480 mil in 12 days is not a flop. He was in it for 10 minutes or something

480 mil in 12 days is not a flop. He was in it for 10 minutes or something.


holy shit
rdj looks like he just had a heart attack

Okay That is a flop

>tfw you get off the drugs only to be killed by the Hollywood machine.

I hope that's the message they take from this. I had zero interest in watching after the trailers. I don't give a shit about Iron Man.

it is not a flop, but, it is underperforming, and may not be profitable if Marvel and Sony have to share the money in some way, and in the Iron Man cameo was too expensive.

you're not serious right?

if this does not make more money than wonder woman it is a flop

RDJ it's the best, now it's depressed, like all the best protagonists in the media.

>the third spider-man reboot in a decade
>the first female super hero movie/the first Good™ DCEU movie

Who's under the mask?

>Actors Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo took to Twitter to give a shout-out to Downey Jr on his birthday. “Happy birthday @RobertDowneyJr you haven’t aged a day since this picture,” tweeted Hemsworth, alongside a funny photo-shopped image, which shows the birthday boy donning a wig and appearing old and wrinkly with the “Thor” star giving a thumbs-up.

No, I just hope the movies keep flopping.
Superheroes haven't been able to put out any decent media for a decade now, no good movies, and no good comics, at this point, this entire superhero thing deserves to die, and I will be very happy when all the hack directors and actors who have worked on these terrible movies end up jobless.

>and may not be profitable if Marvel and Sony have to share the money in some way

From what I read, Sony gets all the box office money from Homecoming.

Even if RDJ himself is only in the movie for a few minutes of scenes, Iron Man's stink on the Spider-Man mythos is always apparent. From the high-tech spider lenses, to the computer AI, to Happy's presence, to Pepper's inexplicable return. It's like Iron Man bought a Spider-Man statue and hot-glued all over it. And Homecoming is the video he posted on /gif/.

Nah, they'll just think it was Spider-Man's fault, and reboot him again a few years down the line.

>something deserve to die because I can't enjoy them XD

You could just post an image macro of "stop liking what I don't like" without resorting to your usual drama queen theatrics.

Or they'll take the opposite message and say "see, we even put our huge star Iron Man in this and it barely made more than the last Spider-Man movie!"

Either way, stop the histrionics because this is not even moderately close to a flop. It's only "underperforming" in that something as big as Spider-Man is expected to do an easy billion, not just keep pace with GotG.

And people who enjoy them are all manchildren who unironically eat up movies based on power fantasies written for 5 year olds.

None of those were even remotely bad with the way you are trying to paint it.

Fun fact, nobody cares about Spiderman anymore.
Bringing him to the MCU was a waste of money and time, it would have been more fun seeing Sony's pathetic attempt at making a cinematic universe out of Spiderman alone.

>Spider-Man is expected to do an easy billion
In what world? Not even the Raimi films hit that number.

>still pretending you have standards
>still pretending you aren't already a bigger manchild in each thread

Sure thing.

Marvel has the mechandising, sony only makes money off movies sales.

The word "standard" must be pretty meaningless for someone who, on top of watching these objectively terrible movies, defends them based on nothing.
Seriously, there's nothing to defend, aside from comic fanboys saying "LOOK, MY LE HERO ON LE BIG SCREEN XD".

So you're highlighting two successes. Congrats on both.

kek what a deal. No matter how much money the movie makes, it will never be as much as the merchandise.

>started almost 15 millions ahead of Wonder Woman
>12th day, fell behind by almost 1.5 millions
What a success.

Yes they are. They minimize Spider-Man's status as a solo hero who, traditionally, became a hero on his own, and conquered all his obstacles using his own grit and steam.

They turned Spider-Man into "Son of Iron Man". He essentially becomes a legacy character in his own fuckng story. It would be like Batman's origin getting changed to him becoming Batman as a result of training with Zorro, and then Batman constantly failing which forces Zorro to return to Gotham to save him. And then at every opportunity you see Zorro characters appear in a Batman story because fuck you.

