GHOST RIDER Rides a Wooly Mammoth... Because Of Course


>not the Gungnir
seriously? they could go with a viking thor, but noooo, it has to be a guy called odin, and he's not even using the fucking spear.

Their demographic doesn't know other weapons exist aside from Mjolnir

Shouldn't this be Buri? Or at least Bor?

Also, why isn't he called Thor if he's using Mjolnir? I want Marvel to at least stay consistent with their changes, fem Thor isn't even dead yet so they can't have forgotten about the title thing

Comics are stupid

I like it

Didn't this guy appear fucking years ago in Aaron's run?

that was the Ghost Rider of India who rode an elephant

So... The avengers of 1000000 bc were two people? Where's the rest?

Ghost Rider and Odin were just revealed today

We've already had this multiple times

>Wielding Mjolnir
Fuck you

>the bearer of the starbrand is a filthy neanderthal
fuck that

Two threads with the same image. What sorcery is this?

It's shown that Mjolnir is passed down in Marvel. Doesn't All-Father Thor stop weilding Mjolnir during the God Butcher arc?

No one knows about Buri or Bor. Well besides a few people here, but not the general populace.

Odin uses Gungnir, he made Mjolnir for Thor


This is before he put rules down on thor hammer.

So, it is pretty much a normal magic hammer.

Most of these character designs look cool at least even if Odin doesn't really make sense. If the story works out I have no idea.

That´s Ribic way to draw a Hulk.
So this is not only a Hulk, this is a Hulk with the strongest energy projection in the known universe.

why would there be a Hulk back then?

didn't jason aaron wirte the story where odin just doesn't use mjolnir after the first time

>why would there be a Hulk back then?
Why should Odin wield Mjölnir?
Why should Ghost Rider ride a ALIVE mammoth?
Why should there be a human being 1000000bc?

This is still Marvel, user.

Gamma radiation from the impact site of a meteor

>1 million BC
>humanoids existing mastodons existing

So Cro is ghost rider?

that's pretty clearly Deodato

>This is before he put rules down on thor hammer.
This is also before the hammer was created.

Yeah i mean that guy from Hickmans "times run out".

which is Deodato

Yes, thats what I wanted to say.

this is fucking stupid.
if the god damn Phoenix Force is one of the characters, as ridiculously overpowered as it is, what the fuck do you need a team for? much less tossing in sorcerer supremes and asgardian gods.

Let`s be fair here. We do not know about the enemy.

tell me about the Phoenix, Why does he like redheads so much?

So, It is pretty much a normal hammer.

If this is the first Phoenix, them might be "return to my partner"

Sabre Tooth Tiger would have made more sense

why does mjolinir have a long handle?

After his last two appearances do you really want Bor and his unsolicited opinion on isreal[spoiler/]

Is this 1,000,000BC plot supposed to tie into something bigger or is it just some one shot story that won't really matter?

Isn't he wielding that kind of oddly?

It's not the fact that it's a mammoth that bothers me, but the fact that despite being a ride, it is still fucking wooly.

they reckon it and made like odin caught a fuckin storm and store it in Mjolnir, Thor was obssed to be worthy in his teen years. Not that diferent from now that he is unworthy

I'm pissed

yeah..WHERE ARE THE CROWS IN THIS ODIN 1000000000000BC!!!?

1000000bc Morgan LeFay use it. A composite of her with the Celtic tripartite Goddess Morrigan.

no full body of bones like a Australopithecus with flames whit a club wasted potential

>filthy neanderthal

Are you a speciest, user?

>Ghost Rider and Mammoth
>On fire
>Not all skeleton, too
F A I L !

The legendary Not-Mjolnir?

Gamma Ray Burst.

T-Rex on an F-14?

>Ghost Rider only has a flaming skull instead of being a full blown skeleton on fire

I would like to see solo adventure of young Odin

Humans didn't exist back then. I wonder what the author will do

The oldest H. sapiens fossils come from 300,000 years ago. The human species which did exist didn't have clothes or advanced tools and looked like ape-men.


This is kinda getting so fucking ridiculous that I'm almost impressed. It's as if they got in a room and said "one last 'fuck you' guys."

You know, I'll overlook Ghost Rider, but when you have a team that has Odin, Agamotto, Phoenix, and Starbrand, having a Black Panther and and Iron Fist seems pointless.

>Humans didn't exist back then
>The oldest H. sapiens fossils come from 300,000 years ago
good thing this story takes place in a FICTIONAL UNIVERSE

At this point I'm surprised it's not Quazimoto, Kate Chopin, a guy from Phoenix Arizona, a Starship Trooper, Steve Irwin and Jackie Chan


Right, but even in a fictional universe, there are rules which establish it. With the exception of some alien meddling, humanity in the Marvel universe have evolved in the same way real people have.

There was literally alien meddling. In the other thread someone posted the comic this came from.

>Hey, I got an idea
>We're the House of Ideas!
>DC did that 1,000,000 thing, right?
>Yeah, they did.
>What is it?
>We copy DC 1,000,000
>Call Disney, this is GOLD!!!!!

Are you retard? It is reference to a movie.

>Are you retard? It is reference to a movie.
Go back to your Eastern Block and punt on gypsy horses, you stupid Slav.

You're all fucking retards who don't watch movies made before you were born.

Welcome to Avengers 1,000,000 BC!

Where Marvel, once again, tries to sell the world a comic nobody ask for or cares about.

Why should I watch a movie that looks like it would be shit?

Die in a fire

That's a Dassault Rafale

You don't have to watch it. It's just a film that become part of pop culture. So many young men beat off to sexy primitive Raquel Welch.

So what you are saying is that they are referencing a sleazy porno to drum up controversy for a lazy concept.

Just referencing Calvin and Hobbes, ya cocksucker.

>he isn't just sitting on a single stone wheel that he drags around to hit people with

Lost opportunities.

The title is a reference to the movie "1,000,000 B.C.) which had cavemans and dinosaurs. Stop being autistic.


>It's a Savage Land episode

>sleazy porno

You can beat off to stuff w/o it being porn, chum. It's a fun, cave-man-and-dinosaurs movie, and Raquel has rarely been hotter.

Hell,the Ray Harryhausen stop-motion dinos are worth the time.

Oh fuck me "1,000,000 Years B.C.".