Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Daisy angst arc confirmed

Ah yes, bulk order of triple choc icecream: the chapter.

A fitting distraction for the fundamental fuckup last chapter.

I guess fatfuck is gonna be on her period this chapter

>dat face

Well fuck, at least the horribly written drama chapters had enough happening to sustain some discussion. I probably won't hate this chapter but I can't imagine the threads getting much mileage out of it. Sucks, I only got into the comic for the threads. Hope betterthread gets more drawfags. The two regular ones we have are good and reliable but there just isn't enough content to sustain a thread with just art like other general-type threads.

I'm kind of pissed that even though Taeshi downgraded the art so much AND mentioned keeping each character's day to five pages, we still only get three every week. Was a logical leap to assume based on just that one sentence but an user can dream.

Bitching aside, Daisy still a cute

She looks too young for that, and her mother doesn't look like the fuckhuge amazonian she was first portrayed as.

Also that stupid :3 weebfurfag face, Taeshi must be mentally regressing if she's starting that tween/retard shit.

>She looks too young for that
She's almost 16, when do you think girls start getting their period?

The most angst Daisy has is when her parents didn't buy her favorite flavor of ice cream.

>She looks too young for that
>Is a closet horndog who wants to get spitroasted by several fucking boys in this series

Seriously, my friends got most of their's from ages 12-14. I knew one girl who got hers at 9 (poor girl got made fun of a lot) and one girl who got hers at 16 (she also got made fun of a bit but not as much because people were concerned).

Looks, as in a kindergartener instead of some highschooler.

This is the kind of shit that happens when going for broke on "CUTE!!" the easiest way, instead of letting small details do the kawaii talking.

But alas, that takes extra effort, and it's clear they're running a lean operation with profit maximizing as primary goal.

I know, but they look like they're in Elementary school even in the "normal" chapters as of lately.
Still, Taeshi said these chapter is set between Model Girlfriend and Love Again

Brace yourselves, this is where the art is heading to.

It's because of the giant heads, it makes the characters look way younger than they should.

The torsos are also shorter than they should be, and the limbs are obviously also shortened to match (your hands reach your hips by default).

But it's primarily the heads doing the damage because HOLY SHIT they're huge.

Oh boy 34 pages of this.
Not even the fact that I like Daisy makes me excited about this prospect. Sad.

In other news happy birthday to me

You and me both, user. I just read through the whole comic on and off for the last month due to these threads and wanting to know what the fuck was going on. Now that I'm caught up, Taeshi is doing an intermission that'll last forever. I don't expect these threads to last as long as some of the others but I'm hoping for some decent discussions here ans there. It's a good way to kill time 3 days a week.

your mom should have swallowed you

The bitterness tells me it's a Lucyfag
The anger tells me it's an abbeyfag

Either way kys

Happy birthday, Kikefag.
Partake in this OC.

This...is 34 pages long? Oh lord.

Happy bday you smug cat

Im an amayafag

Happy birthday, Mikeposter. Hope you're enjoying it even with the boring page today.

I namefag now.

Thanks for all the advice last thread, I've been looking it over and taking it all into account. Someone mentioned that I need to focus more on the interactions of the characters; someone else insinuated that I should be a little more accurate. Right now it looks like I need to do more with the characterization. It's kind of a hard tightrope to walk: I want Lucy to be explicitly borderline but I want her to remain sympathetic, and I want the relationships to fracture but I don't want them to be as big of assholes as they are in the comic, or at least I want it to be compelling. Like, "why do these people hang out with each other?"

It's been a long week for me so I've kind of slowed down, but I'm still trying to figure out what should actually HAPPEN in the first episode. So far I've got:

- Introduce Paulo, David, and Daisy as main characters
- Introduce Zachary as their teacher
- Showcase the dynamic between Mike and Lucy (should the abuse be comedic at this point in time? I'm thinking have it be comedic then around the climax it gets awkward, then dramatic, but then I'd have to explain why Mike takes it)
- Lucy freaks out/does something that gets her taken to the office
- Mike has to cover for her
- Maybe the pets are imaginary? Maybe not???
- Mike and Lucy reconcile, everything is okay?

Does that look decent? Any suggestions on plot stuff? I might need some more notes on what you guys think the characters should be like and how they can be improved on. It's at least better than arguing about who's worse in-comic.

Also, dropping the last names for now.

TL;DR Writer's block, plz hlp

>when Mr. Zachery the middle-school teacher was your idea

>chibified version

Oddly fitting, since she was Damnatio Memoriae'd right as it went really bad Just like Russia under Stalin.

