Someday the world will no longer need us: no need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger...

>Someday the world will no longer need us: no need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger. I have to drag out the demon inside me, build a better future. That's what I— what we will leave as our legacy. Another mission, right Tony?

What did Cap mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Am I the only one who wants to see an Ultimates(AU) Relaunch with a MGS feel?

>Cap = Solid
>Fury = Big Boss
>Dum Dum = Kaz
>Contessa = Boss
>Banner = Otacon
>Bucky = Raiden
>Ghost = Psycho-Mantis

And so on and so forth.

I dunno. Shouldn't Fury be Campbell and Bucky Gray Fox? But I guess Raiden is alright too.

>That tanker scene in the beginning of Winter Soldier
>Project Insight's Helicarriers have built-in HYDRA AI servers
>literally the Outer Heaven submarine in MGS4
>shadow government conspiracy trying to manipulate flow of information and societal progress
>super soldier with robot arm who had his memories and personality erased to serve as a pawn in a conspiracy
>Nomad, A Man Without A Country


Dunno, I'm going with a superficial knowledge of the franchise. I've been meaning to order the special edition with the NES games and 14 plus the PSP stuff, but I've not gotten around to it yet.

I just think MGS is interesting, and if Ultimates were to be relaunched, it could take a bit of inspiration from it.

I didn't bother to play the last two games, and just watch some LP to get the story on it.

It's a trainwreck, but a fun one. You can overlap MCU Cap story at some points and does work, but then there are part in which it doesn't. But I can easily see the similitude: I was one of the anons that screamed WE MGS2 NOW at the start of Winter Soldier, and then I watched the chase scene with Fury, and that too was sooo Metal Gear.

I know about the failure of V, but I still wanna play the whole saga. The concept intrigues me.

Them go, user, go live the thrilling adventure and the at times hilarious over the top twists. And enjoy it as much as we did once!

V is fun until you realize it isn't a complete game, PW is wacky nonsense and 4 is bitter sweet since it is very clear Kojima is just shitting on Snake but there's still some really awesome moments throughout
1,2 and 3 are all classics.

I will, as soon as I find some time. Most of the stuff have been spoiled to me considering how ingrained in Nerd-Culture it became, but still, I'll enjoy it.


What about the NES stuff? Are they canon? The special ed from Japan includes them.

yeah, V actually better explains the events of MG1 and 2, it really comes full circle

Huh, thanks user.

No wonder Kojima liked the Cap movies a lot, they even have his waifu in them.

But seriously I would like for him to make a Cap video game but it will never happen.

For once he's super busy with Death Stranding and probably only wants to make games for himself and Ike would never cough up the needed money to make a Kojima acceptable game.

I guess the best we wold get is an animated movie or a comic written by him.

>Metal Gear Insight
>3 powerful Metal Gears powered by Starks arc reactor technology. All linked together by satellites orbiting the earth

Hold on, the MSX games are the canon ones, not the NES ones.

those are the ones that come with the collection iirc, at least I think so or maybe it was them that came with MGS3 subsistence

That's pretty good.

>He mentioned something interesting: Tony is pursuing new research. He claims what they're doing in Wakanda is the missing piece. A weapon to surpass Metal Quips

It's a running gag in Special Forces that they chose the profession where they will always be prepared.

No military man has ever thought that one day guns will not be needed.

never thought of it but a cap game based on mgsv's game play would work well.

a GTAV style character switching system with MGSV's gameplay would be fucking incredible

>play as falcon, drop off steve and bucky and then distract the incoming hueys
>switch to cap and knock out all of the guards with a few well aimed shield throws
>switch to bucky and punch the fuck out of a metal gear, clearing the level

This works disturbingly well and I say this as someone who hates Metal Gear fags

The franchise ended with the MGS PS1 game for me. Everything after it was over the top nonsense



>Bucky's knife skills against multiple enemies

I know, right? If anything, it'd be a cool nod to Hickman's Secret Warriors. That was one of the last truly GOAT Marvel books.


