ITT: comic crossovers you want to see

With Sonic moving to IDW, do you think we have a better chance at getting this comic?

Pretty sure Hyper Sonic using Chaos Control could beat The Flash.

Just saying.


>Hyper Sonic
>being anything other than an extra in S3&K
>especially nowadays
also no duh that a time stop/teleportation could beat runsfast

this feels like fetish artwork

>Hyper Sonic
>Beating speed force
Fuck no. Hyper Sonic is strong as fuck but it doesn't come close to the Flash's maximum potential.

Doesn't matter if you can literally manipulate time and space, while on top of that being super fast already.

So ah. Random-ass question.

Is Super Knuckles anything more than an extra? Any special look the way Super Sonic's spines stick up? Still hot pink as a super color or golden like the rest?

What if Sonic's speed is in a category of its own and isn't technically speed force, and thus The Flash has no power over it?

Whoops, had my name from /vp/ still up. Hi, Sup Forums!

All hail IDW, the comic licensing gods!

I legitimately miss Super Knuckles, and I would love Sega forever if they brought him back in Sonic Mania. Considering he has the power to go Super with just the Chaos Emeralds, you would think that he'd make more appearances, unlike Super Tails, who due to being inexperienced in using the eneralds, needs much more energy to transform and thus needs the Super Emeralds just to go Super and not Hyper.
As for appearance, some depictions of Super Knuckles have shown his hair slightly lift a bit(mostly in the comics, but his transformation sprite shows it too, so it might simply have not been significantly noticeable enough to warrant editing all his sprites just to show that), but he's always been consistently shown as hot pink, most due to that being the result of his red coloration glowing bright.

Wally beat it once. But he had help

I've always liked his concept too, especially since Knuckles is a much better foil to Sonic - tied to a home, red, strength vs speed - than Shadow ever was.

I remember the hot pink coloring. It's hilarious, but it IS unique and also sets him off as his own thing and thus a true foil (again) versus all the yellow hedgehogs. I've noticed the lift-of-spines too, although my favorite was a fan depiction I'm posting here. Evokes the Super Sonic power/spikiness while keeping his own thing.

Sonic vs Rainbow Dash is more likely to happen.

Super Knuckles isn't canon in the Modern continuity. Only male hedgehogs can go super.

no hes just an extra
never reappeared and never really referenced after wards


I thought SEGA said Hyper and the Super Emeralds aren't canon.

I hate how he never shines in the 3D games even if he's a playable character Sega rather have Sonic, Shadow and Silver go super what the point of being the guardian of the emeralds if you never get to show off your talent for them.

Will Ian Flynn continue writing the comic with IDW? Are they going to keep going from where Archie left off or restart everything with Sonic 1 and the re-introduction of the Freedom Fighters?

I think Sega's philosophy is that only hedgehogs and Blaze can go Super in the games. Recall that Mecha Sonic in S3&K went Super with the Master Emerald.

I kinda hope they do their own thing rather than pick up where Archie left off. There's really no point to doing such anyway since Archie did a hard reboot towards the end so it's not like the nearly 30 years of old continuity matters anymore.

pen kenders

That's the thing, though, since Archie did the reboot IDW can continue with the reboot and they can continue the world-building and stuff without needing to worry about everything pre-Nu252. And remember that the reboot only tackled Sonic Unleashed and Sonic The Fighters game-wise, the short little Sonic 1 and Genesis sections aside, so there's still a lot of things they can work with.

It is. Iizuka has made a ton of statements that's pissed off Sonic fans like "Only male hedgehogs can go super & Blaze is an exception, due to her form being gained through Sol Emeralds," or "The Sonic games takes place in two different worlds that the character can travel back & forth through," etc.

A certain unnameable IDW comic has a blue fast character...

They'd better not do it They're gonna do it. Those two fandoms do NOT need to mix.

And Knuckles can pretty much shutdown the Chaos Emeralds with the Master Emerald but the last time we ever see him do that was SA2 yet the many times the big bad or Eggman gets a hold of them they never suggest have Knuckles deal with that part.