I don't think you ever had any meaningful standards to begin with because in this thread and others you keep thumping your chest about how much better you are than comic fanboys who go watch superhero movies. That's not really a high bar for you to keep bragging about.

You don't know what the word "flop" means.

They should have done a bigger Captain America cameo instead.

Not even Zorro, but Green Arrow or someone. Pure bullshit.

Of course, because you have literally no arguments against it, you can't say a single reason why anyone would watch these turds.

What works for the comics does not traditionally work for the movies. Especially for a street level hero like spiderman who in this iteration is in highschool with all the problems as well. Hell tASM had him eavesdropping on two college students to get an idea for his suit material. Karen is funny at times, happy was okay, and the lenses give the animated feel that weren't present in the raimi and webb films. I enjoyed it is what I'm saying.

>They minimize Spider-Man's status as a solo hero who, traditionally, became a hero on his own

Nigga, the entire point of the movie was Peter saying THIS to Tony at the end.

It's spelled right in front of you, he choose his life on Queens, Street crime and school over moving with other Avengers and going on their missions.

Your complain is adressed on the moral of the movie.

Nobody likes Steve

Again, you're talking about two successful movies.
"Oh you got an A. Good job but Diana got an A+. Guess that means you're a failure."
Pic related is Fate of the Furious.

honestly I blame it entirely on the very end after credits scene

I went with friends and made them sit through the credits to see it, all the while going "wait guys there's more just you wait"

then steve rogers' nothing scene happens and I get embarrassed even after the real movie was pretty good

Fuck you too.

it's more like they think that putting RDJ in the movie is a guaranteed billion.

>honestly I blame it entirely on the very end after credits scene
Oh come on that was funny but i do remember hearing people say it was a waste of time. Still like it

Well then you'll be glad to know Homecoming 2 won't have RDJ in it but another hero. Besides, it made sense for Tony to appear in Homecoming because he was the one who gave Peter the suit in Civil War

That end credits was the best thing in the movie

Well it has been up until this. I think it's mostly the result of people having seen Spider-Man in so many movies at this point, the last 3 receiving less than critical acclaim. Normies might think this is another origin story.

Wonder Woman has so far made about parity domestic and international.

As of day 12, BAKA has made 18% more internationally than it has made domestically.

Assuming it maintains the same kind of trajectory, it will end up on about the same as Wonder Woman domestically - around $400m when everything's finished. But it will also make $72m more internationally than it makes domestically, for a final total around $872m. On an ASM $225m budget, that would have been a pass ("barely"). On BAKA's more restrained $175m, it's easily profitable. That 62% drop may continue - but on the face of the weekday evidence, it's going to be a slower burn all summer for Spidey.

However, Wonder Woman has also been and gone in China (to the tune of $89m), where BAKA has yet to open (but is almost certain to do well). Assuming 1/4 of Wonder Woman's international is China, then applying that assumption to BAKA, we arrive at a final international which is 33% higher than the domestic, around $628m including the 18% bonus it already enjoys, for a final worldwide of around $1.1bn.

>but muh domestic

Any tax they're paying on domestic production, domestic release, that they haven't already claimed back through state/federal schemes to encourage filming, will be claimed back against overseas losses. That is, losses to taxation, transfer fees, the whole lot. And they won't pay any transfer fees or tax in most of the world anyway, because the money will be transferred as loans rather than payments, which do not attract taxation in the same way and can be "repaid" or written off at a later date.

>not 900 million
>only 890 million
>not china yet
dcucks growing crazier every day

only Sony make the money of this movies, are you this much of a retard newfag?

Sony keeps those too, they did all the investment.

>you'll never make a 'flop' movie by Sup Forums's standards and be richer than your wildest dreams

Why even?

I didn't dislike it, but it definitely did NOT fly with normies who aren't neck deep invested in MCU lore