
I'm sure it'll be fine, it's just taking a break.

Don't buy a prepay subscription.

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Waid literately just killed another franchise
fuck that autist

>More Archie horror in Oct.


Anyways, maybe the main book is going on hiatus because of a main character dying tomorrow?

>a main character dying tomorrow

looks like that was a bait-and-switch



I knew they weren't stupid enough to kill off a character but I figured they wouldn't mind putting one in a wheelchair. I just thought it would be Reggie.

What the fuck is going on here?

Basically the New Riverdale books aren't selling nearly as well as Archie was hoping. Jughead was canceled and Archie, in true Jon Goldwater fashion, is resorting to cheap publicity stunts.

Pic related, Betty was paralyzed in a fucking car accident.

That sucks that jughead was canned. And what the fuck happened there?
Are they street racing or some shit and some dude just happened to be driving right in to the middle of the race or something?

In those October solicits it looks like there's no New Riverdale ongoings remaining. I'm assuming The Archies isn't in the NR universe given that Betty is able-bodied in it.

That's exactly right, actually. Betty was trying to stop Archie and Reggie, and in an ironic twist made things a million times worse.

So then the real question is, Why the fuck wasn't anyone at the end point making sure no one would fucking drive in to the middle of it?

because the plot demand it

>The flagship Archie book isn't in October's solicits
What? I was looking forward to Mok's Art
Waid is a fuckin' Pussy!

What about Betty and Veronica?

so betty's going to be the token cripple?

hahaha waid is trash.

I've never read Archie, but from what I know it's a light-hearted series, why do they need to make an edgy book? I can understand (sorta) an edgy TV show, but changing the main book so much is beyond stupidity. Didn't they learn nothing from Marvel?

Good riddance.

Nice falseflag

Is that fucking reggie

Their leadership is incompetent at best. The fact that they, a big-time comic book company, was stupid enough to try and kickstart a new series speaks leagues about them. Could you imagine the shitstorm if Marvel made a GoFundMe to make a new Iron Man comic?

They think by making their main Archie comic a drama with more realistic looking art, they'll attract the 18-34 crowd They should have focused on the kids crowd and watch that fanbase grow with fond memories of the simple stories they could pass onto their children.

They gave up the Mega Man rights because it was a tad expensive, but it more than made up the price. They're going to lose the Sonic rights because they were out-smarted by Ken Penders and never got a copy of his contract.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney bought out Archie Comics as well. Might make for a cute cartoon on Disney XD

"Betty & Veronica" is now going to be all about Veronica's attempts to finger-fuck the sensation back into Betty's legs.

Aren't they already going back to the old style with a new series "Your Pal, Archie"?

>Jughead canceled
Please tell me this is not true

Pretty sure that was a 3 issue limited series. Not that it matters, it took 12 months to publish those three issues anyway.

>Archie Horror
It's nice to see a third issue of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina this year and the new Jughead: The Hunger series, but what's taking Afterlife with Archie so long to catch up? I thought it would be back around the same time as Chilling Adventures.

Blame Waid. I sure do. For a lot of things.

They were dumb enough to fuck over Sonic's comics for good up until now, where they're probably going to lose one of their biggest clients.

Don't expect Archie to last much longer unless they undergo some serious changes.

I definitely blame him. I cannot believe we're at the point where Waid's name on a comic is a guarantee that it's shit.

I don't understand what Archie Comic's deal is. These books have buzz but then they go on these long hiatuses that kills any interest that people have in the book. They even fucked up the Riverdale ongoing at it's launch when they delayed the release date for whatever reason.

See now Riverdale is going to get more shit for this. 'WHY ISN'T BETTY DISABLED REEEEE'

How hard is it to keep a schedule? I actually really liked this iteration and loved the art but this current arc seems like such a gimmick.

This is looking like everything Waid's run should have been.

Oh god she is so hot.

