Bcb Bittersweet Candy Bowl

This is ded

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Wow, his dad looks like someone in their early teens while Paulo looks like a little kid.

And I'm not even accounting for the heads.

Over 30 pages of useless filler on fucking notebook paper. Wtf

I doubt this was even drawn directly on lined paper.

Looks like a scanned sheet of line paper used as background for digitally drawn doodles.

And even if it was, then why intentionally recreate the shit aspect of the early comic?

Trying to justify the irredeemable weeaboo flashbacks?

Definitely the case. The lines are in the same exact position every time.

More the rehash where Paulo finally got hit by Abbey and is exposed as a weak willed pussy like Lucy who can throw shit but can't take it themselves. Also, more portraying Abbey as raging psycho and vera asking why people dislike him. When she has the chance to develop Abbey properly but doesn't. Then Daisy being a spineless girlfriend and thirsty friend. Followed by with jerk a heart of a jerk moronic Paulo.

why do I always come back to this shit show...

Wait, what?

Vera is a nutjob what else did you expect?

Will this actually reveal something new or just be a restatement/summary of things we already know and dangling of conflicts we've already seen resolved (badly)? Maybe some hammering in the new characterizations like Paulo having the maturity of a toddler?

Maybe they can also explain why he consistently fucked with guys who can obviously kick his ass with ease?

>fucks EVERYTHING up.
>confused because she can't grasp why only tweens and idiots likes it now.

Just reboot the marvelous mistakes of 2014 and on, and admit it was beyond idiotic.

Hey they even gave us an appropriate reaction image to this shit

>Have to deal with this shit until October

I'll bet the response is gonna be yaoi "because he's gay, d'uh".

Or some lazy "he was always like that" bs excuse.

To me that makes it worse. why vero why

from what early page are taken the scribbles than can be seen in transparency?

Simple, less effort yet gullible normies still buying their crap = PROFIT!

The assblasted aussie loves to autistically encourage Tae to cut corners where possible, so he can feel like those suited exec's ruining everything good for a slim profit margin increase.


>why intentionally recreate the shit aspect of the early comic
I wish she'd recreate the way the early comic had like twenty panels per page, at least then something would be happening. The modern pages are just a bunch of nothing with only marginally better art.

My public library owned her books before a year ago. Now they've been sold in a book sale.


Did...did she draw one pillow in the second panel, decided it was too small and just draw a second pillow to fill space?

I'm pretty darn sure back then the heads weren't as big as they are now.

Care to elaborate?

Somebody hasn't studied Garfield lore

It's gone to shit so bad it makes shit on a canvas look appealing
The last chapter was just hot garbage. This twenty year intermission is not making it any better

They were donated to us by some guy claiming " they're great and help kids grow ". Then we kept getting complaints about the books. Mostly from teens and kids themselves. So we just decided to sale them at our book sale. Some grandma bought them in the end each for about 3 dollars.

Rip in peace

It's nice that you still post in every thread, even if the Lucyfag janitors are deleting you all the time. I'm getting depressed too, I've spent a lot of time in these threads regularly for the past several months. I feel sort of empty now that they're just dying. I'm not really sure what to do with the time I would normally have spent here, reading and discussing stuff.

>Then we kept getting complaints about the books. Mostly from teens and kids themselves
Like what? And do people really complain about which books are in a library?

Anyone got the Sweet Dreams BCI chapter? Attached is Picture Perfect.


There's GIF's in this.



One kid said word for word " The art is terrible and I can't tell what's going on "
Another " These books are boring "
and the best one " This is worse than Twilight. Why does the library own this anyway sir? "

Some libraries do remove books based on complaints sometimes but it's not very often. We got rid of Fifty Shades of Grey once.


Which books were they?


Do kids born in the '90s know about Polaroids and the shaking meme?

They are not wrong. Twilight had some (shitty) lore and action in it. What is the appeal of this other than cartoon cats?


If you ever feel sad, just remember Molly's cute face!

She's been through a lot but she never gave up! You keep going, too!

I don't think they intend to draw a new audience, just holding onto as many suckers and possible till this wreck ends.

I don't think even molly can endure Garfield levels of creativity.

Reminder that Mike_was_right.jpg

Is david going to go Ork on that camera?

Poor sue. She just can't catch a break.


wake me up from this nightmare


Page 11 is an exact duplicate of page 5.

Sue deserves everything she gets.


Were these supposes to be """animated""" as well?

1,2 and 3


Taeshi is so retarded she doesn't even know how breathing works.


Why are you posting it one at a time then? Is this how it is supposed to be because doing it like that is slowing the story time down.

I don't think so? The comic comes with a html file.

@ about animated pics.

>Anyone got the Sweet Dreams BCI chapter?
Which one is that?

For some reason they won't ban me and hey it's not like I go apeshit because of it too so I try to keep the tradition alive.
I miss the old threads too desu, they were 90% of the fun of reading /bcb/ and they really helped me have fun while I was unemployed. I hope we survive till October

I'm not him, but the pictures are from an html page. It's originally from an iOS app, where you're supposed to do things in order to progress the comic (like shaking the phone, or blowing into the mic).

I'll screenshot the html file after posting it all.

Do you think they have your filename recorded and auto delet it via bot? Would changing your filename or flipping the image help from deleting it i wonder? The threads arent the same without your image.


wtf daisy is a giant suddenly

She's like Charlie Brown except you actually cheer when she gets mistreated lol

Post the version with the concorde in the background.

Lucy is supposed to be smol

But this comic is bad with consistent sizes

This is what the html looks like.

>This purple window would have been the view from your camera! And touching the shutter would take a picture.

>It’s the photo you took. And Lucy would have a few different reactions to it.

>Tap the logo and you’d be prompted to tweet the photo Daisy took.

Neat marketing scheme.

Paulo? PAULO!??! Ya know what would wake up Paulo and get him out of bed? A new series of Not Enough Rings, themed to Sonic Mania!

Finally something I can work with

Flanderizing Lucy once more

>Instagram themed Polaroid camera
I know they're retarded magfags, but this is dumb even for them.

How did you get from "change something on your pic to prevent it from getting deleted" to "I should become a fucking tripfag"?

following a suggestion here

That post said nothing about getting a name.

Change the FILEname. Call it greycatwascorrect.jpg or something.

oh fuck I read filename as name

don't worry. Sometimes I have problems wiring my brain yo my eyes, too.
It probably has nothing to do with the filename. If anything, it's the hash of the picture (you'd have to change one pixel in the picture to effectively making it a different one)

This was by far the worst thing I've ever read.

Alright, let's see if there's actually a crazy janitor here or if they were smart
Try to find where I changed this image

Please live
I highly doubt they have a bot programmed to auto delete you. but its worth experimenting

You're getting all CwC

Even beating last chapter?

who are you why you read?


im lazy

started reading in HS, got emotionally involved in the characters, and I can't stop now.
The latest turn of events and how it got handled are finally starting to drive away my interest. Thanks Taeshi

Best poster

Can't wait until — in an effort to impress someone I'm sure — Paulo steals his dad's pipe.


The only reason I still follow this shitshow are the Ships Ahoy. Those are the only decent thing made by Taeshi in the latest months




Still here. Still waiting for Mike to suffer.




