Why hasn't Hawkeye's deafness been mentioned in the live action Marvel movies?

Why hasn't Hawkeye's deafness been mentioned in the live action Marvel movies?

That'd require giving his character some depth

I forgot he was even deaf

It has. It specifically came up in Thor, the first Avengers flick. He uses hearing aides IIRC

No he just had a Bluetooth

It would take time away from more important things like who Black Widow is dating or other characters making funny quips or tie-ins to other movies.

He only went deaf in the ears cause some crazy guy stabbed in his fucking ears dude come on

He also partially blind and is slowly going blind. But no one ever bring that up.

It's a comic book only, and only in the 616.
And even so, it's barely mentioned, even. I noticed Walta drawed his ear aids in the last issue of Occupy Avengers, but there was no mention to it in the whole run, for example. Neither is mentioned in Secret Empire, either.

user, for one reason or another, Clint has been deaf or partially deaf a third of his editorial history.

Didn't they fix that just before Fraction's solo run?

or using the sonic arrowhead to himself

so he dont wear mask anymore? Is his face too generic to be recognize?

I actually didn't even think Clint was deaf in the MCU, but I haven't seen all the films.

But really, whether he is or isn't even from I have seen I know he's not remotely the same character in the MCU as he is in the comic books. One thing I actually like about Secret Empire is it's giving us Leader-Clint again after a long, long time of Hawkguy, the shitty broken old Kate Bishop sidekick.

>you're gay

>you're gay
>no, you're GAY

They can't squeeze it in 5 minutes of screen time.

His brief stint with deafness in the comics was mostly forgotten before Fraction brought it back. The MCU was already underway when the comics reintroduced it and nobody cares to add it to the MCU now.

deaf people are a minority, but since Hawkeye looks white no one cares

Because he isn't married to Mockingbird and never exploded his ears drums fighting Crossfire.

who is writing the new deadpool? that is a pretty deep joke for hawkeye

this is the first time i've ever heard of this being a thing.

I don't read the comics, he's never had this in the cartoons or movies.

>this is the first time i've ever heard of this being a thing
>I don't read the comics

You've answered your own question, user

Hawkeye vs. Deadpool was surprisingly good. I liked the little touch that Deadpool was thoughtful enough to keep his mask partially up so Clint could read his lips. I really do like Deadpool when he's not being written as a meme-spouting cartoon character. He's at his best when he's more of a "sad clown" type.

Probably because he's not deaf in the movies.

>Is his face too generic to be recognize?
It's not like he has a secret identity. His original costume didn't have a mask either.

>Sup Forums thinks having a single character trait makes something have depth

No wonder you fags thought the new Flintstones book was the deepest thing you'd ever read.

Nah, fuck off. Like that shit was forgotten in the comics before Fractions run, so even people who read comics had forgotten that. And it's going to be forgotten again soon.

His way back original, sure, but no one remembers that one. When it comes to Hawkeye, this (or a variant of this) is the look people tend to remember. It's like how people tend to think of Kate's 60s throwback catsuit with the hip holes before the leather outfit and scarf she used to wear.

But you're right. The classic costume with the cowl was a circus costume rather than anything intended to hide his identity.

Because that would be a negative character trait and they aren't allowed to have those

And that reason hasn't happened in the movies, so why would he be deaf in the movies?

diversity points?

Because he's not deaf in the movies.

I dunno. I wasn't arguing with him being so in the movies, user.


Best costume.

The hell are you talking about? Yes it did.

and more screentime

Hawkeye was only briefly deaf in the comics.

Does anyone on Sup Forums actually know anything?

Duggan's been writing him since like 2012

He became deaf again.

Take your own advice.

Nowhere NEAR built enough. Hawkeye is not a twink.

How the fuck do people still go deaf/ blind in a universe with iron man/ reed richards/peter parker and countless other super genius's. Not to mention the sorcerers

This is by duggan. The books called hawkeye vs deadpool and it takes place been his two deadpool runs. His first one run has an omnibus and it's worth picking up, I stopped reading his second run after the sabretooth arc because I wasn't enjoying deadpool being a part of a merc team.