Why can't Zatanna get her own book!?

Go to a Fucking Comic-Con MotherFuckers! She is one of the most popular characters out there despite having little to no exposure. She is also a strong female character in a believable model.

I mean even her entire backstory is interesting and she can take on a lot of Big Bads or teacup with other heroes.

user, I don't know most of the persons coming around in the Marvel and DC threads, so it's already positive I recognise her.
That's mostly because she looks like a magician and I expect she can take any moment a rabbit or a dove out of that hat,

Because we have enough characters getting their own book.


Feminists wouldn't allow it, or it will get ruined by them, like everything else on these dark times.

A Batman/Zatanna line would establish her enough to have a solo, as much as Batman is overexposed.

DC seemed to be focused on the major heros with Rebirth. It's taking a while but I hope we get some books for the following charcaters/premises
>Swamp Thing
>Justice League Dark
>All-Star Western/Jonah Hex
>Booster Gold
>Captain Marvel/Shazam!
>The Brave and the Bold
>The Atom
>Etrigan the Demon
>Captain Carrot and His Zoo Crew

She had a book preFP by Dini and it didn't sell much. Maybe give her something short like that occasionally, but she is what she is. There's nothing wrong with being a team book character. Not everyone is suited for a solo. This is a not a character where you should be surprised that she doesn't have one at least.

Of course it didn't sell much.

It was fun.

I really want DC to push Zatanna one day and give her the exposure she deserves. I feel like out of any of the B-listers, she has some of the most potential to be an interesting character, with an interesting cast, and a good rogues gallery. There's so much shit you can do with her, it's unreal. She's pretty much Untapped Potential: The Character right now. Also, she's really fucking hot.

My greatest fear is that DC/WB will finally push her, but then proceed to completely change her, ruining everything about her that makes her special. Like for one, getting rid of the sexy magician's outfit.


Cause Paul Dini only wants to write so much of her. He seems to own complete control over her. Hell, even in Justice League Action he's the writer of her episodes.

It's probably less of a power thing and more that he's the only one who cares enough to use her

Is it really weird that I love Zatanna but don't care for Dini's Zatanna at all? He never really seems to do anything really cool with her. It's always underwhelming as fuck.

He just wants to be too nice with her and have fun. Can't fault him, he conjured with wife with her, I would be afraid to dabble in that magic too.

why does he always get brought in to write Zatanna then?

>He just wants to be too nice with her and have fun. Can't fault him, he conjured with wife with her, I would be afraid to dabble in that magic too.
As always, Hypercrisis.

Personally I just love her design and concept. I liked her when she was introduced to me in btas and I felt the had potential but she was never really utilized. since then i've never seen her in anything at all that I liked.

So these days I just save cheesecake pictures of zatanna to my hard drive and that's the extent of my relationship with her. if a new zatanna comic was announced I don't think i'd care, i've been disappointed too many times in the past.

I found his solo pretty underwhelming and her appearances in the DCAU where mostly just because of Batman. I kind of like how Morrison handled her in Seven Soldiers, really went all out with magic.

It's a shame Dini bailed on it when news of the reboot hit, rather than even attempting to wrap it it.

Still, it was a very fun series.

That's what I'm saying, that I think it's just shows getting him on because he's a big DC guy and then he chooses to use her but I don't think anyone decides they want to do a Zatanna episode and then calls him up.

He didn't do her Smallville or YJ episodes.

>why does he always get brought in to write Zatanna then?
You assume he doesn't go to them, asking if he can.

I will NEVER get how Dini was in love with the character and barely ever had her in the DCAU. I mean, she got all of ONE real appearance in JLU. For fucks' sake. I remember being a kid and being really hyped that Zatanna was going to be in that episode, and then when it aired, I was pretty let down.

>I kind of like how Morrison handled her in Seven Soldiers, really went all out with magic.
My dude. Seven Soldiers: Zatanna remains the best Zee story ever.

Well, fuck, what if we got a Zatanna book by Morrison? Wouldn't that be wild? Do you think he'd come back to DC to write her?

She's having a lot of Dini written episodes in JLA

Morrison has no problem with DC, he just doesn't want to do monthlies right now. Sounded like the pace had him kind of burnt out.

>Well, fuck, what if we got a Zatanna book by Morrison?
Stop, user. I can only get so excited for shit that will never happen.

>Do you think he'd come back to DC to write her?
I thought he was still at DC? He's writing Multiversity Too.

So far, she's been alright in JLA. It does kinda annoy me how she's more of a physical fighter there though. She should be a squishy wizard.

Morrison has Wonder Woman Earth One 2 and Arkham Asylum 2 planned for release next year

>Arkham Asylum 2
artist better be McKean

It's Burnham and it's a Batman #666 sequel, I don't know why they're calling it AA2

For the money nigga

Pitch me your Zatanna story, Sup Forums!

Let's hear them.

Also who would be the better team-up, Captain Carrot or Dumb Bunny?

>not muC

>she has some of the most potential to be an interesting character
You say that as if you don't think she's interesting right now.

