Toonami Ratings for 7/15/17

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders will replace Attack on Titan on July 29.

Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans S2 will replace Tokyo Ghoul in October.

Adult Swim is funding two new 6 episode seasons of FLCL. Set for 2018.

Last week, we started the healing process of having Jack out of 11. While it wasn't a huge boost, most agreed the short notice was to blame and we would see more improvement this week. And instead things actually did worse, with Kai pulling some record lows. Perhaps there really was no cure for the cancer Toonami has.

11:30 Dragon Ball Super (r) 855 0.41 522
12:00a Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 741 0.35 446
12:30a Attack on Titan 659 0.31 392
1:00a Tokyo Ghoul 575 0.26 338

1:30a Hunter X Hunter 555 0.24 312
2:00a Lupin the 3rd: Part 4 523 0.22 283
2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 504 0.20 257
3:00a Ghost in the Shell (r) 442 0.17 221
3:30a Samurai Jack (r) 419 0.17 215

Other urls found in this thread: bebop&src=typd

Or perhaps Venture Brothers is that cancer, sure looks like it

8:00 Dragon Ball Super 0.41 637 0.26 334
8:30 Samurai Jack (r) 0.29 456 0.17 218
9:00 Rick & Morty (r) 0.36 543 0.22 280
9:30 Rick & Morty (r) 0.42 598 0.26 333

10:00 Venture Brothers (r) 0.33 474 0.22 283
10:30 Family Guy (r) 0.48 746 0.33 425
11:00 Family Guy (r) 1019 0.46 596

Nothing special here

4:00a Rick & Morty (r) 447 0.19 239
4:30a Rick & Morty (r) 437 0.18 231

5:00a King of the Hill (r) 420 0.18 226
5:30a King of the Hill (r) 435 0.20 251


>shitting on venture bros.

Ha ha get the fuck out.

Dragon Ball Meme reruns are rerunning this block into the ground

I admire your dedication.

OP is one of the whiniest faggots of all time.

>those ratings
It deserves it

What's gonna Replace, Ghost in the Shell?

2nd gig probably

Are the ratings normally that low during summer?

Weekly reminder that One Piece is the best selling manga WORLDWIDE!

I'd like Bebop or Dandy, but we all know that Demarco hates those shows and refuses to rerun them.

>during x season
Never has been an excuse. People blame all four seasons for bad ratings

No one will ever see a Sawyer/Chinish/Lofton signoff.

Honestly for all the shit you guys gave Home Movies, Jack and Venture's ratings are far more atrocious. Low ratings in a historically dead slot is one thing but in the VB's case it's just horrible. Nothing in the 10 PM slot should ever be that low especially that close to the block.

>12:30a Attack on Titan 659 0.31 392
>1:00a Tokyo Ghoul 575 0.26 338
>1:30a Hunter X Hunter 555 0.24 312


>That Venture Bros. performance compared to Family Guy

It's like seeing a moldy Big Mac outsell a perfect steak.

I know you're always posting this for some (You)s, but there is a noticeable difference between the One Piece manga and the One Piece anime.

Never trust Toei.

>Nothing above 900k
I know we've been memeing this for awhile but it really is almost over this time, huh?

Where you belong:

Could they add My Hero Academia to get more people?

Can anyone explain the numbers? the first number is the number of thousand viewers but what are the next two?

As if anything could save this sinking ship
Though that or LWA would be pretty welcome additions when Lupin & IBO S2 ends


awww look at those ratings! You poor toonamifags. Meanwhile...

>One Piece Fuji TV July 9 (Sun) 9:30
>rating of 6.6


They need more Monster or fight of the week episodes. Dragonball is OK in that regard but the first 2 arcs are just retellings of the 2 movies so anyone who saw them (Most of the fans) are not gonna want to sit around and watch them.

