ITT-jo jo references in cartoons

ITT-jo jo references in cartoons


This count?

Jojos, this is your mindset.





Why are Sup Forums users so obsessed with jojo? It's fucking embarrassing how autistic they are about it



could it be, the two things i hate most of all?



Why not?

is this jo jo reference a reddit meme?

Just another unfunny meme Sup Forums picked up.

Because those stupid Sup Forums Sup Forums threads or whatever were allowed to go on for far too long by our shit mods. Basically nearly everything wrong with Sup Forums can be traced back to them.

Popular webcomic featuring anthropomorphic characters?
>Better nuke the thread despite the prevailence of anthros in western Sup Forums related media!

Shitty """web novel""" with ZERO Sup Forums related material and clearly belongs on /lit/?
>Sure, let them have a home here!

This, Literally Me, and Stan Lee soul stealing are the shittiest memes on this board.

dont forget rape gordon

The only shitty thing in that should be Batman's dick.

>rape gordon
But thats funny

Shut up, Joker.


Not as embarrassing as someone who bothers posting quads.

are you too fucking retarded to know that this is a bait/falseflagging thread? it's the status quo of Sup Forums to hate anything that becomes even remotely popular. god forbid a group of people like something, better shitpost endlessly about it and make sure everyone hates the fanbase as a result!

fucking kill yourselves

>not "octopus' garden"

I think it started on Sup Forums to annoy people even more at jojo fans