Sonic Boom Thread

Sonic Boom Thread

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That one guy who jizzes in Sonic slushies legitimately disturbs me, it almost made me throw up and that barely ever happens

Am I the only one actually shocked at how watchable this is? An actually GOOD piece of Sonic entertainment? I mean its not a video game, but I'll fucken take it.
As a kid on the sega side of the old sega vs nintendo in the 90s, it warms my shriveled heart a little

It's just a good show, games or not. It's comfy, hilarious, and has it's own little continuity and lore going on. It's probably the most enjoyable cartoon I've watched since seasons 1-3 Spongebob, and I don't even play Sonic games, or know much about the franchise as a whole.

Would I like the games too?

Alright I'll bite the bullet and watch it.

> Rise of Lyric

Try out Colors for the Wii, it's a pretty short comfy one that feels most like a long episode of the show, with great writing

And it's got Orbot and Cubot too

Most people would like the Genesis games, and I heard some good things about the sega dreamcast collection of games.
I quit the whole console thing after sega saturn burned me. PC master race ever since

>Fuck m00t


Is there a list of best episodes? I watched a few that were recommended in the last thread, like the Chris-chan episode or the one where Robotnik goes back to grad school, and I wanna see more.

>Use of old Drawn Together music sting
>Mention of "Captain Hero"

I saw what you did there, Freiberger.

Go back to Sup Forums newfag, we're talking about good Sonic.

All the episodes will get you a chuckle out of the deal.

Watched the first episode

This is actually pretty decent

>Since then, I've gotten divorced and your threats are meaningless.

The way he says it.

the eggman PA announcements are what make this game go from good to amazing

Try the Genesis games, then Colors & Generations. The Advance games are fun too, so try those out as well. And if you enjoy all of that, try out SA1 & 2.

>ignoring Unleashed but suggesting colors

play the original genesis games, then try the Dreamcast games. (theyve been ported enough times to still be around for newer consoles)

then try some of the newer ones.

specific ones to AVOID at all costs are "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" (PS3/360), Sonic Chronicles, and the Sonic Boom games. the show might be good, but the games it's based on are awful.

someone redpill me about the next game, it looks like COLDSTILL the hedgehog creation kit: The game

Modern Sonic looks fun, the characters are doing more this time & Eggman won.

This is some pretty solid advice. Also make sure to play Sonic CD while playing the genesis games, since it's also one of them, just not on the genesis.

How long till someone actually makes him

>Eggman won

Eggman (with the help of Zavok from Lost World, Metal Sonic, Chaos, Shadow & a character named Infinite) took over the world.

so can I just start at the beginning with these episodes or did the writers stop caring and start being funny somewhere further down the road?

Something about this show gives me an old Spongebob vibe.

I was incredibly iffy about the custom character playing a big role in the story, but was hugely relieved when I found put it's not so much your character that's important, but all recruits of the resistance. Your character isn't some Mary Sue, they're one of many newly recruited members of the resistance that must carry out important missions along with all the other custom characters. It's more that the resistance is important to the story and not so much your character, we merely see what one new soldier is going through.

IMHO they executed this as absolutely perfectly as possible, and I think it's positively brilliant.

It's not clear how or why yet, but somehow Eggman managed to finally win. As to how he got all of them on his side and who the mysterious new character is has yet to be answered either.


>fuck you kevin stop showin everyone my fuckin deviantart

Every time.

The audio clip is better, since the delivery adds to the joke.

Keep going, it gets legitimately amazing.

>Sonic cartoon is decent
>A Sonic Boom cartoon

is this real life

Just start at the beginning, first 20 are decent but then it gets really funny about episode 20-30ish

This, it might be the funniest cartoon since.

it is, surprisingly


First, don't kill yourself because you'll miss it. Second, you should be watching it to keep from killing yourself.

The nutty thing is most people won't even believe that's what is actually said. You have to see it to believe it.










You nailed the reason why this is entertaining, it does feel like the first 5 seasons of SpongeBob with added jabs at the 4th wall.

It's not as clever or quick as old SpongeBob but it does have the charm.

I can't believe you would tell him what games to avoid in the same post where you recommend Unleashed with no caveats.
Did you honestly forget that to get to the actual good content, you have to take a giant bite out of the shit sandwich that is the Werehog levels?

Not that user, but I actually rather enjoyed the werehog levels...

If he's looking for Boom-ish plot, Unleashed isn't too kiddie or fucking retardedly complex

It's got that aesthetic. They're all alone on an island, the character interactions are nice, etc. Plus they aren't overly snarky to each other or mean spirited like other animated comedies. It's sweet and they feel like a family too, even Eggman feels like family. Not only that, but all the background characters are absolutely hilarious. Dave the Intern, Cubot and Orbot, Zoey, Lady Walrus, etc all have their own lives and good humor that comes with them. It's just well written and perfectly timed in it's delivery. Specifically in the voice acting. Something about the way Roger Craig Smith and Mike Pollock deliver their lines makes it perfect. Very clever shit here, and it isn't just fourth wall breaking shit either, the humor can really based at times (the Climate Change and Sticks government jokes just to name a few jokes). It's an all around fantastic show and you can feel the love put into it. There's just something about it. It's got a certain magic to it, and it makes me feel good after watching. Can't say the same about most shows right now.

I want to impregnate Sticks and watch as she's confused by the changers her own body undergoes as she missed sex education

>even Eggman feels like family
Hey, I'm not THAT fat.

