Judge my taste Sup Forums

Post your favorite superhero characters (be it heroes, villains... Fuck, post background characters for all I care) and let others judge it.

You have good taste.


Rest are decent though

Great taste mate

You get points for Red Hood.

That's some fine ass taste you got there


Pretty good, the Joker is a bit of a shit character at times though.

Good taste all around.

Fuck just picking from one company will take a while
>Wally West
>Dick and Damian
>John Constantine
>The Question (Renee and Vic)
>Plastic Man
>Mister Miracle, Orion, Darkseid, the New Gods in general
>Booster Gold
>Blue Beetle
>Swamp Thing
>Lex Luthor
>Guy Gardner

Not bad, user.

There I go.

How has Rogue been recently?

>liking Michelangelo


Yo you like the grumpy type, eh?

Mostly pretty good. I still never found a version of Damian that I like, so that's a thing.

Pretty good too, never really cared much for rogue though.

Se was nicely done in Uncanny, which is the last I read about her. Anso so fuckling pretty because Larraz


How long until someone posts a character like America Chavez and derails the entire thread?

I hope never, so far we only got pretty fucking good tastes.


It's a teen thing, same as Spider-Man, which is a childhood thin (my first comics)

Are you talking about Damian or Rogue?

I'm not that young, user.


pretty standard for Sup Forums, but still good. however its mandatory that booster must appear alongside beetle in this threads

Keeping the trend of only having good taste in this thread ey?

My keyboard is getting fucking lazy, goddammit.

There is some... variety in there.


Always good to ask
But either way, I see where you are coming from.

Ah, it really was my bad. I didn't realize about the first half of your post.

>Question. Mister Miracle, Robotman
Good shit
Top tier taste

I kinda cheated on this one

I know Dandy is Sup Forums but hes my favorite Johnny Bravo incarnation

Fuckk i was too late to the Shadow/Mysterio combo

Dandy is more than welcome in the Sup Forums club.


Damian almost got in, but he's written too inconsistently to make it. While I really like his highs I hate his lows.

Uhh im a qt boi so dont mind my picks xoxo

That's some fucking good taste right there, user.



There's always room for more people to appreciate these underrated characters.
I like your other picks as well.

I guess I mostly like despotic rulers of fictional kingdoms and wise-cracking blonde heroes.

I like it.

I sometimes wonder if there's someone there who doesn't like blue and gold.

Excellent taste


well at least you have Lobo and Wildcat. I am also in love with Zee

Good taste, user.

KINGZ and Green Arrow.

Weird group, bit I can't give any arguments

too lazy to make a pic but

Green Arrow
Hank Pym (can I include entire fucked up family? Ultron at least)
Beta Ray Bill
Emma Frost
Sara Pezzini
Black Canary

Tommy Monaghan
Marvin from the Sandman (the living scarecrow from Dream's realm, with the pumpkin head)
Dream of the Endless
Kite Man
The Shocker, "the Shocker: Legit" really sealed the deal here. If you havent read it and liked Superior Foes, google it u sumbitch.

Rate me

There have been a lot of pics of Blue and Gold so I'll skip The Boyz but after then:

- The Question
- Golden Age Sandman
- The Frogmouth (Love and Rockets)
- Ray Smuckles


(I forgot Machine Man. Unforgivable.)

Good call on Wildcat.

How is OMAC in terms of Kirby work?

>Kite Man
I love King but King faggotry has reached peak limit

R8 don't H8

Its true. I only ironically like him as a gag character.

It was my #2 favourite for a long time. It's got so many trippy, dark ideas about society jammed into 8 issues. The only thing holding it back for me is that it ends on a cliffhanger and OMAC is a total non-character (which is the point, his name is Buddy Blank) but it keeps me from getting emotionally invested. But he's such a cool design that he's still one of my favourite heroes. *shrug*

My new #2 fave is Kamandi, which is pretty much the same as OMAC (blank slate hero, gets lots of insane post-apocalyptic shit thrown at him) but it's more sustained and there's more time to build an interesting supporting cast.

The best Kirby comic is The Losers. It's Kirby's version of Tarantino's True Romance, his real life experiences of WW2 filtered through bananas superhero comics. Neil Gaiman called it "the war comic for people who hate war comics" and he's not wrong. It's criminally underrated.

Pictured: Darwyn Cooke's favourite comic book

Thanks I got the first two volumes of the Fourth World Omnibus and have really liked it. I'll have to check out the Losers.

I love the Fourth World but it's actually my least favourite of Kirby's DC stuff. He hadn't really locked down his cool chunky, blocky 70s style yet. Have you read his 70s Cap run? Hiiiighly recommended. It's insane.

No I'm trying to work through fourth world but the freaking fourth volume is expensive. I've seen some art from cap but haven't read it yet. Did he write and draw that one. I respect what Lee did but is writing is too much at times.

Nope, this run is all Kirby and it is fantastic.

is that my mans the badger

That's awesome. I've always like Kirby's art but reading the fourth world stuff it is impressive how good of a writer he is in terms of plotting.


Yes it is, Larry

Yeah, I agree. I'm with Morrison, just because nobody talks like they do in a Kirby comic doesn't make it bad at all, just distinctive. Plus stuff like this panel rules.

Seig Heil, Nick Spencer

That simply doesnt exists... cant hapen... not possible.... what are you aout of your mind?




Good, good.

You have true patrician taste.



>>Nite Owl in a best character grid
>>Not Hollis

Is Badger that great? I see it all the time but don't know much about it.

The Punisher

It's the best comic ever. If you like absurdist humor it's a must read.

Lot of good stuff.

I loved Tom Strong.
Vigilante is good.
How's Mr. A?

All big 2.

You should try some independent stuff. Lot of gold hidden there.

Not even the worst Sup Forumstard is that big of a shitlord.

hell yes


I read indies and alternative stuff as well. This just felt more like a cape-type of thread.

Open to suggestions though if you'd care to share.

Prieststroke is approaching GOAT status.