Wew that's a new one, thanks lad
id pay good money for that spinoff, shame even main BL material is rarely made

Nope, Funimation gave it to Hulu. Anyways, that generic shit is what's killing the block

>brand new episode
>aired where it's actually popular at a decent time
What's next, you gonna tell me the Super Bowl got good ratings?

>not holding the voice thing to her throat
>not wearing the choker one

How come season 2 is only sub while the Dub is already out?

She confessing something important, but you can't hear it.

Getting a new chapter every month, last one 10 pages[/spoilers]

Funimation is using the dub to sell their subscription service.

Because subscription services love to find ways to push people to illegal streams

Is that why almost every anime on Hulu is Sub only? I just want to watch The Slayers in bed damnit!

The decimal is the percentage of people who tuned into the show out of total viewers. Say that a hundred million people are watching television on a given and that twenty million of them watch a show.

So it'd look like:

20000 20.0 15000

The third number is the total viewers of that target demographi; in this case, the 18-49 age bracket.

So Kai had 741,000 total viewers for the midnight showing of which 446,000 were the key 18-49 demographic and slightly over a third of a percent of the entire television audience tuned in to watch it.

>How dare they make us pay to watch something those greedy corporate bastards!

>pay for our extremely limited service!

If they want paying customers, stop holding shit back you can find in 5 second with a google search


This subscription shit & the illegal streams is what's really killing the block.

They aren't really making us. We can torrent any of it as easily as ever. They might as well seed the ass/srt files themselves.

>Senpai Guy that low


In other news Viceland UK is airing two episodes Cowboy Bebop every weekday at midnight (right now) bebop&src=typd

How bad is AS as a whole doing?

>Giving Vice views

Not as good as One Piece.

Holy shit, the future refused to change.

So from what I see & It looks like 11pm FG hit 1M, then we lose about 15% of that going into Super and it steadily goes down from there. Since the last ep. of Titan is this Saturday, I wonder if he's just going to drop GITS and put Titan there or are we just going to drop Titan altogether?

It's like he made some bets which would've been smart 3 years ago, but are backfiring in the worst way now.

I can see why your ratings threads dont even last a day anymore.

God damn. Seeing those ratings made me think of that anime block that was on syfy for like 3 days on a monday at 5 in the morning.

They'd last longer if we would just turn them into One Piece threads like everyone wants.

You mean Chiller? I don't think that we're looking at a Chiller end right away, but this is not a good sign.

At this point, just about everyone everywhere is free of school/work obligations, but if we're this bad now with no school to deal with, I can only imagine how bad August will be when people actually go back.

After how bad AoT did during the marathon I don't see it getting a rerun

>familk guy is a perfect steak
Yeah ok

The manga maybe but Toei made the series downright unwatchable. They spend almost 1/3rd of an episode on recap and the episode to chapter ratio is downright abysmal and makes every action and plot advancement feel unnecessarily dragged out. OP honestly needs the Kai treatment if it ever wants to be watchable again.

> slightly over a third of the entire television audience tuned in

wait, that's really good right?

a third of a PERCENT

that's really bad

August is typically one of Toonami's strongest months out of the year because new shows get injected around that time.

What's their schedule like?

New shows for this August
>Jojo Part 3
>IBO Season 2
It really is over, isn't it?

There's also this:

Toonami's dead
Bury it
Consider it mercy.

Even as a Jojo fan, it's obvious that DeMarco fucked up way beyond salvation with a lot of shitty animes.


IBO S2 comes in October when TG: Root A is over with. Those are gonna be the last two anime we get this year. 2018 looks a bit different since the Buu Saga should be done by then, but since after August, DeMarco has grounds to run a marathon every month (with 2 in December), it remains to be seen.

Don't get me wrong, I liked part 1 and thought part 2 was god tier for me but even I know that Part three's gonna be a ratings disaster. Normies'll tune in for the first few weeks because 'muh memes'. Once they realize they'd be here for over a year, they'll either back off the series entirely or binge it online. DESU, I'm not really looking forward to part 3 either. Part 1 was kinda slow but Jonathan, Dio and Speedwagon made it alot more enjoyable. Part 2 was pretty fun by itself but Joseph really made watching it worthwhile. I just don't think Jotaro'll pique my interest like the previous Jojo's did.