I still can't get over how great his Boom Shadow song was.

>Mike Pollock in the comments shooting the shit
He's such a chill guy

Someone recommend a good redpilled Sup Forums episode to watch.

Don't. This show isn't redpilled & it's not a Sup Forums cartoon

Which one has that scene with Amy saying her not-Sonic-real-doll is for legit uses?

Denial doesn't change reality, Sup Forums.

You're right & the reality is that there's nothing Sup Forums about the show.

The closest would be "Unnamed Episode" since Eggman goes full Trump.

Ep #?

What's with Sup Forums and falling for the shittiest b8 imaginable? Is it part of the board culture or do people actually get angry and respond to these posts?

The closest reference they made to anything Trump-related in that episode was showing the villagers mindlessly voting for Eggman because he had a catchphrase on his merchandise & the first thing he did after winning was trying to take over the entire town.

We're a gullible people.

I think you can take it from there.

No need to spoon feed any more.

Sticks is really cute

Interesting choice of accent though. Everytime I hear her I think of the landlord from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

That's not an accent. That's her VA's real voice with a squeak added in. There's an episode of Billy & Mandy where she plays Pandora, and her voice is pretty much the same.

Sup Forums is full fo normalfags who are not used to seeing bait.

I can't wait for the release.

>You and what doctorate?
Oh snap


>there will never be a sequel to this boxart because there won't be a new Deus Ex game


>you've melt your match

>tfw you have a know a Kevin Robertson and you send him that link

> An actually GOOD piece of Sonic entertainment?
What about Sonic X?
That was a good anime

>generic shounen is good anime
God have mercy on you if you watched it dubbed instead of subbed.

What if I'm knuckles


Fucking amazing. Finally a show that says it like it is. With shit like this and Sticks' entire character it really smashes it out of the park.


What the fuck? I've never watched an episode before, but within a minute they did a full tribute to fucking BYE BYE BIRDIE of all things. This show is NUTS. I'm sold.

I watched it dubbed... in russian
I didn't even had a PC back then
That was how I first found out about Sonic in the first place.
It was a long time until I learned that there Sonic games.

Anthropogenic climate change is very very very likely real, but "proving" it, in a scientific sense, is next to impossible.

Yeah it's definitely probably real.

It's undoubtable that we have an effect. The real trick is whether it's a significant one on the grand scheme of natural cycling. protip: it isn't. Fuck 'going green' we need to get as filthy as possible trying to figure out ways to survive in super hot or super cold climates sustainably. It was going to change anyway, hamstringing progress just to buy time is retarded. It's better we use the time we have to progress and proceed. I hope we start getting serious about intrasolar travel by the time our generation dies.

I remember some retard in another Boom thread tried to say that the show was redpilled because of these lines, without understanding either Sticks or Cubot's characters.

Not only are you wrong on an impossible level, It doesn't fucking matter. Climate change is a political football entirely due to its unprovable nature. Fossil fuels directly endanger worker and public health and wreck the environment and our economy in far more direct ways, to say nothing of the civil rights issues involved with our continued support of Saudi nations. Green energy is safer, cheaper, and more sustainable now. There is no logical reason to continue using coal when we could be using thorium salt plants in combination with wind and solar farms.

But Sticks is usually right.

Maybe it's because of how early it is, but I'm trying to think of moments where Sticks ramblings about the government being right & I can't think of anything.

I feel like the writers know a lot of the fandom, both the horrible autists and the normal folks who find the autists horrible.

They regularly attend Sonic cons & interact with them on Twitter. They've probably seen every type of Sonic fan at this point.

>not only are you wrong on an impossible level
Excuse me cunt?
>there's no logical reason [for] fossil fuel
How about all the existing infrastructure you spastic. Having no reason not to do something is not the same as having a reason to do something. There's no reason that I shouldn't go for a walk on the river right now but there's not a reason for me to do that right now either. You need an actual motivation for any change to be worthwhile and right now there isn't.
If you want to talk about cheap and sustainable nuclear stuff is the way to go. We need to get more into fusion and fission. It's that type of technology that will stay with us across the coming centuries.
>dude nature lmao
As we've agreed, it's getting fucked over (by man or otherwise) so it's time to pull that bandaid off
>dude workers rights lmao
Not an argument. There's nothing inherently poorer in welfare around fossil fuels and nuclear
>b-but my saudis
And you think that capatilism won't find the 'most efficient' methods for sustainable stuff too? You're a fucking idiot, and no mistake.

The one with the underground lizard people behind Amy's wall.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums you edgy teenager. Fusion is impossible. Fission is what we already fucking have.

>fusion is impossible
>fission is what we already have
And yet we continue to make advancements in fission tech. And yet there's loads of theoretical energy getting wasted via inefficient processing that we're slowly starting to capitalise.
It's like me saying we already have solar; sure, we do have solar but there's still a long way to go before we plateau on what the tech is capable of. There's advancements all the time.

>edgy teen
>talking mad shit about speculative areas and telling people to go to Sup Forums

wow that was actually pretty good.

then you can flex your muscles instead

What was Knuckles character before this even? The generic cool guy? Practically a red version of sonic when we already had a black version? I remember when people were mad they made him a stupid muscle head but it's actually the first time he had a real character to himself.

That's fucking wild.


Pained final survivor of his race. Think the sad edge to shadows angry edge.