Scar is brought back the same way Mufasa is brought back, but just in an evil way

>Scar is brought back the same way Mufasa is brought back, but just in an evil way
What kind of shitty fanfiction is this? The "movie" will premier today at 9am, is anyone gonna stream this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't we just have this thread?

So, mufasa was seen because he was inside Simba's heart all along.

Inside of who Scar is?

Pack of hyenas

>didn't.. didn't we eat you?
>shut up

Because it IS fanfiction for five years old

>This is shit!
>...Anyone gonna stream it?

Really user. No need to make excuses.

This is the 4th thread I've seen so far.

I guess if you have subscribe to YouTubeTV, it was released an hour ago.

>After using the Roar of the Elders in anger, Kion unwittingly summons the Pride Lands’ greatest villain, Scar

I'd be bitching if this was Alladdin and they brought back Jafar again.

But they did do that user.

I made a thread but I see this one is already up. This movie is a trainwreck. Scar doesn't even show up until the final few minutes. You can watch it on their site.

Is it worth clicking the link, user?

I still like this show. It's one of the few running cartoons that I go out of my way to watch. But this was the first "episode" I skipped large swaths of. Just felt like it dragged on and was 55 minutes of nothing.

Still, nice to see Tiifu and Zuri again. And Fuli actually acted like second-in-command at the end and competently gave out orders.

I meant post destroyed lamp.

Wait what the fuck is this?

Disney's Flash animated Lion King fanfiction.

Come suffer with us.

No? Sad to say. If you cared about the Scar plot, he shows up for ten seconds and Kion never even interacts with him. Scar "is" going to be an ongoing villain this season, and show up in a number of episodes, but this movie is a lot of build-up to that without any actual payoff, which makes it an anticlimactic movie.

Most of the fans the show has just watch it because they want to fuck the characters.

They did.

He got a free ride out of the underworld and everything.

It happened in that Hercules crossover

Aren't these characters like, under the age of 8 in canon?

What the fuck?


>Aren't these characters like, under the age of 8 in canon?

user, I don't think the age of consent is what you should really be focused on here.

Ok but liking underage fictional characters is one thing. But how the hell did you end up liking underage fictional animals?

What made you this way?

No. That's the biggest misconception people have about the show. They're basically teenagers. There are actual "little kids" in the show and they're much. much smaller. Fuli lives alone and was shown hunting other animals. She would be in the 15-17 range.

user, yet again, once you are at the point of animals age is no longer even a factor. Anything from the edge of death to freshly popped out is about the same.

Nigga, it's Disney Junior. In the first episode, they were still running around playing. They're 100% still kids.

Beats the fuck outta me. I'm not into it myself, just pointing out that you're asking these questions on Sup Forums of all places.

There's an entire board dedicated to people who want to fuck cartoon horses.

Wow. So in every Nick Jr. cartoon, all of the characters were kids as well? Steve from Blue's Clues must have been Benjamin fucking Button.

The network a show is on doesn't correlate with character ages. They don't have iphones or video games, user. What else are animals going to do for fun other than run around?

>anything from the edge of death to freshly popped out is about the same.

I sure hope you don't watch PJ Masks.

Nope. Don't watch Paw Patrol, either. Most preschool cartoons are garbage. They talk down to the viewer and are clearly for babies.

I still contend, even with this shitty movie, that the Lion Guard is different. It genuinely feels more like a TV-Y7 cartoon. It doesn't often try to teach morals, and it certainly isn't talking about shapes and colors. It has an actual plot and characters that are fun enough to watch.

This movie was bad because it sucked. It failed on its own. That's not unusual, as the show has had bad episodes before. But it's also had episodes that I really liked.

One odd moment in this thing was when they went out of their way to mention that Fuli was the first female to ever be on the Lion Guard. Find that a bit hard to believe, especially since I'm pretty sure there's only one-or-two male lions in the Pride Lands as we never see any others.

nice dubdubs

is this porn?

But, the hyenas were the ones who killed him in the first place

need to make a BIG DEAL out of these things for the sake of progressiveness


No, he's literally in their hearts. Scar was very high in cholesterol.

Did they get Jeremy Irons?

something really eerie about animals using satanic black magic

Oddly enough, despite the show's attempt to capitalize on nostalgia, the three main hyenas are nowhere to be found. I'd be very surprised if we don't see them at some point before the show ends.

Why do hyenas bring him back when they were the ones that killed him?


No, some nig for diversity points.

user, you have to remember that while all of Sup Forums is autistic, the Lion King Fandom is CRAZY autistic. This is a show created by autistic fan artists.

I don't get this guy. He won't reprise Scar though he'll voice do voice over work for TV shows about lions. Surprised they didn't even try for discount scar, prime cut VA Jim Cummings

Yet it's not very popular among the Lion King fandom. It's certainly not popular on Sup Forums, as most episodes get less than a dozen replies, and it's not discussed anywhere else to my knowledge.

if this show had any balls they'd move it to XD and have Scar try to tempt Kion to the dark side. He's more self righteous than those kids from the Chronicles of Narnia believing in Aslan.

Then end the show with him leaving the pridelands taking the Lion Guard with him because Simba doesn't forbids f his friendship with that Hyena girl. Follow up with a timeskip post Lion King II with Kion coming back to try and overthrow his family's dynasty to make a more democratic pride lands

its a show for babies designed for babies and not for adults. It does that very well except to do that well means it has no staying power

It's designed for co-viewing, actually, as most preschool cartoons are. Like MLP.

I fully expect a Grandma Harly moment with the hyena's in a future ep

it might be intended for co-viewing but if it is they're doing a piss poor job at it. If something is for co-viewing then Sup Forums would be viewing

You're joking right? Nobody takes Lion Guard seriously.

that's the problem. make it darker. Kids like dark

Yeah, but the Lion King was only a phenomenon for people at least 17+. The Lion Guard probably wouldn't get any viewers because it's in flash.

You keep saying that, but the show's animation techniques are probably one of the most advanced on television.

Did you not see Scar displaying his geomantic powers over lava and stone in the original movie?

Disney's probably just salty he works with DC now.

Every villain has convenient super powers if they're singing.

user I know you like this show, but flash kills it for me. If it was at least to the tier Gravity Falls or Star Vs., I'd be sucking this shows dick regardless of if this is for preschoolers.

They developed proprietary technology specifically for the show. I posted the article many times, but it allows them to do things that other cartoons are very reluctant to do, like show the characters from any angle they want. Most flash cartoons - even Gumball - constantly have the characters looking in the same direction. It's a rare fucking feat when you see Gumball Watterson looking directly at the camera, yet the Lion Guard constantly shows the characters from every angle.

So, yes, I think The Lion Guard is better animated than The Amazing World Of Gumball. And many other shows.