Have her team up with Wonder Woman and fight Circe. It would be nice to delve into greek mythology and contrast their idea of magic and witchcraft with modern magic

Wh-wh-what if my Zatanna stories don't immediately have an overarching story arc and I'd let it all come together naturally?

>You say that as if you don't think she's interesting right now.
I do. I just think she could be even more interesting in the hands of a good writer.

well fuck you DC, that isn't Arkam Asylum at all. If anythig this will be a aping the games heavily instead of the origional comic. Fuck, he had to work McKean for 5 years to get him to make a Batman book, when finally he convinced him McKean fell in love with the story

>Wh-wh-what if my Zatanna stories don't immediately have an overarching story arc and I'd let it all come together naturally?

Then I'd call you a poor planner and ask for them anyway, because I'm sure they're interesting.

The same reason that Martian Manhunter, Joker, Atom, Oracle, Plastic Man and Spectre rarely get books - because it's really hard to write an ongoing series for them.

I mean, what would Zatanna story even be about? She's kind of a superhero, but her powers are poorly defined about limits. She works well as an addition to a team, but alone, what is she even gonna do? Make it a superhero book where she takes down magic-themed villains? Because that's what Dr Fate already does.
She doesn't have a rogue gallery, or even a good strong concept to make villains for. She doesn't fight for anything in particular. Half of her depictions don't even have her as a superhero but as a regular magician. She's popular, but vague.

for christ sake, you don't need a singular villain to make a good story. Look at Vertigo for inspiration, Constantine and Timothy Hunter basically just wander through tragic stories, most of the great stuff doesn't really have a villain. In Books of Magic it's mostly Tim converting enemies into allies and in Constantine it's the opposite.

Honestly, having Zatanna having to go through the faerie worlds for some sort of artifact to save someones life, or someones soul, would be fantastic. No main villain, just her struggling to go through the vertigo world of Sandman, Lucifer, Books of Magic and Hellblazer

>Then I'd call you a poor planner
M-m-maybe I am, user. Maybe I should go ahead and plot all this shit out in the offhand chance that DC ever actually hires me.

One thing that I'd do is that I'd bring Misty Kilgore back, but the twist being that post-Flashpoint Zatanna has no memory of her since the Zatanna that met her technically doesn't exist anymore. Misty would have to gain Zatanna's trust and listen to everything that she says.

Her mentoring Misty, Traci 13, Black Alice, and Mary Marvel.

nah SS with Tim Hunter

I remember when Misty was the girl of the month here. Good times.

>She is one of the most popular characters out there despite having little to no exposure
Are you sure that's because people read her comics and not because she has an attractive costume?

I really like her in Justice League Action.

Zatanna is the magic version of powergirl

aka cucked by dc for no other reason than them thinking the only reason they exist is for their sex appeal when in reality they are great characters

Zatanna's powers are either flashy or subtle, no in between. What's more, she's not much of a heavy hitter but has unlimited utility. I would want Zatanna to have detective or mystery stories, a good magic character to get into the magic side of DC. Everything from Vampires and eldritch abominations to Shifting into 4th and even 5th dimensional travel and body horror biomagics.

How can you write an actual story around her where she doesn't btfo everyone?

IMO Zatanna should be in a team book not a solo

she wants me to muc?

Fucking what does Dr. Strange or Dr. Who do?

Do the same shit as those cats!

>Do you think he'd come back to DC to write her?

Doesn't he have an exclusive contract with DC?

I liked it last time she had her own book.

Do you have to read all of the 7 soldiers stories or can you just read the Zatanna ones? It doesn't even have the good Mr. Miracle

>not muC
>failing this badly.

Still, thanks for the pic user, into the DC folder it goes.

That takes dedicated work.

Boobs and Tumblr, always Boobs and Tumblr.

I never met the Captain or his Zoo Crew, but since you vouched for them, I'll be happy to be there for them in their time of need.

Technically you could read it alone, but you're kind of cheating yourself out of the experience.

The series is deliberately set up so that you can read the whole thing or you can just read the miniseries. If you read the whole thing, you can even read each miniseries separately from one another. There is a recommended reading order though and you'd be denying yourself a lot if you just read the Zatanna mini.

Do whatever you want, user. Enjoy.

I might check it out.

No you won't. Don't Fucking lie.

...I'm literally reading it right now.

She's frequently cosplayed because her costume is easy as hell to pull using off the rack items. She also had a solo a few years ago and is one of DC's most solid C-listers.

Zatanna BTFO of everyone would be equally an issue in a team book, if not worse.

She's functionally a localized reality warper. I think that the best way to check her powers without destroying how she works would be to make her spell casting, specifically the big stuff, Vancian in nature. The small stuff she can cast as needed all day long but potent magic must be prepared in advance through ritual, the backwards speech is both focus and evocation.

>pitch me a Zatanna story

honestly...I would rip off stuff like the Dresden files. Kind of that Noir Urban Fantasy.

