Superman #27 Storytime

Farewell to Hamilton County.

"Declaration" Part One!

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thank you :)


This is amazing


WTF does Superman even need to sleep?



Guess even a man powered by the sun needs some sleep.


>that bumper sticker
>on this site
Well it was a good storytime while it lasted, huh?

I love this




No offense, but I want to see Superman punch meteors and monsters, not give us a fucking history lesson.


> Shit is going to get good.


the book is so good.

I'm probably more miffed by this than I should be. It's Superman falling asleep at the wheel. Luckily there wasn't anyone where he fell.

That we know.

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I loved this issue. Of course the Kent family would have a patriotic 4th of July vacation.

>want to look at the stars and make out

Well that was wholesome as fuck

Shame it got pushed back from its initial July 5th release because this would've been a perfect supplement for Independence Day

Giving John the lessons he needs so that he can he understands when its his turn.


Literally last week I was reading Wolfman's Superman he there's one story where he gets fucked for not sleeping for days.

Okay, now it's gotten too cheesy. I work at a restaurant, and I shouldn't be agreeing with the hostess more than Superman. Superman of all people. Now I feel bad for doing my job.

Do that shit off page. I read Superman to see Superman do... you know, super things. Not masturbate with the stars and stripes. Even Captain America doesn't splooge this hard into Uncle Sam's open mouth.

That's what Action Comics is for, mate.

This makes you sound extremely shallow

I won't you let the guy eat at your restaurant?

Is it because he was begging or do people get upset about handicap people?

Also the 26 issues that came before this. Well, maybe not the one where they go to the county fair, but pretty much every other Superman issue before this has had some kind of monster punching in it.

I really like Tomasi's penchant for fun cooldown issues in between arcs. He did the same thing in Super Sons with the last issue and it was great.

This issue was great, Superman and Action have been such great reads since rebirth never been much of a Supes fan before either

I fucking hate jon, every superman book focuses on him and he's so annoying

Depends on the restaurant.

Since when is an Ankh a wiccan symbol,

That shits ancient egyptian, maybe pagan if you want to be creative.

Skipping leg day, eh, Clark?

Never heard of that one. I knew some new age people used it back in the day. Coptic Egyptian use it for their cross in some cases.

Is this setting up for the seven soldiers?

Probably because he is a hobo. I've seen restaurants refusing to serve hobos.

well then Superman was never for you

Everything about this page fills me positivity and good emotions. I forgot what they where called. Happ..something.

Comfy issue. Why is Supes so comfy bros?

Wiccan is basically just an amalgam of multiple pagan traditions. The Ankh is one of several commonly used symbols. A big part of wicca is freedom to worship whatever you want and how you want.

Truth, Justice and what was that third one again fucko?

Why? So long as the guy doesn't cause a scene it shouldn't be an issue

the god emperors way

Superman 027 (2017) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

You're not even exaggerating correctly, user.

fuck man this book is too much

>The Kents are roaming the country, righting wrongs like a bunch of Jesuses.

I love it.

what the fuck is this self insert shit

It's exactly what the comic industry needs right now

>tfw will you never have a wife like Lois.

Isn't there a video game you should be playing, user?

>self insert
Words have lost their meaning.

Superdaddyis the best dad.

What did Batman do for the 4th?

>That middle panel
I like that Plas is coming back into prominence

>I read Superman to see Superman do... you know, super things.

You do realize that even comic books can provide characterizations, and character development?

Forget Sharon, I'd rather be entering Lois

That was a really weak issue. Feels like kids cartoons obligatory overly preachy episode.

So I haven't read any of the big two in forever and while I really liked this comic can someone get me up to speed as to how and why Superman is a daddy now.

And don't make a sex joke, that's old hat.

fucks Catwoman.

This is Grounded done right. Prove me wrong

>paying customer
>causing no trouble
>thinking it's okay to kick them out

Well it reminds me a lot of a the car trips my parents used to drag me and my brother on

TL;DR timefuckery and they were outside the DCU when Jon was born. There was some weird stuff with Rebirth where it was revealed Superman was split in two (New 52 version and "Post-Crisis") but that's been sorted out and Clark is whole again.

lul, it's real

>Pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark appear in "Convergence".
>Clark has lost his powers and is acting as a vigilante in one of Brainiac's bottled cities. Lois acts as his Oracle.
>Powerless Clark knocked Lois up. She is 9-months pregnant when we first see her.
>After Convergence, Pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark are the only things that DC recognizes from the event. Jurgen's writes a mini explaining how they ended up in the New 52 world and have been living there for 10 years raising their son.
>New 52 dies, Pre-Flashpoint Clark becomes the main Superman in "Rebirth"

Superman being a dad is the theme of this series. Good dad's teach their kids.

If you want Action, read Action Comics. It's actually kinda fun.

>It's treason then.

New 52 didn't really "die", they were the same person.

They definitely do that around here. They might have tossed in the Coexist thing for the lefties, but this scene was a American heartland right as it gets. Read this after a week of Marvel SJW shit and get the stench outta your mouth.

I fucking hate all these faces but none more than his "lois from the side"

Well, it's not like they were the established army trying to defend their own coutnry you were unlawfully invading or anything, Ryan

Can Superman hold a third book? I would like to see "Action Comics" as the Metropolis book (Lex, Perry, Jimmy and all that), "Superman" mainly focused on solo adventures and a third book focused on Lois and Jon.

Back in the 90's Supes had, like, five books of his own. More than any other character.

it's not just 2 its also supergirl and superwoman and chink superman and trinity and super sons and jl

God dammit I love the super family

I can't decide which one is hotter at the top panel

Supergirl fucking sucks. Give me mid-00s Kara back. Fuck, give me N52 Kara.

Yeah, but I'm talking about Clark as a protag.

Back in the day he had "Action Comics", "Superman", "Adventures of Superman", "Superman: the Man of Steel" and "Superman: The Man of Tomorrow", plus Superboy, Supergirl and all that.

Superwoman should've ended. It doesn't really have a point anymore.

>sleeping with boots on

Jon asking the important questions

You say that but their actions are the kind of thing anyone would do (or at least could do)