Is this the best Marvel game ever made?

Is this the best Marvel game ever made?

X-men legends was better

X-men legends 2 is better but definitely the best marvel series as whole. Just wished they didn't dumb down the mechanics with each sequel. Praying they revive the IP someday.

This. Shame that, because Ultimate allaince 2 was fun and had carnage. I play Marvel heroes omega now, it's as good.

>Ultimate allaince 2 was fun
And it was a much better first Civil War than the actual first Civil War


The original X-Men Arcade Game and Maximum Carnage.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Spiderman 2
Ultimate Spider-Man
Web of Shadows
The Punisher
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
X Men Legends

Fuck no, it's one of the worst.

I liked 1 more. I miss the X-mansion and wish the sequel developed it more. And to be honest I was never a fan of YOU CAN PLAY AS THE BAD GUYS as a selling point. I mean yeah it's cool but for every villain that gets added to the roster that's one less hero.

>Web of Shadows
My nigger

Edge of Time wasn't bad.

>Ultimate Spider-Man
Yeah, boy!

As others have said, Legends 2 was better. I still play that game I love managing the stats in it, it's quite fun.

The biggest thing though is that Ultimate Alliance roster is kind of boring.

>tfw PSP is the only system where you can make a full Cosmic team

thisssssss right here

also the only fun way to play as Daredevil

my only real complaint is making Nick Fury into some generic cyber abomination and not Ultron which would make more sense since the nanites were designed by Pym

So, I downloaded MUA 2 (yes, I'm aware that is not as good as XML or MUA1). Even though it is a bit bland it is fun. Or at least it would be if it worked. I managed to fix most of the issues but I still have a lot of input lag (there is a section where you have to repeatedly press a button but the game does not detect your inputs). Does anybody know of a fix to that problem?

These games are such a head trip because playing with Avengers and X-Men in the same game just feels so strange now after years of being told the X-Men are separate.

I actually liked Shattered Dimensions

Web Of Shadows

Are the only good Marvel Games

no this was.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine could have been Marvel's answer to the Arkham games. Increase the budget, better graphics, and better story/level design, and it'd be an easy GOTY.

I miss this game.
God lord do I miss this game. If left running, it probably would have been the most complete Marvel game ever.

No this is.

I liked it but once they started flooding event characters that needed endless grinding or pumping money into it to get your favorite characters before it's too late just made me quit

>No inhumans
It's shit

only if you're a casual or a newfag

No Marvel Future Fight is.

But that's the thing, the game was pretty forgiving because after a while, all SO characters and PVP characters were put up for a price normally! A high price, but it was easy to really get everything (Except Lockbox heroes...they were dicks about that). Still, it was probably the one Marvel game whose goal was to merge all Marvel lore.


I loved my first playthrough with my friend on 2. We loved listening to the audio logs.

Then we got to the super prison and after hearing all that Robbie had been through we come to find out he was here guarding said prison.

With us.

Fucking terrifying.


This. I get that Magma was the surrogate audience/Jubilee/Kitty for the story but goddammit don't get me invested in her only to take it away in the sequel. That shit ain't right.

>when you could have actual scripted, fully voiced, but hidden conversations with the villains.

As long as you had the right hero on your team, the banter was great.

I'm still wondering why they didn't fix the performance issues in the game.

Writing-wise, this Avengers Academy is the best Marvel game.

Gameplay wise, it's the worst.


Holy shit I was so mad when they took that away in 3.

I remember getting hyped to read the Civil War comics after finishing this game, and being subsequently disappointed after finishing to read the whole thing.
Seriously, the game tackled the whole issue so much better, and gave a way more satisfying conclusion to the conflict than just "X lost because Y was the right side because I say so."

Oh indeed. This game did the Civil War thing way better and was really nice.

Also Hulk-ku.

Pity indeed, but we can't have everything here.

Go to bed Greg


Spiderman 2

Desperately hoping the 2018 game has webslinging even half as good as it


Instead of MVCI crap Marvel should have asked Capcom to make a Avengers game using Dragon Dogma engine.

You can eat that kid in Ultimate Spider-Man in your very first mission as Venom.

>"I am so scared I can't even finish my lame joke."

Why was this game so fun?


What bugs me about so many Marvel games is that they end on a cliffhanger tease and they never follow up on them. That goes double for Spider-Man games.

>>Mr. Sinister's plan at the end of X-Men Legends 2

Seriously, what was his plan?

Well as someone who played through with an all Brotherhood team I disagree.

Ultimate Spider-Man teased Sandman, but he actually appears in the comics.

>The biggest thing though is that Ultimate Alliance roster is kind of boring.

Wut. It had pretty much every major hero and obscure ones too and the DLC added 8 fucking characters.

>turning on Juggernaut's super-ability and killing mooks by simply running into them

They were in the fourth hub.

That's how I first discovered Black Bolt and Lockjaw.

How was that X-Men game where you could play as one of three OCs in San Diego or something? I remember being hyped for it but nothing else


Why would anyone ever think that white Vision was a good idea? Dude is inches away from joining the KKK.

>in MUA you can always pretend that when Arcade's big robot exploded, Arcade died inside and if Avengers Academy would ever happen in that universe, Arena wouldn't
The best universe.


That would be X-Men Legends II.

Fuck you, it's cream colored and it looks interesting.