>Zatanna finishes a show to find two Mob looking guys in her dressing room with a message to meet their boss at X time and place, or else Batman's identity will be released to the public.
>Turns out the "boss" is the Penguin, but when she gets there he's half dead, two of his guards are dead, and the only clue is a broken window and a giant wolf's paw print.
>Z finds out a new "meta-human" gang has been trying to move into Gotham, only instead of being "metas" they're actually werewolves. But turns out it wasn't them that hit Pengy. But unfortunately, she's dissed their leader so now they want blood.
>Z manages to get away thanks to some officers in GCPD's IA department who happen to be nearby. However, she notices one of them has a strange tattoo that looks like a snake on their wrist
>Z goes home, and runs some magical tests on the evidence. Batman stops by (bit of hinted romance), goes off because Joker or something.
>Z gets a call from the IA folks who saved her. There's been another attack. This time two-face was hit. Dead mooks everywhere. Z checks it out, looks like a wolf-print again, but this one is smaller. There's also some wolf-hair that was trapped in one of the victims hands.
>Z starts doing a tracking spell, it leads to one of the GCPD offices. She walks in right as the werewolf gang is getting booked. Their leader breaks free, transforms, goes after her. Z takes him down, but this breaks the control he had over his gang and they go wild. Building starts getting torn apart.
>tracking spell starts going crazy. IA agents walk in. Werewolves smell something that drives them nuts. Agents try to run. Z gets out.
>Z comes out, werewolves hot on her heels, to find the IA agents have turned into Loup-Garue (super werewolves). Blood bath everywhere. One of the LG chases Z down an allyway. Z manages to bind it up, then the rest.

She had her own book. It got really shitty with puppets and stuff.

Dini is not a good magic writer. He's a lot tamer compared to writers who went all out with magical elements in other magic books like Dr Fate, Hellblazer, Spectre, books of magic etc.


>Like for one, getting rid of the sexy magician's outfit.
I wouldn't mind mixing it up with the classic and pic related for a tv adaption if appeasing needed to happen somewhat while staying loyal to the fan base it would be made for.

Well, first she has zero to know exposure in the movies, only some minor roles in TV shows. Whenever a character receives some really good adaptation in a form that is not niche, writers and artists, like it or not, gravitate towards that vision, always. People like her looks, but they don't actually know ANYTHING about her aside from disgusting nerds who gasp read comics, there is no winning vision of her character that inspired some writer or artist to make her solo adventure. In short, people don't know what to do with her aside from throwing into a pile of bat-cock worship.

Then you have modern disdain for magic.

I do like her, I think she has potential for cool stories, but no one aside from pathetic fans see her character, they just like her looks.

Zatanna in Space. Explore the magical sides of other planets, meet strange beings that float in the black void of space, do a show for the Laterns.

I also want to see her team up with my other favorite DC characters, like Plastic-Man, Superman, and Princess Amythest.

truly a very nice girl

>z in space
Id buy it


>Zatanna flying on a broom in space like Silver Surfer


I thought by far and away the coolest part in Dini's run was the cosmic therapist lady who took any form that was comfortable with her clients. That was pretty cool.

Yeah, I actually like that outfit. It doesn't replace her classic costume but it does look pretty nice and it works as more 'casual wear'.

I had an idea sort of like this, but isn't there some rule in the DC universe that most of the magic is confined to Earth, at least in the present day, with Alan Scott having one of the biggest sources of magic outside of Earth with the Starheart?

At this point just have her join the LoSH and go on adventures with White Witch


Zatanna vs Werewolves in London
Negotiating between hidden magical creature communities in San Francisco
Doing tricks at Jon's birthday
Going to Gemworld
Something about that magic mansion she has



Larger image

>Everything from Vampires and eldritch abominations to Shifting into 4th and even 5th dimensional travel and body horror biomagics.
This is essentially what I want out of a Zatanna series. I want it to be cosmic magical shenanigans, but of course with an urban fantasy bent to it too, with a lot of lower level stuff here and there too.

Why do people want to limit her powers? She needs to speak what other wizards do by just waving their hands







Shes more for Cheesecake then anything else.

Has she had any episodes focused on her in JLA? The ones I saw were her helping out Batman. Kinda of annoying how she only pops up when Batman needs magic help.

Yeah. She and Black Canary are pretty much just fapbait.

just cause they are hot doesn't mean they aren't great characters. Black Canary is my 3rd fav DC hero, just behind Constantine and Green Arrow

>Kinda of annoying how she only pops up when Batman needs magic help.
That's Paul Dini for you.

Spoiler alert: Batman is his self-insert and Zee is his waifu. Do the math.

Sorry, calling them just fapbait was sexist. What i meant was that writers aren't interested in using them as anything other than eyecandy. Just look at Zatanna in the JLD comic.

I guessed that from the DCAU. Still, him making them connected means she has a link to get into shows/movies.
Don't really like shipping them though.

That spoiler is the truth for a couple of the JLA episodes AND for JLD. There was no reason for Batman to be there in JLD, nor when fighting Faust, Z did everything in that episode

I really liked her in JLD and she's not really fap bait when she shows up in any Constantine comic, especially Hellblazer.