Whoa Taeshi, you should save those wacky faces for Not Enough Rings: Sonic Mania Edition

>- Maybe the pets are imaginary? Maybe not???
Like Lucy is daydreaming because she's grumpy about her life or she's outright delusional? That's a different kind crazy than she is.

poptepipic would be an improvement


thanks bros


Who is Amaya anyway? Do we know anything about that cute mutie?

Maybe Daisy wouldn't be so fat if she walked to school like the other kids.

The former.

Sorry, forgot to reply. It was a good idea mang.

These three months coming are your time to shine, Rewrite user. Taeshi's doodles aren't going to warrant much posting. That leaves you lots of room.

Or rode a bike or anyone

REMOVE SUITCASE NEXT Should've been McCain but I get that it's probably a reference to those pages she redid

>should the abuse be comedic at this point in time?
A lot of the comedy of the abuse not that it was really funny came from the visuals, which you can't really replicate in writing. I'd say just play it straight but have nobody really call it out or mention it. I remember that a lot of the time in volume one, other characters gave Mike just as much shit as Lucy did, especially Paulo. Maybe try to showcase that he gets shit from everyone, without overdoing it of course, so that it makes sense that he doesn't see it as unusual. While he should get tired of it later, initially I don't think he should really react at all to being hit.

Can't really speak for the plot you suggested, I've always been better at discussing characterization than other stuff.

>Maybe the pets are imaginary? Maybe not???
Depends on how far ahead into the plot you've thought. If you still plan on including her suicide attempt and Mike going to the hospital, then they should be real so that Mike just leaving after he finds out what happens makes sense. If you're going to retool that whole shebang, then I'm not sure. You'd also have to remove Mike and Blur's relationship since he's not supposed to be crazy in the same way as Lucy. I prefer them to be real but that could be just me.

>Mike and Lucy reconcile, everything is okay?
Maybe take this in smaller steps, since we still don't really have their relationship nailed down yet. I'm not sure how else the plot would end though.

Writer's block is a real bitch, but the best thing to do is just write, honestly. Your idea for Mike having to cover for her is pretty decent for a first real plot, and you could always tweak it as you go along. As long as you have a firm grasp of the characters things should fall into place as you go.

Hope this helps

she's into gangbangs and doesnt shave

>Should've been McCain
I thought of that right after I made the pic.
Well, it's not like there's a shortage of pictures of Stalin with people that got Stalin'd later to edit

Happy Birthday Mikeposter.

Does this mean a ceasefire is in effect?


never a dispute to begin with

As much as I don't like the dynamic of the pets, they seemed to be fairly important coping mechanisms for Lucy during the 3rd grade when Mike was off with Sandy. Sure you could write it as an isolated kid just making up friends since her only real friend is ignoring her, but that phase would have ended by the start of your rewrite (bases on the characters' ages) unless she's really that far gone. Then the pets - well Lily at least- continued to act as the 'voices of reason' going into high school.

So maybe keep them but cut their scene time so they aren't as annoying. Or have another character step in to fill their roles. That's personally what I'd do. After all, you mentioned wanting some idea as to why these cats hang out together right? Maybe Daisy or someone tried to hang out with Lucy in the 3rd grade that she clang to until Mike was available again.

Or simply the pets shouldn't talk?

Happy birthday dude.

Have birthday that's as sweet as cookies or Molly, user!

You could always keep the pets around for a little while and then get rid of them. Say they need to go live in the wild or something. That's kinda bullshit since they've been living as pampered housepets but it's one way to ditch them out of the story.

It'd have to be before Mexico or they wouldn't want to leave Lucy's side because she's feeling bad.

better thread is up

thanks brothers

Your digits are nice but I don't know if a betterthread will do well so soon after the last one was up. Last one was pretty slow, itself.

Happy Birthday

They just simply hate Daisy and that's fine because she's earned the hate.

>They hate a character I might or might not really like. I'll call them [insert character] fag, genius!

Well, the discussions were nice but this shit will go nowhere for a long time. Polite sage.

>when you stick your comic into a ditch for three months to kill off those pesky Sup Forums threads


>implyinh we won't come back in full force in October

You can't kill hate nor humor.

And these threads live on both hating and making hilarious mockery of how shitty it has become.

