It's the whole series, btw

It's the whole series, btw

Nobody? I seem to recall people wanting to find this not that long ago

Oh well, don't say I never did anything for you, /co

Gonna check this out when I'm on break. I've been meaning to splice up a higher quality version of the series using some DVD rips I got years ago. Does this include those missing episodes in English?

fuuuck that art style cool

Thanks for the link. The rotarydialz upload did get linked a couple of years ago, but it's always nice for a rewatch. You got any fav episodes?

>a higher quality version of the series using some DVD rips I got years ago
Man, if you can, that'd be a godsend. And nah, this upload is missing eps 7 and 9.

I haven't the foggiest. I used to watch snippets of this when it was actually on TV, but I don't have a clear notion of what's missing or not. It's a playlist with 13 eps...

...looking at it again it seems to be missing ep. 9

I do declare this mcree show is rootinest tootenist ye haw spirit walking haaa yooo hehe show ever.

Good waifu if I say so myself

>decide to give it a watch
>one minute in

Keep watching you nignog.

She said injuns don't beat others up.

Is she a cowboy goth?

A cowgoth?

Revolver are cool

So I seem to remember having foreign dubbed versions of those missing episodes. I swear the language is Czechoslovakia or something. I'd need solve user to translate so I could maybe subtitle it.

Thanks for the blast from the past OP, I totally forgot about this show.

I vaguely remember this show existing and that's about it.

is this good? i love westerns

I remember watching this as a child and loving every second of it. I think I was the only in school who watched, so I couldn't share my earliest fanboy experience with anyone.

Haven't watched it in years, so maybe the nostalgia wouldn't survive to an actual rewatching, but I remember it being the coolest western cartoon ever. I'd give it a shot.

Goth girl in Wild West . It's decent

You know, there used to be a time where people were pretty justified in being pissed off at white people

What a triggered pussy

Glad they have less than a century left.

>DVD rips I got years ago
And now I have an erection


thanks for the find Sup Forums, that was good
very underrated thread

>There will never be a high quality DVD release
We need more /k/artoons

Somewhat fits, because western setting. Won't because was this a kids show? Who knows.

Much oblidged, pardner.

I'm gay for Calamity Jane. Please make a reboot or something. Christ.

>first 40 seconds contains a lynching
I don't see that happening.

Post art! I like her voice

>I'm gay for Calamity Jane.

Good for you, the real Calamity Jane had one hell of a manface.

>jaaaaane, lets have seeeex
>Eh. No, peggy

Three episodes in and there's plenty of death threats and guns. How did this fly?

It's French.

It aired in 1997, also it only aired the complete series in France and Canada while only three episodes air in America

Only three and I still remember it. Shame there's nothing like it.

Underrated waifu desu

I still have the show on "watch later" list. Your work is appreciated, but I won't watch it NOW.

Based user was really wanting to watch this. May all your days be filled with joy

Any art of her?

Is she part injun?

Got some stuff from an old /tg/ western thread.


>Gothic cowboys
This could be cool

I don't no mind seeing a /k/osplay photoshoot.

Weapon outfitters could use some revolver, bolt/lever action pics

Cowboys are a little more fantasized than /k/

I take what I can get.

What are you talking about, /k/ loves lever gats and revolvers.

Well whatd'ya know? Just yesterday someone reminded me this show existed. I've been meaning to find it. Thanks user. Not only did you do good work, but your timing is fantastic.

I think they mean female cowboy?

Yeah, but I'm talking cowboys. Sharpshooters with wheelguns that fight off cadres of banditos. I'd post more art, but ya'll are better off coming to /tg/ and getting a character art thread going.

I don't want to just cover Sup Forums in unrelated pics.


Im sorry for my degeneracy

If /k/owboys aren't /k/, than why is New Vegas one of /k/'s favourite games right next to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. despite being super heavy on the cowboy theme?

Checkmate /k/theists.

Cowboy stuff growing on me, plus she a redhead.

I like this thread

I'm just saying /k/ommandos from back east are all nofun, realistic-only that wouldn't want anyone to indulge in sweet shooting and using a sidearm as a primary weapon.

Thanks OP

I'm one of them.


I'm at work, can someone throw these up on mega?

I mean when you think about it almost everyone on /k/ who isn't non-American or under aged conceal carries, so in a sense they do use sidearms as a primary.

Just, not Ruger New Vaquero's or Colt SAA. Dude, CCing a Ruger with birds head grips would be neat as fuck.

I mean she wears black, deadpan, pale.

It honestly sounds like the concept came straight out of Sup Forums animation studios
>user 1: Alright guys, we need a new show, ideas?
>user 2: Lets make it about a goth girl!
>user 3: Fuck you faggot! It needs to be about qt redheads
>user 4: Screw this waifushit, who needs women when you can have gunporn?
>user 1: Hold the fuck up guys, why don't we just combine all three into a western, and have her show her feet in every episode?

Looks like episode 7 and 9 is still missing.

Fields of the Nephelim

So what are the odds that this show will ever be brought back to life with a DVD release?

Surely the old network tapes have to be laying around somewhere

user, it's 20 years old and aired once. Clone High had more going for it.

I think you made me waifu her

I demand more pictures of jane

I demand more Joe.


Easy Pete?

And Indians killed white people constantly. But you never hear about that.

can't we agree that we both slaughter each other?

>Jane in tight fighting PJs
What I wouldn't give for better definition.


You're welcome.

What kind of gun she uses?

Aw, got my hopes up and everything.



pls respond

More of a leg guy myself.

This is lewd. Hope we can get a old pinup art of her in the drawthreads.

Who was calamity Jane?

>Who was calamity Jane?
Lady who wore men's clothes, scouted, and bopped around the frontier. She drank a lot, fucked around, and couldn't read.

Big duster or not there's no way she'd last this pale.

Hot damn.

Time to add her to waifu chart.

And buy a gun and name it after her. What gun tho? Ruger?

More cosplay from same guy

>All these new fans

Pls be true

I definitely remember hearing about that. And also all those times when the Indians weren't one unified group and actually a bunch of different tribes that warred with each other as often as they did with the white men, who in turn warred with each other a lot too because they were from different kingdoms. And shit like the French and Indian War happened where English colonists who had allied with the Iroquois Confederacy fought the French colonists who had Indian allies of their own from various tribes. This war was, by the way, actually just the North American theater of what was called the Seven Years' War in Europe and involved a whole lot of European powers picking sides with either Britain or France.

History is written by the victor, but we're actually getting a lot better at reporting the facts as they were recorded and as the evidence suggests in this century.

Not to mention the numerous Comanche and Apache raids that were going on.

I love how deathly pale she looks. Almost like she's blue.

Does she have a character sheet?

Some single action, cartridge fed revolver. Probably a Colt Single Action Army considering those were some of the most popular guns at the time.

Maybe in a desk somewhere in France.

Wow really that obscure?

Two of thirteen episodes aren't even accounted for.

It's an American action show that only aired 3 episodes in America 20 years ago.

I beg to differ.

calm the fuck down.

Cut this shit out or a relatively nice thread will get swallowed up in a shitstorm.



>tfw you never innadesert with goth cowboy grill