Possibly since DC right now is doing crossovers with IDW and other publishers. They did two crossovers with Batman and TMNT (which were really successful), two crossovers with Green Lantern and Star Trek, Justice League and Power Rangers with BOOM! Studios, and that crossover with KFC that I only include because it was good.

Years ago they also planned pic related and a Superman/Dirty Pair crossover but they never happened.

But seriously I think DC would be up for it, all it takes is to get SEGA on board and it's good to go.

>tfw all of the other writers' characters are still off-limits

Most of them were shit but I'm still going to miss Mammoth Mogul, Scourge, the Destructix, Dr. Finitevus, and Sonic's parents. They were the shining jewels in the dung heap of retired OCs.

Comics sonic BTFOs FiM Rainbow Dash very hard, but I don't read the mlp comics, anyone know if Dash does anything faster than the mach 17 or whatever she needs for the Sonic Rainboom?

If not Pinkie as Filisecond vs Sonic would be better.

i meant in the games
the archie comics used everything, never in fleetway though

he can harness the power of the Master Emerald and use it to neutralize the Chaos Emeralds and any other neat tricks only he's privy too cause last of his kind guardian stuff
i think thats a proximity thing, also by the time that an option the Master Emerald had only just been reconstituted

haha i forgot we called it that

>male hedgehogs
What about female hedgehogs

Also mildly Sup Forums related should smash come to the switch would you guys want knuckles and/or tails in or shadow and/or dr eggman in

And for funs sake would you want dr willy in as well

>Red eyes

Eggman and Wily would work better as stage hazards and Adventure Mode bosses. Imagine a Death Egg stage based on the arena from Sonic Generations with the Death Egg Robot in the background and at the end of Adventure Mode you fight Egg Viper complete with Militant Missionary playing, and a Mega Man 3 stage with Gamma in the Background and Wily Machine and Wily Capsule 7 as Adventure Mode bosses.

As for playable characters, Knuckles or Blaze would be good for Sonic, and Bass for Mega Man since he has different abilities and powers especially Treble Boost as his Final Smash.

Your entire race is dead! It was me Knuckles! I killed the echidnas!

i wish i could delete other peoples posts

>What about female hedgehogs
Nope. It's limited to Sonic, Shadow, and Silver.

So i just finished Sonic Rush Adventure, and over all it was a lot of fun Sky Babylon was a little bullshit at times
But what gets me the most, is that Marine just fuckin Dragon Ball fires off an energy blast with absolutely no explanation and no one questions it

Why is Sonic getting to race Blurr a bad thing? They'd be speed bros and it would make Swerve hella jelly.

Wow, I was literally just thinking about revisiting this game again after all these years earlier today. What are the odds?

>I-I've never been with someone this f-fast before Barry-kun
>HehHeh, well why don't you roll around at the speed of sound and I'll show you something REALLY way past cool, Sonic!

tfw no doujin

There's only one female hedgehog though, and she doesn't really have any special abilities.

She has a Hammer Space
For her Hammer only

>doesn't really have any special abilities
Well she is implied to be have psychic intuition.

Nah, she's just a fan of fortune telling.

I want to see Gwenpool invade other comics

>Smash on the Switch

Chances are, it'd be Sm4sh with the MK8 Deluxe treatment. Dunno if we'd get any new characters, bu I'd hope we'd at least get HD Smash Run mode. the 3DS generally had better game modes than the Wii U, but the Wii U version had 8 player Smash, so... fast would Sonic be if he was give access to the Speed Force? lets assume this is Archie Sonic who in base could run across the multiverse twice in the span of a day.

well the characters can dodge lasers so yeah she about as fast as him.

sonic would a existential crisis - ''I can't go that fast''

>can dodge lasers
equestria doesnt have the tech for lasers. do you mean beams of magical energy? because those may not be moving at the speed of light.

in the show they dont seem to "travel across the screen" most of the time. so Im treating it as lightspeed.

I want this
A lot