SJW's hate this

SJW's hate this

whats your excuse

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Have you see Sup Forums recently? We hate it too.

EVERYONE hates this. It's nice to have all the internet set aside there differences and hate something universally, indisputably shit together.

>SJW's hate this
I guess this means I love it now.

Could have been worse, could have been titled EMOJIMOVIE: EXPRESS YOURSELF

>SJW's hate this


Anybody have a link to a camrip? I need to see this.

It's like when the world set aside their differences, joined hand-in-hand, and said "No" to Yahoo Serious.

But didn't they say the Emoji Movie (tm) would help you FIGHT TRUMP? I'm confused.

Why do the SJW's hate this?

Which is funny since the user who watched it implied that the movie was catered to them in a way regarding how they treated the male and female leads.

I guess this shows that even they can spot a stinker a mile away and no amount of pandering to them is going to get them to praise this movie.

I don't know, why would they like this?

holy shit, i forgot he existed thanks

Probably the same reason why everyone ELSE hates the movie. It may have things they like and spout, but if the movie as a whole is a stinker, why bother? Only complete idiots were willing to give this movie a chance because of it's political beliefs. (Tony Goldmark)

blatant money grab

Cant wait to see Ralph the Movie Maker to tear it apart

Everyone does. Your point?

Probably because of the romance subplot which caters to their beliefs. ie. The female leads shows interest in the male lead throughout the entire movie but rejects the male lead at the climax because "she wants to be strong and independent". Of course, this ends up causing the male lead to become depress and everyone would have died if not for his parents.

It reeks of pandering to get them to see a shitty movie and even they can see right through it.

Are you surprised their weak attempt at attracting liberals failed? Are you actually surprised that nothing about this movie succeeded. Hell man, I know you conservatives are lacking in the common sense department, but try.

>muh SJW boogieman

Fuck off, everybody everywhere thinks this movie is shit

Think they have time to sneak in a joke that Weasel voiced a fucking emoji in Deadpool 2?

Sony honestly should have tried the Ghostbusters angle again.

I know it didn't work for that movie, but that's because GB as a franchise had a good sized male audience and the aggressive man-hating of the marketing turned them off.

Nobody likes the premise of this movie but pandering to vagina-Americans could have sold some extra tickets at least.

Wasn't that what those interviews talking about "reisting Trump" were?

The brown characters are literally shit and an ape. The villain is Hillary Clinton. The main guy is average white dude. Heterosexual romance. The hacker emoji is sexualized because she is the only one that actually has a body/wears clothes.

I'd like to see him and IHE team up again to tear this film a new one.

I liked it. Fuck SJWs.

This. If it triggers the SJW's then I'm all for it. I hope this movie makes a billion dollars.

>wanting more lazy cash grabs like this because a group of idiots dislikes it

they canned mah popeye movie for this trash

Having never actually seen the movie, I can't say that I hate it. However, I can say that it is probably not worth seeing based on the premise.

>literally siding with SJWs

yeah, I really hope OP is baiting/shitposting, bc otherwise... yeah.

I'm not siding with anyone on anything, besides the fact that the movie is shit, which we can all agree on.

>besides the fact that the movie is shit
This is objectively false.

We lost Popeye for this. Sony, you bunch of bitches.

Stop falling for obvious bait.

No it isn't. Movie has a literal piece of shit as a character.

Wow, you must have true autism.
>guy voices common sense as if he's smart

if his defense, I can totally see some people actually genuinely supporting something just SJWs dislike it. some anons really are that petty about shit. I once knew a life long Star Wars fan who legitimately stopped buying SW stuff just because Disney bought them. I get if you don't like the new movies, but I'm a die hard SW fan, too, and I at least check them out and buy the merch still because I love SW that much. Some people get focused on one thing they really hate and real do anything in their power to combat it. I'm certain there's some anons and internet dwellers who hate SJWs so much they'll back anyone who talks shit about them or what have you. DESU, nothing really surprised me anymore online, not even on Sup Forums where most people assume everyone's joking or putting on some persona.

>I can totally see some people actually genuinely supporting something just SJWs dislike it. some anons really are that petty about shit.
Hell half of Sup Forums does this.

>Disliking something because other people like it
>Liking something because other people dislike it
The person that does this would have to have no ability to think for themselves at all. What a pathetic, miserable piece of shit such a person would be. Someone that honestly did that would be doing the world a favor if they just got it over with and killed themselves.

Everyone hates mosquitoes.
Everyone hates wet socks.
Everyone hates The Emoji Movie
It's a fact of life.

Good. Means even they have a shred of humanity and good taste left.

>if his defense, I can totally see some people actually genuinely supporting something just SJWs dislike it.
It is no different to supporting GB2016. But thankfully we know that vocal minorities don't keep movies afloat. Contrarians can't keep a movie from bombing.

exactly. this is why we get Spidey: Homecoming hate/butthurt threads daily. if it was a running gag it stopped being funny awhile ago. internet time moves fast but it always seems like anons here insist on talking about he same shit constantly. obsession or bad attempt at humor, you choose.

