Why is this so fucking good guys?

Why is this so fucking good guys?

Kid heroes, especially well written ones, I think are much more of a novelty in comics than people think. So combining that with a genuine Worlds Finest type of story just works well and feels fresh.

And of course the art.

>And of course the art.
Jimenez is fucking great. He makes the colors pop and the contrast with Robin's dark to Superboy's bright colors is amazing. The writing feels genuine and they argue like real kids do. And yeah. World's finest sons is the cherry on top.

>Art is good
>Kid friend acting like they normally do toward eachother
>Compelling main characters with character traits of friends we all had.
>Jon feels like a fish out of water who just doesn't want to fuck up
>Damian feels like the hotshit kid who got the coolest toys because his dad was rich. We all knew that kid.
>Not too serious with great action

I just love the dynamic between them both. Now if we get the third best boy Bizzaro to guest star then this will be my favorite book ever.

Also I love Jon in general. He is generally written well in almost everything he is in. Also milf Lois.

>We'll never get a great Superman movie
What should I watch/read to get my fix, I'm thinking about JLU.

>And of course the art.

Are you fucking kidding me faggot? We had two great ones decades ago.

Calm down. I forgot to type again

It appeals to man children.

So glad this and Teen Titans were the first time I can get all issues to current .


I miss Kon

You're a sexually starved woman who has a fetish for little boys.

The noses bother me.
Reminds me too much of Shad.

There are far, FAR more men who are attracted to little boys than there are pedophiliac women. Combine that with the fact that probably around 97% of Sup Forums's demographic is male, your statement seems idiotic.

It actually feels like a natural progression, like this is a new chapter in the lives of both Superman and Batman as apposed to endless status quo.
Hopefully the inevitable "Jon grows up and has conflict with Clark" story isn't completely retarded.

>97% of Sup Forums's demographic is male
Not sure if serious or trolling.

The book is ok I guess. I think it's suitable for early teenagers and they might enjoy it. Me? A book about a bunch of 10 years old running around doesn't interest me.

I'm still waiting for them to be shirtless.

You know I really do want to see these characters grow up with the readers because they're just that good, it'll be like seeing Wally truly graduate to being the flash again

"Tell me father, was keeping your hands clean worth losing Bruce, Damien, Mom? Is it worth knowing they would still be with us if you had destroyed one madman?

Cute shotas doing cute things.

Fuck off shirtless user.

Personally, it feels like a spiritual sequel to Superman/Batman and it uses the same logo so i guess that helps a lot.

Because they are actually likable, unlike Marvel's teen heroes.

I mean come on....

Ilal focme ine your fucing face yoh gutter cim slut! Eat my fucking dick! Fill all yoru wholes so much! God I love te fuck out f uou!

Larger version

Is that a Goku poster on the wall?

Yes. He is more likable than every member of Champions combined.

Oh man, I think I broke this user.

Not that user, what the fuck wrong with you?

And qt Lois crop.

>Yes. He is more likable than every member of Champions combined.

Fug you, Nova is great.

user, you need to be more careful with Damian fans delicate feelings.

Insjistwanna gi fto fucking sleeo byt my firnendwant fucking let me! Thjis sis bullsh!

Damians first fap. He mommycucks Jon

This is why Damifans are literally the worst.

That kid ain't Nova.

Both Damien and Jon still have youthful pep in them. Jon trying to prove himself to the world and getting shot down by Damien, who also sucks, is a lot of fun to watch.

Nah he's on the whole site.

Because as it turns out Super hero comics are at their best when they're having fun and not trying to shock the world with how mature they are

The fuck are you talking about?

That not saying much because Damian is still not more likable than them. If anything, Damian is worst than them because he hardly ever get called out on the awful things he do.


It's Naruto on the other wall

>not trying to shock the world with how mature they are
I mean, the second issue has kid amazo killing a whole family expect the girl who escaped.


This is only true when a good writer like Morrison, PAD or Moore writes a fun book, but a mediocre writer like Tomasi just writes a safe quirky book like 99% of modern Capeshit on the stands.

