In your opinion, are there certain characters that should never be sexualized? Or is nothing off limits?

In your opinion, are there certain characters that should never be sexualized? Or is nothing off limits?

Any Winnie the Pooh character should never be sexualized.

Everyone besides Christopher is fair game I feel

If I were a creative creator I'm not sure if I'd be surprised or offended if they DIDN'T make porn of my characters

Offended. The amount of porn created for something is a strong indicator of it's popularity and how much people like the characters.

IMO, it's more of a matter of what characters I can stand seeing sexualized and what I don't, cause I bet that there are characters I sexualize often that many would find off-limits, while many of the characters I don't want sexualized are lusted after by many.

But like all else, if you're not being a creepy sperg and/or harming real people over it, I could care less who you lust after.

I guess it would ultimately depend on the nature of what exactly my creation is and what I want it to be, but yeah, I feel like it's almost a rite of passage at this point.

I'd be offended. But then, like to write about attractive women.

Nothing's off limits, homie


Very much so, yes. Mostly Sup Forums and Sup Forums.


non-humanoid robots.

Hm. How sad that my first thought was "Dude, how'd they make that Devastator?"

oh yeah a thread like this is going places. Places like Cottonweed, Arkansas
bail while you still can

Hm. How sad that your first thought was to come up with a quasi-"relatable" situation to express your le epic nerdiness and inattention to m'ladies so as to further garner your reputation as a disgusting tripfag.


The Bananas in Pajamas.

I mean you could draw Wallace and Gromit porn if you wanted to, nothings stopping you, nothing will ever be able to stop you if you wanted it.

but how would you fucking sleep at night knowing what you did?

I'm not a pedophile, so kids under 14 being sexualized leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I avoid it.

Some people manage.

this poor mouse has been corrupted
I wouldn't be surprised if he drew porn of him at this point.

wew lad

Apparently you are if 14 year-olds turn you on.

>"Dude stop no one likes it when you do that."
>"Hey man no reason to be SALTY about what he's doing"

I suppose this is the character that like, it would be really unfair to sexualize.

Then again, there isn't a lot of porn for Wirt either.


There's nothing wrong with being attracted to animated teens 15 and older my man.

So 14-15 is a gray area then.



Consider that this is an animated 14-15 year old.


The more likely problem is that whatever artist it is who's drawing it can't make it sexy.

I mean, I drew Family Guy porn and I sleep just fine

The lowest you should go is 14.

And the only reason I say that is because of Yoko Littner.


Fuck all of you.

>Boco is a pedo too

Why am I not surprised?

historical figures like Plato or Einstein.

what about animal children?

>finding starfire, raven or terra attractive makes you a pedo
reminder that we're on Sup Forums and we're talking about animated teens

that's doubly wrong but it won't stop me from finding Gumball attractive

Oh I'm sorry, EPHEBOphile. My mistake.

who the fuck cares, they're not real

depends on what you do with it

too late

stop being a retard, this is a 14 year old and if you don't find her attractive you're a faggot

I'm not a furry but 2011 WilyKit does things to me

You changed the subject.

I'm not saying what you're doing is inherently wrong, just that you ARE an ephebophile (and would be considered a pedophile by most of society) regardless of whether or not the characters are will.

And even if it's animated, kiddie porn is still kiddie porn in the US and can get you arrested depending on the state.


I didn't change the subject, dumbass. We're in a Sup Forums thread talking about sexualizing ANIMATED children and I posted that under 14 is off limits for me.

Animated 14 year olds look old as fuck you retard.

I didn't change the subject, I really do not care, the characters depicted are not real so people can draw whatever they please
just like I don't freak out if I see gore, I don't see why it should be different with lewds honestly

Does no one remember the Amalgam Comics mashup of Tigger and Jasmine?

this conversation is retarded

age is relative rl and animated mate and an arbitrary number means jack fucking shit

humans mature at different speeds

humans can easily perceive people rl and animated as being young or older depending on how they dress, speak and look

stop being retarded

Steven isn't under 14, so thanks for motivating me to draw Steven nsfw.

For me, the entire show is too pure for R34. I have seen some of Wirt, and I desperately wish I hadn't.

fuck you

>age is relative rl and animated mate and an arbitrary number means jack fucking shit
That's my exact point, faggot

If they were animated to look like actual children I wouldn't be attracted to them.

>Animated 14 year olds look old as fuck
>Proceeds to post image of girl who looks super young

Not helping your case.