Have we seen daisy's parents before?

her mom, more than once, I believe.
picrelated was her last appearance iirc

Why do adults nearly always wear clothes? But kids are nearly almost always naked? Why do some characters like Rachel,Sandy and Matt almost always dressed but everyone else is running around nude?

Why is it somehow 'periods' and 'all day boners' an excuse to wear clothes?

Why is it so weird when characters that are always nude wear clothes?

Why is this comic so garbage?

I didn't know about this comic until a few weeks ago.

And I gotta say, I fucking hate it and I really do want to die.

IIRC Taeshi once said that wearing clothes = mature or something like that

>32 pages of filler

See, this wouldn't be so bad if she decided to temporarily go to a 5 day update schedule to burn through them. They're all done and queued up right? Why drag this shit out till October? Unless she is building a huge ass buffer (which she should) than there's no good reason to drag this out if these intermission strips are all ready to go.

>5 day update schedule to burn through them
It was still going to take us 6 weeks
>They're all done and queued up right? Why drag this shit out till October?
She probably has to take some time to either redo some shit in the next chapter given the shit that was given her in the previous one, or she want more buffer.
She seems really paranoid about not having a big-enough buffer (and that's one of her redeeming qualities as a webcomic artist)

She seems really paranoid about not having a big-enough buffer (and that's one of her redeeming qualities as a webcomic artist)

it's just about the only redeeming quality she has left.

Rest has either been squandered or outright ruined.

I absolutely don't mean for this to sound as if i'm attacking you guys and your interests, but these threads get me thinking. There seems to be a lot of animosity towards this comic for a lot of problems it seems to have, but people here get into detailed and vigorous discussions here about the webcomic, characters, etc. Why is this? What about this webcomic draws people, you guys included, into it? Why is it so popular, I guess I mean to ask.

Did it have a promising and strong start, but deteriorated overtime, and people cling on to what remains? Is it sort of a stockholm syndrome thing? Is it because it's a character drama, with different personalities at play, romances, etc? And people attach themselves to a character they particularly enjoy? I could see that being something that draws in readers.

I'm just curious, that's all. I'm interested in what makes different people like different webcomics.

I also mean to add, is it because there's problems, and some of you are upset with the current direction and writer issues, that it causes more discussion?

Really makes you think.

>Did it have a promising and strong start, but deteriorated overtime, and people cling on to what remains? Is it sort of a stockholm syndrome thing? Is it because it's a character drama, with different personalities at play, romances, etc? And people attach themselves to a character they particularly enjoy? I could see that being something that draws in readers.

Pretty much all of this except for the promising and strong start. It started as an amateur comic but then reached a point where the writing, at least for me, was decent enough to leave an impression and get the reader engaged.

I dunno, even the Acapulco chapter had some cringeworthy moments/dialogue, but there were at least some interesting character dynamics.

I'll be honest though, I don't get the people that spend threads arguing over characters while shit-talking the comic in the same breath. It reminds me of the old comments section on the website but with better grammar.

>(why are there) detailed and vigorous discussions
>Why is it so popular
>Is it because it's a character drama, with different personalities at play, romances, etc.
It started out decent and went to shit, but it (arguably) never became god awful that it killed any community/conversation that it originally spawned.

As to why it keeps spawning thread after thread with over 200 replies long after everything went bitter, well i would put my money on the fact that people like feeling angry and outraged, and that some people had invested themselves in the characters just added fuels to the fire (pro-tip: No one want to be told they wasted their time) the comic became an excuse for people to pour their energy into because "This page isn't god awful" or "Good this character was always likes this" and then everyone else go "Yes/no it is and here is why..."
"Hate build army's and is the fuel for the passionate, mediocrity is neither" ~ A Mikefag.

>Did it have a promising and strong start
No, not at all. It started as weeb comedy scribbles about a tsundere girl and a Nice Guy. It takes a fairly drastic turn after a bit, though, and subverts those cliches as it gets more dramatic. At its best, it wasn't great, but it was pretty good at what it did.

>Is it sort of a stockholm syndrome thing? Is it because it's a character drama, with different personalities at play, romances, etc?
It's a mix of both of these, for me at least. the writing has taken a pretty heavy decline lately, but I invested too much time into it and got too interested in the characters to just drop it now. I've always enjoyed wallowing in the misery of fictional characters, too, and these fucks sure do make life miserable for themselves. Finally, I read it because Mike is the best character but he hasn't had a complete character arc yet. He's had problems before but hasn't really hit rock bottom like the other main character, Lucy. I want him to suffer so I can self insert as him and fulfill my emotional masochism.