>Captain America = Democracy
This will never stop triggering me. Funny how liberals can culturally appropriate one of the biggest inventions on Earth, and sit on their high horse.

A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends.


The patch is in the wrong side retard

>implying i made this shop and called it "1500830345731.jpg"
>"in" and not "on"
get the fuck out

Is Peggy The Boss?

>I feel like they could pick out a good pair of drapes
>ya know, one has long hair
>one dresses in spandex
>therefore they're fags and everyone knows fags love drapes

>Hydrated Cap
>A Fallen Legend

>old geezer slowly dying of alzheimer
>brain is turning into a potato
>was a founding member of The Patr- I mean SHIELD
>has a lot of history with Steve
I'd say she's Zero.

>Still no Infinity War trailer leak

There's a crappy cam rip going around. Maybe a better one by now.

I still tear up at this scene
fuck kojima for making me pull the trigger myself

It's a reference to MGSV.
The whole point is that Venom Snake dedicates himself to world peace and a world where soldiers become obsolete, compared to Naked Snake who desires an endless war for soldiers to always have a place.

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear: Not a mobile nuclear platform or an AI-driven nuclear platform. But a global nuclear platform.

I have a dream for a Marvel WRPG where you create an OC/self-insert and can gain powers with logical in-universe interactions (buying/stealing Stark tech, hiring a Tinkerer, following Asgardian rituals of worthiness, researching super serums, etc) that runs on a Time system where things like Event-like periods and relationships with other characters can be built.

I have a dream

What the fuck are you even on about, also cultural appropriation is not a thing.

My money was Kojima wanted to remake Metal Gear 1 and 2 with the FOX Engine but Konami decided to be evil shits instead.

But who is Marvel's The Boss?

Nanomachines, Cap!

Wanda is Psycho Mantis then?


This makes me sad, because it looks so great.

>Metal Gear Insight
My penis cannot be more erect than it is right now

Can't you read? This in-universe meme that Captain America represents Democracy. How much of a deluded cunt would you have to be to push that?

He'd make a pretty good Madnar

3 helicarriers connected with control satelite = Arsenal Gear connected with JD satellite

Agent Carter,
Or... what was the name of the ex of Jim Hammond? But I guess Id works better with Carter.

Can't believe I never realized Evans would make a decent Snake until now.

Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine



Probably because we still se him as the twenty something pretty boy, when he's clearly a manly grown man by no.
And we also don't realize that Snake was kind of a pretty-ish boy, much like Liquid, but with a more rude, rustic characterization.

That could work.
Goddammit. We need this MGS-esque Cap now.

I wonder if there would be some tg-adventure--anons and drawfags willed to work on it for the board.

The Cap/Fury mythos really works with MGS, truth be told. You can even work in Iron Man, Hulk and Pym pretty easily.

hello new steam pic

this is what it used to be

And even Black Widow.

How can anyone still prefer Tony when Cap is literally Solid Snake?

"we'll lose"
"then we'll do that together too"

every line out of caps mouth is gold

>ocelot in fbo
>not playable in campaign
I hate everything

Can someone caption that so it says
Punished Cap
A Legend Denied His Dance

Deathlok as well, maybe. Ghost as Psycho-Mantis is perfect. Fury as Big Boss is pitch-perfect. Red Skull as Skull-Face?

It works.

What about Johnny Sasaki? We need a recurring cameo comic relief who turns out to be badass in the end.

Hawkeye? Mix him with Ultimate Hawkeye.

You don't want to mix him with Ultimate Hawkeye. You want the funnier, relaxed one, user, and that's 616 Clint.

Put Ocelot in the MCU and we'd finally get an interesting antagonist.

>MGS "characters"

Ahhh I see you like to play Kingdom Hearts

>Marvel's not embarrassed of their characters

>Marvel rips off some trendy videogame series to make their star character edgier

>changes the entire origin story of one of their characters due to being embarrassed at how it's a ripoff of a DC character
>resorts to making kitschy, cheesy perspectives of their space characters in GotG and Thor 3 after they became embarassed at the reception of the first two