This is Emoji Movie

This is Emoji Movie.
Say something nice about it.

it will give us a nice Jacksfilms video


it's another nail in Sony's coffin

>implying you can kill sony when PS4 can support them entirely
The only way sony could die is if there was another video game crash.

"It will likely turn a profit."

That is the only "nice" thing I can say about it, and even that statement is laced with contempt and scorn.

Well, it's not like the industry isn't headed that way.

You are less stupid than Donald Trump.

I'm glad it's finally out so that we can start the process of forgetting about it.



Same. I'm 90% convinced whenever this overblow reaction to certain stuff happens, it's a result of CartoonBrew/Amid trying to shill the story as fucking hard as he can. He did the same thing with trying to convince people that Sausage Party would bring in a new era of adult films.

It proved, without a doubt, that Sony is run by retards. It's a known fact, but this movie further cements the validity of it.

It was considerate enough to not shit up youtube with endless trailers.

Sure are a lot of SONY shills on the board today...

I don't think Sony would have done any better with Popeye, to be honest.

It was a movie

probably meant Sony's film division

What even is that? I have emojis on my phone and they sure as shit don't look like that

Japanese Sony isn't going to want all their vidya money to be siphoned away by baka gaijin like Amy Pascal.

Expect a fire sale of Sony Motion Pictures soon.

This, can't wait.

Who the fuck is jacksfilms and why is everyone talking about him here all of a sudden

It's short.

He did a bunch of ironic videos on The Emoji Movie and Sony actually invited him to the premiere, thinking he was a fan. He has his review ready to go tomorrow.

It employed a lot of animators.