I really don't give a shit either, but I wish people would stop being in denial about it and admit their pedophiles and ephebophiles.

Like honestly I'm totally fine with porn of 14 year old cartoon characters if that's what it takes to keep you from acting out on your urges or just to satiate your fetish, but at least admit you're attracted to younger traits.


Any character who visibly looks under 10.

It's not a matter of appearance, it's a matter of ability to consent.

If you're attracted to younger looking people and date 20 year olds that look like teens, that's fine because they have the mental capacity to consent.

But if you're attracted to younger looking people and fap to lolis that are technically 200 years old, their age doesn't matter in this context because you're only attracted to the physical aspects of the object.

>And even if it's animated, kiddie porn is still kiddie porn in the US and can get you arrested depending on the state.

That happened, what, once?

But what if the character themselves want the D and felt that them looking forever young is a curse?

the veggietales

Being attracted to animated underaged teenagers doesn't inherently make you a pedophile/ephebophile because they aren't real. They don't mature like real children, their age is slapped on but meaningless.

I'm not attracted to real girls under 16, but I'll dip the age lower for animated girls because they'll draw a 14 year old curvy with perky tits (see Raven). Stop assuming random shit. No ones in denial except for you, faggot.


Because usually animated kiddie porn doesn't leave as much of a trace is real porn.

To even get real kiddie porn you'd have to go to dubious sources, whereas with animated kiddie porn you just go on /aco/.

Most people who get arrested are busted for having real kiddie porn as well.

So Gumball is fair game?

Sorry but I honestly forgot myself. Hopefully someone will post it.

>tfw there are still a few characters from your childhood that haven’t been tainted with R34

It's French, I know that.

Nothing is off limits. Sexualize Everything! ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY BONER!

Yeah cause he doesn't look like a real child, he's some weird cat. Plus he doesn't look under ten he looks like a young teen maybe
14 or 13.

the age of fictional characters doesn't mean jack shit because often times cartoon kids are characterized as having adult brains and so would be able to give consent
just like beating your meat to furries doesn't make you a zoophile because furries can "consent" (theoretically, since they're fictional) and have human mannerisms
that's why we can have 200yo lolis, fictional age is bullshit

kill yourself asap.

he looks 10 to me

It's like they say. If a guy says he's not a pedophile, then he's clearly given the idea of diddling a kid some solid consideration.

This hits a bit too close to home.

Shut the fuck up, Boco



>that one super on model comic of hobbes having sex with himself

Not very nsfw but I don't feel like getting banned.

IMO children, and non anthropomorphize anything should probably avoid being sexualized. I mean nothings actually off limits, and I don't find much issue with it if it's off character or doesn't reflect real proportions or anatomy too heavily. Childrens probably the biggest issue as it sets a bad precedents.

Family guy doesn't count, I'm sure your dumpster is nice and comfy.

I never told you which character I drew porn of though

sauce please

It's funny how Boco acts in such a self-deprecating manner that it backfires and just makes him look more pathetic.

None of them count user, now go do something actually dirty like secret of NIMH porn or something dare to live a little why don't you

who said I never drew that too

You since you never brought it up in the first place, unless you'd like to admit you were retarded enough to think family guy would have more of an impact in this thread than Sup Forums's sacred mouse waifu.

Pic related is obviously off-limits. Technically not Sup Forums, but OP didn't specify.

Aside from that...I guess on-model Uncle Grandpa? Just for revulsion's sake? It probably exists, but I'm having a hard time imagining anyone liking it.

Well I genuinely did not know she was sacred, I thought toddler lewds would have been more scandalous but whatever

milf fur, bunch of it on 8muses

Not for an adult show though. It's all about corrupting the friends of our youth.

>yet not part 3

Poo and piglet was ok, but I want see as look rabbit, kanga or eeyor.

Les Kassos

>Pic related is obviously off-limits
She has two doujins by Shindol. Guess the content.

Go ahead, post some of it here. See what happens.

Whatever you say Boco

somehow I'm glad it's censored, the dialogue doesn't look very promising


It's kinda like that argument 'there are some things that shouldn't be joked about'. That's not really true, it's all freedom of expression, but that doesn't automatically mean it needs to be done. If people act out against it, they have every right to be, cuz freedom of expression doesn't equate to freedom from criticism or backlash

But yeah, it'd be nice if you didn't sexualize C&H characters