>a safe quirky book
There's seriously no better description of Tomosi's books in Rebirth than this.

>this is the artist
DChad meme is real


There's a difference between icing a nameless family and torturing characters the reader cares about

It's done for shock value so not really.

>That two constantly assblasted spergs that can't accept that Tomasi sells better than Ewing
Stay mad.

It come off as try hard and it was truly unnecessary for a kids book.

>if you criticized muh X writer, you must be fan of Y writer!

This. It panders more to 20 somethings than actual kids, since it makes them appear more "mature".

That doesn't make any sense.

Trade when

Pls don't reply to Damifag.

It was done to makes the book look "mature" and not make readers feel silly for reading it since kids don't read comics except for a few books that were able to them over.

Aren't you? Pretty sure you like some dogshit books published by Marvel right now.

Make one more comment about it. It makes you look "mature".

*able to won them over

because capeshit with families are almost always guaranteed to be great, pic related


Clearly none of you read the book since the family wasn't even dead.

It's cool to like light hearted nerdy shit now. Look at the reviews for America and Squirrel girl. The comics of our generation, fighting against bleak and edgy shit perpetuated by shitlords like Alan Moore and Ellis.


Only downside is that it's monthly.

We only find out later about that.


America is light hearted?

This is a Super Sons thread. WTF are you doing?

>calm down I forgot a word that makes my stupid premise completely the opposite of what it said

Some people can't help themselves but shitposting. He's wrong anyway Superman I and II are great if a bit dated

>when they're having fun and not trying to shock the world with how mature they are
Oh fuck off look at how shit Marvel's quirky bullshit is.

>Those fucking curves
How the hell did this slip through the SJW Marvel craps?

Tomasi for Shazam book.

And now Annie is getting aged up to be a teenager.

I wonder how long Damian and Jon can maintain their ages.


Thanks Christ, her costume is shit.

Why you hate Shazam so much?

It can take multiple issues to tell 1 day of a story so you can stretch it pretty far.

Even longer if you just don't give a fuck and never date anything.

Isn't Clark usually more willling to kill than Bruce?

Forever. Damian is especially wouldn't be able to grow up because this means that they have to grow his predecessors even more which would force Batman to grow older and this DC can't afford to do.

Wait, so Damian doesn't have his fucking retarded overly round head in this?

That alone makes me tempted to pick up a trade.

I dunno. Injustice has an older teen Damian, and I don't see anyone thinking Bruce is too old. Bruce will just continue to be in that same " late 30s, but without signs of deteriorating due to age" range.

Damian has a terrible personality and growing him up will make even more unbearable. So yeah, it would be best to keep him as kid because it is the reason why some are willing to tolerate his bad attitude.

The Robins are dead/missing in Injustice which is why the writer was able to grow Damian up and get away with not making Batman look old.

They just need to remove a robin out of existence.

I vote fusing jason todd and tim drake together.

>and get away with not making Batman look old.
*without making Batman look old

Jason and Tim are more popular than Damian. It's more likely that DC going to get rid of Damian before they get rid of them.

it's not


I don't know about that.

It's all about the potential. DC probably wants Damian to bring in younger readers which Tim can't unless he gets younger.

If that is the case it's the fault of DC pushing their ball headed rape baby over a better character.

it's mediocre at best, just like Tomasi's Superman

Jason and Dick are more popular than him, but he is definitely more popular than Damian because every single time someone make a poll Damian always end up last.

And let’s not forget that Tim has been Robin for almost 20 years and many grow up with him.

Damian's personality isn't likable to kids which makes Tim the one with more potential.

>Read Rebirth
>Don't get any of New 52 shit

Why they advertised this shit as newcomer friendly? Only people who can be satisfied with this are people who like New 52 and pre-New 52 shit.

You just say "ditto", Alfred! You don't have to add so much useless fluff to your speech just to sound posh 24/7.

I love the art style.

How is it not likable for them? Not to mention his backstory is a lot more interesting than Tims.