If you're still in the thread, waiting for replies, then I recommend you read it if only to see if you'll like it. Fresh blood livens up the threads somewhat, too. If you find yourself wanting to read more, then starting at the Acapulco chapters, post the page you're on and a comment. We've begged every new reader to do this since this one user did it in some threads a while back, and none of them ever do it. I miss readanon.

Forgotten where you are?
This is the only site where you can proclamate you absolutely hate something for one reason or another while the next moment discuss it or share Lewds.

All while getting away with it.

Just look at the occasional threads for the shitty capefic runs, although they have higher chance of being rebooted so it doesn't suck anymore.

I read the archive a few months ago and would have dropped it a couple of chapters ago at the latest but there's a pretty lively shitposting scene. And porn.

My greatest affection for the series was not that high but at one point I think it was struggling to improve while that's been given up on completely. I also thought certain ideas were going places but either they've been thrown away or I was seeing something that was never there because most of the comic's last few years has been retroactively wrecked by several recent developments.

phone poster here and pic very related

>Why is this? What about this webcomic draws people, you guys included, into it?
Despite the bad writing, the characters were pretty interesting in the early chapters and I'm invested into their dramatic teenage lives filled with suffering. I want to see resolutions and see how things unfold.

>Did it have a promising and strong start, but deteriorated overtime, and people cling on to what remains?
See above but you're very right. As time went kn, character personalities just went everywhere and it lost some of what made it intriguing imo.

>Is it because it's a character drama, with different personalities at play, romances, etc?
I won't lie. I like that aspect. There's always been something appealing about school stories. Partly because I see bits and pieces of myself in characters and have been in a long distance relationship before. I thinks it's pretty interesting reading the comic and looking back on my life and seeing how much things have changed. Like having breakdowns about upsetting your crush seem as big of a deal back then as the comic makes it but now that I'm older, I realize how much things like that don't matter. A part of me hopes to see that in the comic.

Despite all the comics flaws, it really nails giving its characters multiple facets, us fans can have many valid intereperetations of a characters and we argue about which one is "more" valid

Just because we might get upset at a character's actions doesn't mean we hate the comic.

It's like when my/your/someone else's mom watches her soap opera and goes "NO CHAD SHOULDN'T HAVE BROKEN UP WITH ANGELA THEY WERE SO PERFECT", it doesn't mean they hate the show.

I liked the Acapulco arc and kept waiting for the comic to build on that in a satisfying way.

It did not.

Then the creators revealed their power level to the fans and I quit for a while.

Now I'm happy to be someplace where discussion of the comic (and the retards in charge) can happen without fear of censorship. That and for me, shitting on Vero and Handbag Harry will never get old.

What is the endgame for this comic?

Only Taeshi and Suit know since she's apparently planned out the rough plot a long time ago.

Personally, my money is on Mike x Lucy.

But then there's times where for some reason their actions doesn't match up with any of the facets.

We've witnessed that multiple times already.

I can't be the only one feeling that if that's the case, then it's gonna get hamfisted hard?

Paulo x Daisy for sure. I'm not too sure about Mike x Lucy though, I can see them ending up together but also alone, which better fits the "bittersweet" ending Vero keeps hinting at.

For as long as this comic's been running, though, it's done a really shitty job developing either of these ships. Mike x Lucy just has way too much baggage and Paulo x Daisy has a plethora of fundamental problems that will be glossed over because Bag Man has objectively bad taste.

That's what's been bugging me; there are times when it seem clear to me that a character's path through the story should have certain effects on events that happen but just don't.

Paulo should be a bit more sensitive than most about abandonment because his mom left him and we see him taken Lucy's disappearance and Jasmine removing herself from him socially very hard. But when he has to "abandon" Rachel to go after Lucy, he acts like he doesn't even know she's fallen in love with him, something directly contradicted by an earlier scene where he was keenly aware of the conflict. Hence the Paulo brain tumor joke.

Lucy got rejected by Mike twice and both times he did things that particularly hurt her. When Lucy has to reject Paulo she does BOTH of the things that Mike did that hurt her so much.

These characters should be learning and growing, especially since they're teenagers. Instead nothing sticks and everything rolls back downhill.

Didn't Lucy also reject Mike once when they were younger playing in the snow that one time?

Mike's rejection of Lucy was not as bad IMO same for her rejection of Mike that one time.

Paulo's rejection of Rachel and Lucy's rejection of Paulo is arguably much worse.

