You look up to the characters but do you actually look up to the roided 3d actors that play them?

You look up to the characters but do you actually look up to the roided 3d actors that play them?

Nope. It is the idea of Superman that gets me, not just the guy with the 'S' on his chest.

Kill yourself

>he thinks that body suggests steroid usage
you really are clueless arent you

Live-Action adaptations are just fun extras to me. It's no different than being able to see cosplay because of comics being a 2d medium but at the end of the day, nothing pulls off what Sup Forums provides. I'm actually confident that even if they stopped making cape movies altogether, I wouldn't give a fuck because I got tons of comics to backlog.

He's roided as fuck, like all of them.
See also Chris Pratt who's just coming down on roids in Jurassic Worlds, he's fat and has moobs.

>the roided 3d actors that play them?
There's literally nothing wrong with taking steroids

Captain America's entire power is roids

Fuck this racist ass alien

Why does it hurt you to hear to truth that 98% of superhero or action stars in Hollywood do steroids? It's basically how the studios run at this point by providing you a coach, drugs and a contract you sign to never mention the roids.

Partly, i can recognize that some actors do basically sacrifice their life to do their characters justice, but i still find NATTY and FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH to be more inspirational since the people with that shit usually preform FEATS that are inspiring.

The fact that actors generally need to change their body shape between extremes quickly according to roles also make me more lenient on the fact that plenty of them "cheat".

It would be pretty stupid for him to not be on the juice, really. There aren't any health risks if they're taken properly, like under the supervision of a professional paid big bucks by the movie studio to make him look as jacked as possible.

That's gotta be all "personal trainers" actually do for movie stars, right? Any moron can follow a lifting routine and eat the needed calories and protein, but it takes some actual professional knowledge to handle the drugs.

Hell it even fits the character he's portraying. Cap is on super roids, so why shouldn't Evans? The only reason to avoid juicing would be for some ego stroking.

But cap was built on roids though

There are signs of steroid abuse, you're clearly not aware of them. Weight gain is an issue Pratt has struggled with and continues to struggle with - but you are, at least correct, that gynecomastia could be a sure sign of it, but Evans clearly has never exhibited it, or any other signs of steroid use/abuse.

HGH would accomplish some of the same results without any of the side effects, so if they were going to do it, the 'pretty stupid' track would be to be using Steroids and something that's far safer (as your own body produces HGH).

>serum = steroids

Right - steroids cause you to gain 50-100 pounds of pure muscle, enhanced healing, yadda yadda almost instantly. And oh, you drink it from a glass.

Celebrities are zoo animals

One of the fascinating things I heard is that since your muscles are more prominent after you have just worked them out, movie stars are just constantly in a state of having just worked out a few minutes ago, because that is what they do right before every take.


This is true to a degree.

There was a deleted scene from Game of Thrones where Robb, Theon, and Jon do a shirtless scene and they were all talking about how they all did a bunch of crunches before the scene to make their abs stand out more.

I wanna suck on Cap's tits

DC I look up to the characters.

Marvel I look up to the actors and the characters.

Cap, get a fucking bra.

>looking up to a guy paid to play pretend
Unless you mean getting fit, and even then I so much don't respect that as just want it.

I'll bite.
Literally when, you fucking idiot?