Do not see The Emoji Movie

Do not see The Emoji Movie

did they happen to record the rest of the film as well?

Thank you kindly, OP

Love Genndy, this is so funny

OP here
No I didn't record the rest
trust me you don't wanna watch it anyways

Better be careful with those words now, Sup Forums still butthurt about Samurai Jack Season 5

Even though it was good

>even though it was good
t. beaten wife
I'm not sure about how the production went down, so I'm not reserving my judgement until the possible DVD release

*I'm reserving my judgement

Why did op give pay to see movie that was very obviously going to be crap?

I only paid about 5 dollars
I'm still ashamed
Forgive me

If anyone's ACTUALLY really planning on seeing that (highly against it) SNEAK IN

I'm gonna use the promo code some youtuber sent out

thank you the jews in hollywood will be able to produce the next film called twitter.

you're still paying Sony

as long as I don't have to shell out any money, I don't care


Thanks Sony for canceling popeye

well if he has a PS4, he's always paying them.

This was cute, too bad the third film is for sure gonna be shit.

>implying the first two weren't shit

I'd say the first was pretty charming, second was lame though.


I'm with you user, I loved season 5 so hard