Invincible #138 storytime

The End of All Things Part 6 of 12



Bump for reading. Robot is in for a world of hurt at some point me thinks.







Dude's just swinging it around like a yoyo. I fucking love it!



It's back!

This page is so big in filesize not even turning it into a JPEG got it under 4.0 MB

>a suit for my suit and rocket for that second suit





>shark tits fighting a ragnar

that might not end well.





He could be ok

like pottery

Yeah was it explained why all these purple guys are so fragile and Oliver wasn't? Is it because they're younger?

Yea all he needs is some robot pants.



trips of doom

He'll be f-fine right?

>Out of Drone range?
Do you think everything Robot built will be gone by the time he's back?

And that's that. Reminder to buy it to support it instead of waiting for the trade so the artist can feed his kid

I almost attacked you for posting a reaction image in a storytime......but that's actually AN ENTIRE PAGE?!?

So....Mark's king now?

>posting a reaction image in a storytime
I see this happening more often in storytimes, I thought it was common courtesy not to do it.


They are young and they are half breeds.

Oliver was extremely weak too in the Viltrumite war, remember. He beefed up only a few years later.

I don't think there will be much of a kingdom left by the time this wraps.


robot murdered by his own robots.

if he topples Robot and unites the Viltrumite factions then he has a weak kingdom but one easily built up again

There's a good bunch of Viltrumites, and a literal drove of halfbloods. Something is bound to come out the other end of the war.

Unless there's some Deus-ex-Robot wiping them out completely to clear the way for a last Mark-Robot showdown.

Sound doesn't travel in space, after all, so the thing with punching the robots SHOULDN'T work.

trips makes it official

That's it? Felt short as fuck

get out of here miles morales, who let you in here?!

>Sound doesn't travel in space, after all, so the thing with punching the robots SHOULDN'T work.

>implying robot didn't already plan for that


Sorry, I wait for the small hardcovers.
Floppies are passe

Thragg has always been the strongest, I don't get why anyone thinks they can solo him.

This is all leading up to the timeline where Immortal is made king of Earth after Mark leaves it with his family and fellow Viltrumites.

that's that good Invincible STUFF

Mark will go rage-mode on Thragg, the Viltrumites and the bug-kids will kneel to him once he punches Thragg's head off, then Viltrumites v. Robot

Nolan knew if Thragg struck him down, Mark would become more powerful than he could ever imagine.

>he doesn't appreciate the anticipation built in between floppies

Goddamn this arc been real good

this page refuses to load

I've been out of the loop for a while. Aren't these purple halfbreeds supposed to be immature and weaker than regular Viltrumites because their Viltrumite genes haven't fully asserted themselves yet?

The red & white suit ones are supposedly the elite. They sat out the fighting until now, and we only saw the all white suit ones who are cannon fodder.

Preemptive F?


not to be the bearer of bad news here but I'm pretty sure mark is gonna die. here's the preview for 140

and october's 141 preview which came out yesterday

Whoa Google tells me that Invincible is ending with #144. I'm really out of the loop but RIP.

#144 is going to be one of the best selling comics of all time, ushering in a new era as the Big 2 try to cash in on "endings"

>Mark will go rage-mode on Thragg
And accomplish nothing like in previous times. Despite much evidence to the contrary, this isn't DragonBall Z. Mark's not as strong as his dad and he just got his shit pushed in with ease. Thragg's on a whole other level.

Mark will have to fight smarter in order to win.

the previous times he hadn't gotten a power-up from Eve


>MC dying 5 issues before the end

Why not? It's pretty obvious Mark's daughter will be the Be-All, End-All character that will put an end to the Viltrumite attack.

And it lines up perfectly with Kirkman's previous unexpected plot twists.

hell be fine

He'll be fine.

Yup, Invincible 141 cover

I've been wanting to get into invicible.

what are the crucial arcs i need to read. which volumes should i get?

but wait, if you're expecting this, wouldn't the unexpected twist be that Mark DOESN'T die?

just start at the beginning and go on down the line

That Viltrumite with the pencil mustache has been smiling the whole time. He must be having a blast.

I'd definitely say Invincible #1 through #144 are a MUST read to really understand this series.

it would be funny if the rocket also looked like a suit

Start with the Greeks

My favorite arc is issue 1 through 138, start with that

>that cover

next chapter anissa die

I'm just too smart for my own good.

>no best tiger series in 2018
damn you kirkman

It's a shame Robot will die in the end.

he has it coming

I dunno. What has he done that is so terrible that warrants his death?

launching Monster Girl into space

killing anyone who disagreed with him

he killed Cecil

He's gonna need some heavy duty prosthetics for that, or an emergency Unlimited Eve intervention. you think any purple half bug cuties will be left to get used to life and love on Earth?

fucking Nolan back on the cover. we all knew he'd be fine.

>launching Monster Girl into space
After she tried to kill him
>killing anyone who disagreed with him
He brought upon world peace because of it

>he killed Cecil
Oh yeah, the guy that was just like Robot, only inefficient.

The end literally justified the means.

the end of "being ruled over by an egomaniacal dictator who kills any dissenters and holds children hostage to manipulate their parents"?

if by dissenters you mean super powered beings who would start and continue a highly destructive rebellion for years because someone they don't like at the moment is calling the shots despite the fact that the world now better off, yes

No, I mean literally anyone who expresses disapproval

remind me how many nonsupes(barring Cecil and his old regime) have been killed by robot, I have legitimately forgotten

m-maybe he's a ghost! or a bait and switch. no one has ever been this ripped apart in space, maybe it will affect how well he can come back from it.

that was so fucking stupid, more likely Ms Rape will help mark then die, and Robot will run in and weaken Thragg, then die as well, lotta people gonna die before this is over Eve too most likely

>and Robot will run in and weaken Thragg, then die as well
please, robot is on his way to activate a forcefield around earth and chill in his planet orbiters (you can see one here ) to enjoy the show