Lobo's Back

Guess who's back
Lobo's Back!





























Issue 2





















OH yeah now this is the one where he comes back with boobs

Well, there it is

Thanks for saving the thread my friend!


Am I the only one reading this? Lobo's great


Seems so.

Issue 3

Nope, I'm reading this, too.
And yeah, Lobo is great.





Also, I think I'd do fem Lobo

Man, without the arm Fem-Lobo would be a nice babe.
They are already old, death by snu snu would be the best way to end their lifes.


i'd do femLobo and you're lying if you said you wouldn't

>Man, without the arm Fem-Lobo would be a nice babe.

>tfw no Gal Gardner and fem Lobo team-up comic






I'd relish a chance to fuck Femlobo up the ass, famlamajam.


How does Lobo get so easily killed?
I thought his powerlevel and durability is near Supermans, or at least similar.


IIRC after this comic he becomes immortal


>everyone wants to bang fem Lobo
It's nice to see fellow Anons with good taste

Good story, but I always miss the context for why this guy's face is deforming?

My sides

So do I.

Really, that's nice but I it still bothers me that some WWII weapon could kill him.
He/she didn't even get nuked.


Maybe stress?

Muh dick




Lobo is legit probably the most underrated series of the 90s.

He's a comedy character. He is as strong as needed

could someone connect the dots for me?
i don't know what it is


>comic is called Lobo's back
>cover is a drawing of Lobo's literal back


>In a another timeline Lobo becomes DC's Deadpool while Wade just becomes a relic of the 90's


Wonder who this is

that's the joke.jpg
