Bob and George ended 10 years ago

>Bob and George ended 10 years ago

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Shut up I don't believe you.

It feels longer than that...oh right, i stopped reading it halfway through, because he got way too into the plot and forgot the humor

well i never knew this was a thing

but so far i kinda like it

Sprite comics were weird man.

It was never funny though. I'm honestly disgusted with myself for having read the entire thing. How did I ever have enough time to waste on this shite?

Kids find garbage funny because they assume there's an extra dimension of "adult" humor they're just too young to get yet.

Also they don't realize their favorite online hack comedians steal their jokes from much funnier sources.

It had its moments.

They also find shit funny because more things come as an unexpected twist for them. Even a slight variation off what was expected is enough to pull some humor from the soul.

Huh, feels like it's been longer.

The only good thing about this comic is that it still hosts MS Paint Masterpieces.

Aside from that, the best joke was that you can kill off all the characters and wait a couple of weeks for them to be back because they're just robots; they can be rebuilt.

I do blame this comic for introducing having the Author as an explicit character into webcomics and making the stupid as shit Cataclysm theory popular.

>and making the stupid as shit Cataclysm theory popular
They're all on Hawaii though

I mean within the Mega Man fandom as a whole. There are many people who sincerely believe that the Cataclysm is actual canon to the video games.

Which is weird, as the games have already explained what happens to all the Robot Masters.

>Neglected Mario Characters
>One of them isn't even Mario

>Neglected Mario Characters

But Bugzzy's from Kirby

Only 10 years?

A product of its time, i tried rereading it a few months ago and dear god it was horrible, but i loved it back in the day.


What's a "Cataclysm"?

Okay, so "The Cataclysm" is a fan theory that tried to explain why you don't see any of the original MegaMan characters in any of the MegaMan X games except for a hologram of Dr. Light.

The Cataclysm explains that they were all killed by Zero (who was made by Dr. Wily to rival MegaMan X) who activated too early and went on a rampage. Bob And George hyped this up in their comic and even made a long video series showing the original Robot Masters fighting against Zero and failing.

There's various problems with this theory, mainly that there's no actual basis for this AT ALL in the actual plot of the games. In fact, the games ALREADY explained why at least MegaMan's not 100+ years in the future (there's a GameBoy game where he destroys his future-self and the time machine that brought him to the present) and we got an explanation for why the Robot Masters aren't there with MegaMan 10 (robots have to be scrapped after a while so the planet's not overrun with them).

Huh, interesting

It holds up pretty well for a daily strip. Do you know how unfunny some of those can get?

Some of them are pretty funny. Though the funniest meta-joke was the absurd length Dave would go through in order to fix plotholes using time-travel plots

Do people still do sprite comics anymore? Are there any worth reading if they do?

Kinda curious as to what happened to the sprite comic community after I lost interest in it all those years ago.

>there's a GameBoy game where he destroys his future-self and the time machine that brought him to the present.

which game was this?

>The only good thing about this comic is that it still hosts MS Paint Masterpieces

no it doesn't, he removed the link a few months ago. not like DisgruntledFerret has updated in 2 year anhow, but still

MegaMan II.
Everyone hates it for some reason, but it's new character is still accepted as a character in the canon.

Its definitely not as big as it was a decade ago but some do still exist.

I know you used to make sprite comics user. If any of yours are still around on those forums you've long since forgotten your password to, post them.