Movies like this are a flaw of capitialism. Everything is focus groups and marketing now and often not whether a product is any good causing lots of terrible shit that's bad for people to rise to the top.

>whats your excuse
My dick. Feels good not being part of a hivemind.

It is truly a wonderful thing to see. Anger has reached all sides. Disgust and revulsion brings even the most bitter of enemies together.

Through hate, unity.

It's just like old times.

>Feels good not being part of the hivemind
>Being proud of liking a shitty movie because of a shit Shadman image
Contrarianism is fucking stupid

I like wet socks but only during summer. It feels funny to walk on the beach with your legs wrapped in wet rags.

you mean you're not hyped for Star Wars episode 8, Star Wars episode 9, Star Wars Anthology: Han Solo, Star Wars: Anthology: Obi-Wan, Star Wars: Anthology: Boba Fett, Lego Star Wars: The Movie, Lego Batman The Movie 2, Transformers Anthology: Bumblebee, Transformers 6, and Pixels 2.0 user? consumerism is awesome!!1 XD


life must fucking suck for you if you always feel the need to act superior to someone else.

SJW's hate having syphilis too, that doesn't mean I'm gonna go fuck your mother

But the movie is literally social justice propaganda.

Like, TJ Miller out and out promoted it as such.

Just awful. The jokes didn't land, the animation was dull and uninspired, the characters, when they weren't being incredibly annoying, were one note and clichè. Really, who on earth had the idea to make a movie about emoji? Not only all this, but the film is so much a copy of other kid's films it's not even funny. Half the time I wasn't sure if I wasn't the Emoji Movie, or Wreck-it-Ralph (A far superior film) Don't waste your time on this. The fact that a Popeye movie was canceled for this after the incredible footage released is criminal.

They hate everything, but they just happen to hate something that everyone else hates as well.

Perhaps if humanity found a single thing that we could all hate together there would be piece. Like aliens or people who stream anime...or Somalia.

>Really, who on earth had the idea to make a movie about emoji?

I'm an SJW.


I just wanted you to know I got the joke. Eegah is my favorite episode.


I'm in that safe space between full adulthood and being a teenager so it's still acceptable and not pathetic for me to blatantly hate stupid godawful kids movies for the sole reason that they're lame.

>imploding white people aren't the sjw's boogieman

Don't pretend like they're not as bad you cunt, but fuck this movie either way

Bruh, that ain't the user you were replying to.

It happened before with the PPG's reboot

this might be you making fun but people genuinly do this. Just because sjws hate (insert anything here) I have to like it for some reason.

>SJW's hate this

SJW's hate everything. so your point is pointless.

This is a beautiful moment.

and anti-SJWs hate everything SJWs making them equally petty and retarded, so your point is even more pointless.

where's that screenshot of 50 cent or whoever saying on twitter to turn off your computer and walk away in response to cyber bullying? same should apply to SJWs, because although I'm sure I've encountered some irl at college and the mall maybe, you rarely actually deal with them in the real world. so fuck off with this "muh SJWs are the boogeyman" bullshit. it was trendy back in 2016 but its old as fuck now. seriously, come up with new shit. they're irrelevant outside of tumblr and twitter.

oh and also, before you come at me with the "BUT DUR INVADING MY MOVIES AND TV", no, they're not. the SJWs are not invading them. its just the screen writers attemping to pander to them for money. once they realize they're not the target demographic they should be aiming at they'll move on. writers and content creators have pandered to social and political trends multiple times in the past. and once again, you can easily just not see the movies or turn the tv off. the SJWs aren't coming to rape your babies. you can sleep at ease tonight.

>emoji movie
stop talking about it, it feeds on attention.
all the idiots going to see it so they can see just how bad it is are still giving it money.

Why don't those people purchase tickets to another movie showing at the same time and then go to the Emoji Movie instead, so the other movie gets the money?

>and anti-SJWs hate everything
Anti-SJW isn't a simple magical conversion.
Are you lumping moderate liberals, conservatives, KEK, jaded nerds, and many other groups together?

They hate it because Jailbreak turned out to be the blandest "feminist" character ever. They didn't even try to code her as a lesbian, she's just a danger hair "the only think i hate more than penis is traditional gender roles" thot.

We hate it because blatant advertising and bad humor.

>and anti-SJWs hate everything SJWs making them equally petty and retarded

Fucking kill yourself.

Because then you'd still watch the Emoji Movie at the end of the day.

And you'd regret it.

Who even brought them up.

While anti-SJWs are their own brand of perpetually outraged autists the comic industry really is full of SJWs who grew up learning how to draw on tumblr and shit it up with identity politics.


You know you're calling yourself an idiot right? SJW is an inherently negative term, you can't just call yourself one.

I've seen a few people try and turn this into a meme to make fun of Sup Forums types who blame anything they don't like on liberal conspiracy, but I don't think it works. The SSC were the ones with the agenda, not accusing other people of the same.

Catering to their beliefs would be having a same-sex romance.

love yourself user

It's shit.