I think they were probably referring to what he did afterwards, when everybody found out he'd rejected her and he said it wasn't a big deal. The actual rejection, I think, was handled fairly well. It's just that she got butthurt when he said it wasn't a big deal because he thought it meant he wasn't taking her feelings seriously, even though he was just trying to avoid getting grilled by the entire table.

Even he didn't say "It's not a big deal" which we all know he didn't mean. His shitty friends would've still given him shit for rejecting her anyway sadly...

I wonder if it'll ever be addressed how nobody reacted when Paulo strangled Mike with his scarf in front of everyone, or how nobody reacted when Mike started yelling during the dodgeball game. With how things have been lately I'm not sure if it's intentional, but if it was then it really shows how little Mike's friends care about him. I'm hoping he or somebody else calls them out for it at some point, but with Mike's guilt in full effect I doubt he'll have the heart to do it any time soon.

Sage because I don't see much point in keeping this thread alive

>34 page "intermission"

The change from "just like one of my Japanese animes" tsundere romcom to "someone who would act like this would be mental and breed resentment" was a bold change and made the comic much more interesting. Having the "pervert gadfly" anime stereotype actually have some sex was another decent step.

It started to go wonky when the fallout from Lucy's rejection went on and on until Taeshi just got rid of Lucy to break it off. She turned the comic into an airier sitcom for a while (Paulo telling Abbey to stop taking things so seriously in the breakup chapter is meta-commentary) but the Lucy plot had been left hanging and so crept back in until it finally came crashing back recently. By this time Taeshi was probably sick of this series and wasn't trying anymore which is why it's so bad now. BCB is kill.

It had better not be Sue who calls them out or Daisy since they are just as guilty as the others. I hope Mike gives them a "December" no matter how harsh it is. Would be funny if David is the one to call them out instead.

>ground to a halt under 100 posts
Will we really last until October like this?

>Will we really last until October like this?
That's entirely up to Taeshi.

This page is entirely inoffensive, so there's nothing to argue about

>I can't be the only one feeling that if that's the case, then it's gonna get hamfisted hard?
Do you think any endgame ship Taeshi writes *won't* be hamfisted as hell?

>daisy chapter starts
>thread dies

I use to like Daisy but after the constant lusting after Mike, not being a good friend to him like the others, not accepting Abbey's wishes to break up, making Paulo get her and Abbey back together, excusing Paulo's treatment towards Abbey at times with "That's just the way he is". Then acting everything was all hunky dory with Paulo after what she said to him.

It's not fully a Daisy chapter, just these first five pages or so. Then we'll see somebody else for five pages, and so on. I like the idea of a more relaxed, "a day in the life" type chapter, but it would be nice if she didn't show us things we already know. 2/5 of the way into Daisy's section and all we've seen is that she wakes up in the morning, has a mother, and doesn't like how curly her hair is. I could've guessed the first one and I've already seen the other two. I'm hoping it gets more interesting. I remember Tae said that Mike's section "wrote itself" or something along those lines. Sounds promising, I think. I'm hoping it's not just him waiting on a text for five pages. This chapter has the potential to be fun and interesting but hasn't started strong to be honest.



These "morning routine" things could be pretty dull; just a restatement of everyone's personalities. I bet David will be a silly momma's boy and Paulo will be rushing because he's a little sloppy.

Do you suppose the parents will be a theme? That might be OK or it might be retreading ground despite how rarely they show up. We already know David is a momma's boy and Paulo is pretty good to his dad.

How many characters are we doing? Will we get to see Sue's mom?


I came here for the memes, stayed for the entertaining, mostly decent posters here.

The issue and the over-arching issue with this comic as a whole is it stringent focus on Romance.

No character can function when single, when they "are" single they are either talking about finding a boyfriend/girlfriend,pining over a crush or talking about other characters relationships (usually reserved for secondary characters that ONLY provide commentary on the 'main' characters like David or Sue)

Romance should never be the sole focus, even in 'Romance' stories, more needs to be going on. BCB sorely lacks any sort of world-building or nuance.
They never even explained why pets talk or whats the history behind cat and dog people.

Friendships aren't really that complex or interesting in this comic either. Generally one friend is shit to another or again, just there for commentary to fill in the gaps. We don't really see characters doing much for each other either that has no romantic intent.

Mike and Paulo could've been an interesting friendship with some complexity but Vero had to make Paulo gay for Mike.

Every other aspect of the comic is just a backdrop to ships or spur of the moment melodrama that generally lacks substance or depth.