Get me pictures of that web-swinging menace, Spider-Man...

get me pictures of that web-swinging menace, Spider-Man, Sup Forums! I want them on my desk by six o' clock sharp or you're gonna be cleaning out your desk!

Other urls found in this thread:

Got your usual pics, Jonah.


Public nudity! Another entry on Spider-Man's extensive criminal record. Good work, Sup Forums. You'll have your check by the end of the day.

Sir, this is like the fourth time this week that you've put spiderman on the front page.

Isn't there that trial or something the hulk's sister is doing defense for? How about something like that? For a while at least... I think the layout editor at least would welcome working with something other than blue and red.

Seriously, what the fuck was his problem?

And why was Ed Asner's voice made for this role?


When are we doing the She-Hulk bikini shoot?


>never heard of ed asner
>check his previous work
Holy shit so much awesome stuff
He was fucking cosgrove


It's next Wednesday, user. Now get back to writing those comic strips for the bugle! The one with the orange cat always makes me laugh!

and you, Ms. Jolly Green Giant! Spider-Man is always causing trouble for this city, and the people need to know! He's always costing the city millions of taxpayer dollars in damages whenever one of those other costumes freak shows up!

People like me and user over there get our wallets gutted while you and your friends in the mansion or tower or wherever you congregate nowadays sit back and wait for the next creep to show up!


If you've watched cartoons since the '90s, you've definitely come across his voice several times. He was even in Up.

Hey Jameson, check out what i found

What are your real intentions towards Spiderman, Mr. Jameson? Are you perhaps hiding some lewd repressed homosexual urges towards him?

Yeah the voice just fits everything looking through it. Once I remembered he was in the boondocks I forgot I once read that ed wuncler was based on him visually.

Are you trying to blackmail me with poorly drawn pornography? Get out of my office, you scum. I'll see that never work in this town again!


I remember the first time I ever read a Spider-Man comic. I didn't know anything about Spider-Man, and I was young enough that I only knew a little bit about WWII too. I could recognize Hitler, but I didn't know, like, when the war happened, or that Hitler was dead.

So when this guy who appeared to be Hitler suddenly showed up without introduction or explanation and it became clear Peter Parker worked for him, I was INCREDIBLY confused.

Spider-Man, chief? SAY NO MORE!

listen up, you crazies! I am not having sexual relations with that webbed wackjob. I have a wife, and a son who's an accomplished astronaut! If any of you bring this up again inside the walls of this building I will personally published an article about your embarrassing dismissal from the Daily Bugle staff!

Sorry Morales, we're not accepting applications.

J Jonah Jameson doesn't care about black people

If you want to see those, ask Ms. Walters. All she does is walk around and crush all my good chairs, I'm sure she'd be bored enough to say yes.

>had a wife

>read this thread in jk Simmons voice
Help I am crying this is too good

Here is a good pic of Spidey Mr Jameson!

A lot of good men and women died that day, you stunted ass. Get out of my office.

Security, make sure user is not allowed inside the Bugle from this day forward.


But sir it is just a still from this footage found of Spiderman!

fun fact: JJJ and Parker represented the relation between Ditko and Stan Lee

Pic related came just before Ditko left

come on, you louts! Doesn't anyone in this office have something good?

I do

Are there ore of these?

Hey jj, spiderman's been doing some weird stuff that you should see

Look at him, it's disgusting. Write up an article about how the webhead is a terrible role model for children. We can work on some more material later!


I - I can't make heads or tails or these. It's like a fever dream. If this is what Spider-Man has been doing in between bouts of destroying public property, we can spin this as his final descent into madness. Good find though, user.

did he died?

What are your thoughts on the shady people Spiderman hangs out with?

Hey, JJJ, this might prove Spidey might have a different identity!

Hitler had his stache and look based on JJ.

to be honest user, I can't tell them apart from the regular rabble these days. All I know is that one of these days I'm gonna lose my car when one of them gets flung onto it from three blocks away...

>persecuting a black superhero

Why is JJJ so racist?

This ones for JJ!

Oh man, those Elsa and Spidey Jewtube videos are so autistic.


Imagine if you will, everything is canon in this thread. Well at least it's better than Slott's shit.

JJ i have proff that spiderman hides dangerous weapons in that suit of his. also that he likes hanging around playgrounds a little too much

Perfect! Get that story on the front page of the next paper that leaves this building!

Nobody reads newspapers anymore, JJ, it's all about the internet now.

that's why I have bottom-feeders like you, user! I pay you to keep the Bugle on the cutting edge, now keep the internet website thing up and your trap shut!

>People like me and user over there get our wallets gutted while you and your friends in the mansion or tower or wherever you congregate nowadays sit back and wait for the next creep to show up!

That's.... a good point actually.

JJ I Got a huge scoop

spidermen indoctrinate teenage girls into weird sex cult. also they like too piss on them too.

"Spider-Man - Teenage Predator!" That'll be sure to turn this city against him!

I would apologize for not citing you work, user, but I don't like you're tie.

Mr. Jameson! Telephone for you, someone claiming to have captured Spider-Man!

That's the best news I've heard since my hippie doctor told me to watch my blood pressure!

Well don't just stand there like an idiot, user, give me the details! Where was it? What happened? Who was involved?

Mr. Jameson a Mr. Raimi is on line one waiting for you, he says its urgent

Jameson, don't you think you should do an article talking about the white man's burden?

thanks doc

False alarm sir, it's two cosplayers posting smutty pictures on the instagram.