Just read the latest issues after seeing this thread and fuck Betty is dumb, a simple drag race fucking left her paralyzed, I am also sad because this kills Betty/Reggie pairing. FUCK. But honestly how daft do you have to be to fucking stop in front of a moving fucking car.

Still not muh Archie

Where's the Double Digests at

considering all the sjw trash they put in the new books I´m not surprised nobody is buying them.
only thing it has in common with the original archie comics are the names

Here you go

>Dan Parent
fuck, that shit is worse

I literally JUST bought the first trade and it begins and ends with Stales and Waid respectively talking mad shit about being true to the tone of the originals, and how it was still a comedy first and foremost.

Did they just give up and go full drama? Should I not pursue this further??

>What the fuck is going on at Archie Comics?

To date:
> abandoned the house style and simple gag comics to try to break into the mainstream market
> put big name talent on books without the budget to support it or the balls to keep them on schedule
> killed their videogame books, which were their main monthly money makers (besides digests)
> resorting to one-shots nobody wants (Moose/Archies) or rehashing ideas (The Hunger)

Archie is a really, really small company. There is no excuse for them to not be able to put out a handful of titles regularly. What they ought to do is
> Mainline Archie goes back to status quo
> NuArchie becomes a spin-off
> Riverdale lingers as cash-in minis
> Fund these with the free money off Sonic/Digests

Waid was always shit since he wrote a letter at the end of one of the early issues about how Reggie is a "toxic person".

Fuck him

It's somewhat telling that the only decent writer they've had throughout this whole reboot experiment was fucking North of all people

>and the new Jughead: The Hunger series
I've been meaning to read that. Is it any good?

well, the one-shot was great and the ongoing start in October

>Fund these with the free money off Sonic

>They're going to lose the Sonic rights because they were out-smarted by Ken Penders and never got a copy of his contract.

Wrong. They DID havr a copy of it. Its just that the original was destroyed in a flood and the judge decided that a photocopy couldn't count.

Photocopies never count in a court of law. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the legal system knows this.

They're also fighting another legal battle with another ex-Sonic creator. Penders didn't kill them, but he put the blood in the water.

I'm happy this thread is up, because I just finished Riverdale, and need some recs
Where should I start reading Archie comics?
Oh, and also: Betty >>> Josie > Veronica > Ms Grundy >>> Valerie > Cheryl

>Photocopies never count in a court of law. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the legal system knows this.

>The definition describes “copies” produced by methods possessing an accuracy which virtually eliminates the possibility of error. Copies thus produced are given the status of originals in large measure by Rule 1003,infra.

>Aduplicateis admissible to the same extent as anoriginalunless a genuine question is raised as to the authenticity of theoriginal, or in the circumstances it would be unfair to admit theduplicatein lieu of theoriginal.

>so betty's going to be the token cripple?
>hahaha waid is trash.

He's worse than that.
Even if you want to see handicapped characters represented (and I do), doing it to one of the three LEAD characters just cuts off too many story avenues.
Dumb, dumb, and bound to later be undone.

>what's taking Afterlife with Archie so long to catch up? I thought it would be back around the same time as Chilling Adventures.

It seems like they either can't afford to publish more than a couple of things a month, or nobody wants to work for them given the politics of loons like Nancy Silberkleit and Ken Penders causing chaos.

>This is looking like everything Waid's run should have been.

Fuck no. Dan Parent might be a nice guy, but he draws like a parody of what 1980s Christian parents want comics to look like. Everyone's childlike and derpy—even Veronica—and NOBODY has any sex appeal.

Parent is like what happens if a relatively untalented artist is told he's great, for years, by MSM reporters who aren't comic fans and don't realize his quality is substandard.
He ends up getting indulged and thinks he can do no wrong.

>and NOBODY has any sex appeal.

>considering all the sjw trash they put in the new books I´m not surprised nobody is buying them.

I *AM* what you'd call an SJW and I hate them too!

The stuff is often terribly drawn and written, and while I want to see minorities in the stories, I don't want them in transparently preachy plots, which is all Archie seems to be able to do.