After they cut all his scenes from GotG 2 and DC said they want a mid 40's Hal Jordan for the GLC movie...

After they cut all his scenes from GotG 2 and DC said they want a mid 40's Hal Jordan for the GLC movie... I'm just saying, stars are aligning.

god, please that would be such a good casting choice. Nathan FIllion shines as an actor, even with bad lines.

It's been 15 years since Firefly. 10 years as a cheesy TV detective. He's done his time. He's earned this. Do the right thing, WB.

As long as they could convince him to lose some weight, I see it.

look his career may not be in the greatest shape right now but he's still better than DC

Why do people like this guy so much?

I tried watching Firefly and it was really cheesy and annoying.


Look forward to the Justice League then.

GotG 2?

What was he supposed to be in that? Also when did DC ever say this?

If Hollywood trainers can get Mark Hamill back into shape I don't think Nathan Fillion will be a problem

He was supposed to be in it as Wonder Man, in movie posters in the background or some shit.

>cut all his scenes from GotG 2
Really? What's the story on that?

Op or pic related are my faves for GL

Like so.

PS: The middle poster is for Arkon

I don't see it.

You're a genius. How did I not realize before?

>astronaut gets involved in alien shit because luck.
>astronaut gets involved in alien shit because luck

Ok, user. You have a point.

Only partly... Hal was still chosen by the ring.

Christ, Browder has not aged well.

>After they cut all his scenes from GotG 2

he just had a cameo on some posters dude

Because he was the nearest, if I'm not mistaken.
So, I guess, yeah. But I think luck played a lot in it happening.

He was playing Howard stark in a bio pic I think. It was on a distruction seen on earth. It's so small you can't see it.

Fuck no

Nathan Fillion as Hal

Black Johnny Storm whose name I can't remember as John

Men in Green

Is there any actor in this world as overrated at this man? Nobody can explain what's so good about him, he's just one of those "nerd celebrities" so if you don't like him all your nerd cred goes out the window

The guy's name is literally Michael Jordan

And he can't because he's the bad guy in Black Panther.

Bruh I watched this shit on recommendation of a friend and this guy can't act for shit.
The fucking puppets had more range.

Nega-Picard was great though.

And Gunn said it was cut because Fillon deserved better as an intro to the MCU. He still wants him to be Wonder Man

I really want them to cast Kyle for GL and have him learn from an old ringless John played by Idris Elba because Fillian Hal killed the corp.