlocked something dormant in the giant, and which he clearly didn't mean to do, let alone have control over?
That's what you're going to reference to show he has enough control over his guns to put down a missile?

Everyday on Sup Forums. He's pretty much the villain of the show now.

>This scene, clearly showing the giant getting a war trauma trigger from the gun that subconsciously unlocked something dormant in the giant, and which he clearly didn't mean to do, let alone have control over?
Wait, is the Giant a metaphor for PTSD?

I meant within the show itself.
Or has nobody in universe realized that Vegeta turned into Goku and Goku turned into Vegeta.

>People being weapons even when they don't want or mean to be
>"You are who you choose to be!"


I love you OP

No, I'm saying that his guns weren't activated by autistic rage, so your analysis is fucking stupid.

They were activated by people shooting him, which would make him enter "war mode" or whatever, where he wasn't in control of his actions.

The only question is whether he would interpret a nuke as "being shot at", not whatever faggot shit you're on about.

Why does he always remind me of news of the world?

Better man of steel than the man of steel.

Not that I'm aware of. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
The movie takes place in 1957. I don't think it's too far fetched to compare the Giant to a soldier with PTSD. Imo, the only way it could be more obvious is if he had a flamethrower.

Everyone from the other universes hates and shits on Goku, including the HEROES OF JUSTICE OF THE BRAVE AND BEAUTIFUL UNIVERSE 11: THE PRIDE TROOPERS.

because he's a giant robot...
you incredibly silly man

Except for the part where he literally reverses his brain trauma through sheer anger after he thought Hog Hug was dead

>silly man

It wasn't trauma, and his "war mode" turned off once he thought the the threat was neutralized.


But friendo that's wrong

>not trauma

He had part of his head caved in, rendering him a childlike being largely of instinct, reacting to perceived threats and necessities instinctively or without memory (learning to fly and his eye beams)

When the bump was reversed, he was able to willfully access his entire arsena

Whether he was attacking fully in anger or was lost in his programming I couldn't say but there were dozens of hostile targets around him and yet it was only when Hogarth talked him down that he reverted and disarmed, so no his war mode didn't just turn off for lack of targets

>There are no consequences for detonating a nuke in the atmosphere


He was being shot at the entire time he was trying to run from the military, and his "war mode" never activated. If anything, he actively PREVENTED it from activating to keep Hogarth safe and avoid hurting others.

It's only when they "kill" Hogarth that he goes full murderbot.


that's still an issue with the original ending though, what difference does it make if he shoots it with a laser or physically meets it in the air? the fall out is going to fuck everyone either way

Maybe he blew it up before the atmosphere was reached?

I dunno. Dudes survived one way or another I guess

get a room fags

Look at the own fucking scene you posted, retard.

Hogar points a gun at him and fires.
The Giant's eyes turn red, as he immediately starts scanning the GUN.
He blasts at Hogar, until he thinks he's dead.
Then slowly, his eyes turn back to normal, and shakes his head, returning to his passive state.

He wasn't attacking out of anger, or trauma, but his programming.

The entire thing was caused by THE GUN, which he was PROGRAMMED to respond to.

Seriously, watch the damn movie again, or at least consider hownfuxking stupid it would be to program a robot to have insane PTSD, instead of programming it to respond to perceived threats.

The Giant would killed everyone in a childish tantrum

Did you not see the part where he literally had to cover his eyes to keep from scanning the threat, and reverting into murdermode?

1. For all of a second, before he kept looking at the bomber and searching for a way he could maneuver around it and escape it, yeah. By your logic, he'd have auto-gunn'd every time he say anything with armaments in it.

2. Furthermore, by your logic, he would've turned into a gun and shot down the missile- and the ship it came from, probably- at any point while it was in flight and he was rushing up to meet it. Why didn't he?

3. Which is more likely- that the robot in a children's film is its own character, dealing with anger and trauma and learning the value of human life, or the entire time it was just a projection from the audience that wasn't there and the animators made a robot that was really nothing more than a robot who was going through its programming all along? Because I don't think you appreciate how amazingly cynical your proposal is.


>or at least consider hownfuxking stupid it would be to program a robot to have insane PTSD, instead of programming it to respond to perceived threats.

It's almost like crashlanded alien robots who emulate children might have defects in their programming which make them behave abnormally! Shock and awe!

>By your logic, he'd have auto-gunn'd every time he say anything with armaments in it.
He did, if they were involved in shooting at him. It was clearly a visual cue thing, that had a delay of a few seconds, as already established before.

>and the ship it came from, probably- at any point while it was in flight and he was rushing up to meet it. Why didn't he?
I already covered this point.

>3. Which is more likely- that the robot in a children's film
I don't think you realize how faggy your proposal is. The entire movie made a theme of the fact that the robot was capable of learning, everything from speaking English, to his own destructive programming, which he had to learn to override.

Your faggot shit about "trauma" is you projecting your own broken mess of a life onto a movie that had nothing to do with that.

You are puzzlingly upset about the possibility of a robot having feelings


It's puzzling you think the entire plot of the movie was "poor widdle wobot hurt by meanie old Russians so he's got PTSD trauma".

You missed literally all of the movie is that's what you got out of it.

So he was an alien killbot that came to Earth to fuck us up but because he got a bump in the head he was able to unlearn his programming?

No, he was some kind of Russian weapon with a capacity for learning. He was programmed to respond violently to weapons being shot at him, but some kid finds him and teaches him how to be more than a weapon.

It's a lot about nature vs. nurture and choosing what kind of person you want to be.

T. Mansley

Goku wasn't quite as prominent in the 50's as Superman.

Besides the Russian shit that makes a lot of sense.

They ripped off his design from the robots in the Origins level of Nazi Zombies in Black Ops 2. Maybe he's Nazi.

it was an anti gun movie so they had to go with the self suicide route

Goku did nothing wrong

>Should have said: But he chose to be a pacifist, just saiyan.
So much wasted potential.

>those alternate ending storyboards that showed the Giant calling for reinforcements and hundreds of robots approaching the Earth

would have been a great sequel