That all sounds just awful.

The only real way to stem the bleeding now is to go further back and pick up lesser known shows and just keep DBZ and Super as staples and rotate them out every 12 weeks. After IBO S2, we'll get one opening, because everything else will still be running then. They might use the opening for FLCL S2 & 3 or maybe that's the point - lasting long enough to get those two shows aired and then dying.

how is twitch doing so much better than toonami with anime

>Mob Psycho 100

Hot damn. With every studio wanting to capitalize on their own streaming service, Toonami is in a really tough spot.

Someone should do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on Toonami. I'm on vacation for once, so I just might do it if the thread sticks around long enough.

>Toonami used to advertise the very service killing it

For the first two years, no less.

>DeMarco has grounds to run a marathon every month (with 2 in December), it remains to be seen.
The fuck?

Doesn't he know marathons are ratings cancer?

He doesn't seem to care.

He must know, but don't you know how important Halloween is? It's when people go and spend time with their families!

As it stands:

>September: Labor Day
>October: Halloween
>November: Thanksgiving
>December: Christmas/New Years Eve

Anyone have the episode counts for our currently airing shows?

Titan Finale's this week and yet I have absolutely no interest in watching.

If Luffy can't defeat Big Mom, how does he expect to defeat Kaido?

Does my waifu survive?

Pretty sure Toonami doesn't have a say in what ads run, otherwise they'd stop showing these ads for hip aids.

>twitter trends
Basically meaningless

With the help of his nakama.
TL note: nakama means friends

Yeah but the network probably does. They had to have realized that CR was going to come into direct conflict with the block it was advertising on.

Advertising money is money to them. You seem to forget that Cartoon Network is OWNED by Time Warner, but actively gets fucked over by Warner Bros and fucks over Warner Bros because of advertising and toy profits.

Huge nostalgia factor
Once a week
Very occasionally gets some kind of world premiere

Have you not read/watched part 3 before or something?

Apparently she shows up like a year from now

Nope. The block airing Pts 1 & 2 was the first time watching the series.

Fear the day when this airs on Toonami.

Give it to me straight anons, as somebody who doesn't keep up on ratings, what are the chances Toonami survives the next year?

They'll drag this block's morbid remains across the line into 2018 at least until FLCL S2 & 3 airs. Only after FLCL bombs (which it will) will they finally pull the plug and let this block experience the sweet release of death. Buckle up, user, it's gonna be a long, painful ride.

It's funny how r/Toonami is telling themselves that those shows will help the block.

> Those shows had great ratings when they were on and their return will help bring the night up.

> Uhh, excuse me. But didn't they suffer from horrible retention from their lead-in? Toonami's ratings are noticeably lower now, so do you really think bringing those shows is a good idea? Hell, people here complained about how they were hurting the block when they were on, so it might make a bad situation worse.

> No really, look at their ratings and the demographics. They did fine and will do fine if their fans come back.

>We only have 1 episode of Attack on Titan season 2 left


No show can help the block as long as it's being spearheaded by reruns, be it Samurai Jack or Super. Seriously, whose brilliant idea was it to start the block with fucking reruns?

>After Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan we won't have any new shows until half a year into 2018

Welp, we had a good run
Though i am looking forward to both IBO and Jojo along with HxH

It was a simulcast dub so pretty much everyone who is truly interested in this show saw the finale online weeks ago.

Looks like Demarco is the weak link. The timing is suspect, but when else would it run? I had read something about Crunchyroll lowering the quality of their streams on purpose, but people still seem to be signing up.

nah, the simulcast dub episodes are only put up the day after the toonami airing

The subs are still out though.

2018 is looking to be the final year

It's pretty funny going back into their old ratings threads and seeing the first post shitting on how bad Jojo or IBO is doing