Black Cat is for ___

Black Cat is for ___


Why is she drawn like a fat thighs suburban housewife.

She's so disgusted by Peter being a teen that she threw up on his dick and didn't even apologize? Fuck, bet that did a number on the kid's self-esteem.

Because Peter's endgame is accepting that he doesn't want the emotional responsibilities of a conventional relationship, and that to deny this is toxic for the other people in his life, and before middle-age sets in, he settles for Cat who starts to let herself go and turns full Christmas Cake Mode.

I never liked Ultimate Spider-Man.


my dick

What gets me is that how did she not know he was a kid. Ultimate Spidey canonically sounds like a kid.


>eating a whole pancake yourself

it's no wonder she's so fat

>Not being able to eat a whole pancake yourself.
You're the kind of annoying faggot who goes to restaurants, has two bites of their food, and says they're too full.

Her ass put him to sleep.




Mating press


Character assassination


what chapter is this?

>Flash Thompson
>Luke Cage
>The US Navy

And so on and so on.

She needs her ass kicked more often

>She's so disgusted by Peter being a teen that she threw up on his dick and didn't even apologize? Fuck, bet that did a number on the kid's self-esteem.

Is that the actual context? Because that kind of over-reaction is a little offensive.. Not in the, "oh my goodness, oh my word, I'm off to the tumbles".

But in the sense that I don't find it remotely appropriate or believable that a real human bean would VOMIT if they smooched a 15-16 under false pretenses, like, have you SEEN teenagers these days?

>Luke Cage
When the hell did that happen?

>The US Navy

She made a not-so-subtle comment about Fleet Week being her favorite and most "active" time of the year.

Bendis wrote the story and Ultimate Spidey is overrated.

white bitches with big asses can't resist a big black man. He had She-Hulk too.

I tried googling it and I'm not finding shit.

Here it is being referenced in a panel from Hudlin's Black Panther.

>He had She-Hulk too.

You got that backwards man. She-Hulk fucked Luke Cage, not the other way around.

Is fucking Black Cat a right of passage for street level heroes?

Not really, getting to fuck Black Cat isn't a particularly difficult task, it's more just something they do when they're bored.

Iron Fist never banged her.

fuck yo couch nigga

Danny had misty for a long time. Most heroes either never truly hook up for long or their girlfriend dies. If his solo took place in new york he would probably hit that.

Yeah but he's a cuck boy.

[Spoiler]Kamala's in for a surprise then[/spoiler]

sorry new york only. Jersey needs to get their own town bike.

Hudlin's BP run was trash. None of it should be considered canon.

Kinda cheap, just offhandedly declare two characters fucked and its canon

>hey I had sex with mary jane last week

>remember that time emma frost lost a bet and got gang banged by the illuminati

>The Illuminati
All of them? Charles can't even stand up

all of them

He thinks her an orgasm like with dani moonstar

It's pretty telling though that not many people honestly bat an eye to it. I mean it's Black Cat...she literally slept with Peter's friend just to try and make him jealous. Fucking Luke is not out of her wheelhouse.

I call bullshit. Luke just wanted to sound cool. Isn't he married to JJ anyway?

This was before that I think.He didn't get married until well into the 2000s

>had black cat
It could have been a long time ago and he keeps the old sex couch as a momento.

>i had black cat on that couch

What a strange way of wording it...Almost defensive...

Comic books.

>Magneto is dead
>No wait, he's back disguised as Xorn
>No wait, he's dead
>No wait, Xorn was actually Xorn disguised as Magneto disguised as Xorn
>And here's Xorn's twin brother, Xorn

While I agree with this sentiment...It just felt gross watching Spider-Man do it. I don't care that it was technically Otto.

I'd rather watch her get her ass kicked in a thousand times like this
Than watch Peter Parker in any form do it once.
It just feels gross. Like watching Hank slap Janet. Or Black Bolt watching from the shadows as Medusa sucks his brother's cock.

Pretending to be your gf and stealing your portrait of Doom

This is someone's fetish.

>Not really, getting to fuck Black Cat isn't a particularly difficult task,

It is now that Slott ruined her.
Now she's too much of a massive bitch for casual costumed rooftop flings with everyone under the sun.

Although it is fairly telling that, despite all of the men (And most certainly women) she fucks, she keeps getting drawn back to Spider-Man.
Like all of these various flings are just her petty and misguided way of trying to get Spider-Senpai to notice her and be with her, and every time she fucks a Daredevil or a Luke Cage she isn't thinking "I'm enjoying my time with this man", she's thinking "Spider is going to be SO jealous when he finds out. He'll HAVE to take me back THIS time! He won't be able to keep his hands off me!".
Even during the last few years before OMD she was frequently portrayed as having massive regrets about not giving the Peter Parker half of Spider-Man a chance when she could, and always resolved to swoop in and steal him away from Mary Jane at the first opportunity.

>This is where Black Cat had me- I mean! Where I had Black Cat!







So this is finally a Black Cat pic dump thread, huh? Noice.

>Or Black Bolt watching from the shadows as Medusa sucks his brother's cock.






>ywn have a qt who lusts for you 24/7
It hurts

I swear to go his face gets me every fucking time I see it.
>'what did I do wrong?'
>'does this mean no sex?'
>'aw fuck man why did I take off the mask?'


That was one of the first panels I saw of her about 4 years ago since I had stopped reading. I knew then that I had to start comics again.




>ywn come home to this






This is the dumbest page ever. And people say that this comic is somehow not shit. All Bendis is shit and this is clearly no exception.

Alternate universe genderbend.


He just fisted her.


That explains everything.


>ywn get to lick milk off Black Cat's tits

>ywn get to suck milk out of Black Cat's tits

>putting your tongue where dozens if not hundreds of dicks have been

Wait wasn't Felicia (black cat) the same age as Peter and Gwen?

>he wouldn't make love with Black Cat

I didn't say that. I just wouldn't put my mouth on any part of her body

>worshipping a poor man's Catwoman

Being a Mouseketeer must be a sad existence.

not in Ultimate Spider-Man. different continuity

Black Cat is the patricians choice though. I don't see anyone making threads for Catwoman either.

White hair > Black hair

>wouldn't put my mouth on any part of her body
How much of a disgusting homosexual can one person be?

Frank cho is a national treasure.

>Pete cheating on MJ
Out of character, but hot

>I don't see anyone making threads for Catwoman either.
There's no need. Catwoman is universally known and beloved, she doesn't need shilling. It's like how we don't have Batman or Superman or Wolverine threads.

Funny how these Black Cat threads only pop up when D*sney is thinking about using her...

>dude shills lmao
Hang yourself.