Doomsday Clock

How is Johns going to justify Superman punching Doctor Manhattan in his big blue penis?

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Batman will help, he'll have an issue of preptime

They're not fighting.

Dr M is not the big bad villain, Johns said it

the clock is counting down to Prime Time and best boy and his Time Trapper powers will do it

You speak like we need buildup to this. The comic could just be various panels of Superman's fist ramming into a blue crotch and it'd be the biggest issue of the year.


Doc will be wearing trunks for protection

>Johns Batman

Manhattan is too strong for Superman and Batman.
He literally can see causality.
I think it's going to be a battle of ideals instead.

Is that franklin richards?

He won't be punching Manhattan in his penis he will punch him in the trunks he stole from superman

So more reality being debooted back.

>not going to fight the JL

Prime Time confirmed

We're not getting dick and you know it.

Prime is Oz so no. If the books like watchmen, expect mostly talking and deconstruction. Then somehow Dr.M agrees to revert reality back at the end.

Not of all it though.

The word on the street is that Oz is precrisis Jor-El

Doesn't fit. I bet they told Rich lies. I don't get how it could be pre crisis Jor el who died and then rewritten into many versions can be alive.

Unless Rich reading comprension is wack, and it's rebirth jorel alive.

>Dr. Manhattan has gone crazy after being tainted by the residual magic released into the multiverse during Emperor Joker
>basically fighting off insanity while trying desperately to maintain his sanity and objectivity
>"Destroy me, great hero... there are none in my universe with the power to do so... save everyone before my madness drives me to do further damage to countless realities..."

preFP Lex made the most sense, so I'll be mad regardless if it's not him

Everyone is predicting that this is going to be Johns taking a big crap on Watchmen for making superhero comics too serious, but people who think that also fundamentally misunderstand Watchmen. Watchmen was all about how superhero universes can't be overly realistic because heroes get old, die, become corrupt, etc. and a world with superheroes would be nothing like our world.

That's going to be the crux of this story, Manhattan will be the stand-in for executives who hate legacies and long histories and love #1's and reboots. From Manhattan's perspective, a world with superheroes is destined to fall into ruin if it's allowed to go on for too long. He took away ten years, and now time is coming for him to take ten years again.

Superman will represent all that is good about the DCU, the fact that it has a certain level of unreality and hope where Watchmen did not, a world where good DOES triumph over evil and we know who the villains are.

The culmination is going to be Superman showing Manhattan the entire history of the DC multiverse, from More Fun Comics and Action #1, to the JSA and the hope they inspired, to the larger-than-life stories of Flash and the JLA, to the 70's heroes who were more realistic but still always won over evil, to the crossovers of the 80's and 90's, and to the pre-Flashpoint days where legacies were beloved, and he's gonna show him that even the times that weren't so great or ended badly, it's all part of the history and what sets it apart from the Watchmen universe.

It will end with Manhattan realizing that even though nothing ever ends, that's OK, because it's worth seeing where it's all going, and even if time is a little fucked up and confusing, the present is all that matters, and he'll restore the entirety of the DCU's history into continuity with hypertime or something.

It'll probably suck but I'm willing to wait and see

Yeah, it'll be more meta than just a knock down drag out.

I bet Doomsday Clock is going to Johns movie pitch for a DCEU meets Snyder's Watchmen event film.

I think Johns is done with movie pitches. Rebirth seems like a walkback from the New 52's radical redesigns, and they went to great extents to emphasize that they kinda screwed up with some of their character reinterpretations.

This is definitely what it sounds like when he talks about going through every age of the DCU and all. Could definitely see an issue to highlight the franchises that "owned" each decade or something.

>The Empty Hand sabotaged Captain Marvel's earth to prop up Superman

that'd be fun
so it won't happen

Wouldn't be surprised that any fight is just noped by Manhattan saying there will be no fight because I have seen us just talking things out.

Sounds like shit
Sounds about right


Oh I fucking hope so. I guess I'm fine with post-crisis being a 'complete' setting with a (sort of) begining and end (Flashpoint), it gives me decades to collect it all in trade form, but I'd love to go back and see everything continue.

It's not going to happen, but even if it did, I bet a lot would stay changed as 'aftershocks', like racial alterations.