Why does everyone hate adam ellis so much?

Why does everyone hate adam ellis so much?

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Literally who? And why the fuck should we care?

jealously and a lack of understanding the adult world is about connections, not perceived merit

just make a furry patreon and you'll be living in a mansions within weeks

Is that Warren's son


>literally who makes stupid statement on Twitter
>has a checkmark

It feels wrong that buzzfeed seemingly doesn't give a ahit about the cartoonist they hired while outlets like thenib are actively trying to promote different people.

Does anyone care who that is?

How does someone earn their spot if they are worse than their competition?

OP, you haven't explained who this guy is supposed to be. He seems like an asshole, but why should we care about him?


He resuses and traces the same drawings over and over again and makes generally really normie ass jokes.

I don't get why everyone vocally goes after him, I don't like his work but it doesn't bother me enough to send abuse and I can see exactly why he does reuse work a lot too.

The guy who does these comics

its too bad they're political though so Sup Forums will never touch the site or the cartoonists featured

Oh, him. Sup Forums's new Dobson since we can't talk about Dobson anymore.

That's such a douchebag thing to say lol

>his twitter is protected now
lmao, do these people have zero self control or something? if you're gonna act like a dick just fucking own it

>Being this assblasted because people pointed out the samefacing in your comics.
Why are people so think skinned about criticism these days?

On the one hand, he's a lazy fuck who has no merit calling himself an artist
On the other hand, people have probably been sending him abuse that's way over the line for what he did to earn it

Either way he still doesn't hold a candle to the likes of Buckley

but he's not wrong tho

he isn't but his whole shtick is talking down to people who criticize him, he's a big ol cunt

>draw sameface comics for a website that preys on the "relatable" market
>get called out by artists/people in general for being a lazy piece of shit, criticism given
>"well, at least i have a JOB, focus on your five dollar deviantart commissions, peasants"
I can't wait for him to start crying when he ends up getting fired.

People are getting mad at this tweet but it's a hundred percent right. I know his comics are shit but that doesn't make him wrong on this one.

>defending hacks and nepotism
Fuck off Adam

Promoting oneself and getting in contact with the people who then hire you is part of getting the job, satan. It's about self-promotion just as much as it is about skill

I am one of those broke artists and yeah I kinda agree with this douche. While I get that it isn't what he is trying to say really the best way to 'make it' is to focus on your own shit instead of trying to get to the top by pulling other people down.

>I got here based on my own merit! It had nothing to do with luck or connections!

>Reading like a little nerd nerd as you get sun cancer, drink some fruity ass woman's drink, and sit in immediate danger of a dangerous hypno-crab
>Versus enjoying a nice video game, a fan blowing in your face to cool you off, as you sip on a healthy, masculine bottle of water

Are normies really this fucking dense? Lol


I understand his sentiment but he said it in the douchiest way possible
>"Everyone has their own paths, you shouldn't focus on anyone else's improvement except your own."

I guess he never criticizes anything he's never done professionally.

One question is he jewish, adopted by a jewish family or married in to a jewish family?

He's Buddhist.

jesus what a douche

Really, why?

dude am not asking what he likes to eat. am asking who his parents were. In my country if you have a pretencious dude who does "moder" art style art, 9,9/10 he is from a jewish family and 0.05 he is adopted by one and the rest is married in to a jewish family.

>we can't talk about Dobson anymore.
WHAT?! Okay mods have CROSSED THE LINE.

>blaming the Jews for your small penis

I am Jewish. Fuck I do stuff like that myself sometimes.

He isn't from your third world Slav shithole that nobody's ever heard of though.

The religion of peace strikes again.

(((they))) ruined my life within seconds of me entering this world ;__;

A your fucking ancestors came from those slavic countries you moron.
B All the greatest Rabis and thinkers came from eastern europe. And fuck the sefardis.
C And your talking about the country I live in more or less every fucking day on and on and on. As if hacking you was the most important thing in the world.
D I agree to call you a jew, because there are goims here. But we know very well which one of us two is the real deal and who is "reformed" .


will japmoot ever ban twitter and reddit screenshots?

No idea. Mods just delete the threads.

Adam Ellis is without a doubt one of the most talentless hacks that have plagued the internet in the past few years. If you respond to genuine constructive criticism like this you are a pathetic child and will not improve in at least 10 years, just like Buckley didn't.

Everyone is attacking him right now, he's dropping knowledge and hitting back. He's a cool dude as far as I'm concerned.

It's not the fault of capitalism that people are shit.

>he's dropping knowledge
Such as?

Quantity > Quality

Read the OP,he worked to get where he is while a bunch of tumblr cows are crying at him instead of working

That's not knowledge though. He's boasting and trading insults like a little kid who got a lollipop from his mommy.

Being reliable, being consistent, being on time counts for much much more in commercial art than being "great".

Lots of people can be "great" when they sit around and noodle at a drawing for a week.
It's the ones that do good work on a deadline that can continue to get work for long periods of time.

It also pays to cut corners as much as possible, and to have friends in the right places.

that sounds fucking gay

fucking makes me rage so hard. why the fuck do reddit fags give him upvotes

And you get those friends and can learn to cut those corners by working your ass off and figuring it out.

You don't get them by pouting on DA and yelling at the people who are where you want to be.

See, here's the problem with your arguments- while they can be true, the painted image of an artist following those (IE cutting corners, etc, for the sake of being fast, instead of just being lazy and arrogant) would not be having the shitshows this guy has whenever called out on his copypasting.

broad appeal

I was curious so I looked it up. That's from a sub called "comedy cemetery" about shit that's supposed to be funny but isn't. The thread is from April 1st.

This, there's a difference between this dude and someone like Wally Wood

Listen, everyone knows the cynical nature of the world, it's not merit that puts you in high places but who you know and how much ass you kiss, everyone knows that, doesn't make it wrong to bitch about it.

i didnt even know this fucker until this thread. and i fucking hate him so much already. he works for buzzfeed, makes shit jokes, copy pastes his comics, has no respect for other artists nor the readers, he's a fucking scumbag, is so fucking full of himself, and when someone criticizes him, he shits even harder. and worst of all most kids probably like him for being 'savage! lolxd'

i have a friend who is fucking 19 and is a way better artist and writer and i am fucking pissed knowing that he will never make as much money or have as much fame as this cunt.

What's worse is that there are thousands of other fuckers in other aspects who get paid for doing fucking nothing of value. is it that people turn shit instantly after they get famous or sth? it's sad and i dont want to live in a world like this

Have some of his shirt 'designs', too

It makes it wrong to bitch at someone for being successful if you claim that you know how the world works. You're just being an asshole.


he just wrote some words and that's it? no goofy face or anything unique? they probably cost like $20 too

even out of touch hacks can make better shirts than him

Great now I have cancer

What, and the guy acting like he's doing anything worth anything art-wise and dissing anyone calling him out on it isn't an asshole?

Adam, go home.

please tell me this isn't real

These are awful. This whole thing is awful.

Shirt Shirt is too good for this garbage.


How'd you know?

People were coming at him first. He's not an asshole for standing his ground. All the people complaining about him needed to hear it, and he's right.


Jesus fucking christ.

>And you get those friends and can learn to cut those corners by working your ass off and figuring it out.
You don't need to work your ass off to make friends. It's really easy if you're good with people and say the right things in the right places. It's a social game.

You also don't need to work your ass off to cut corners. That's what cutting corners means. It means you make your job easier by taking shortcuts and avoiding effort. Your friends turn a blind eye to these things as long as you don't delay schedule, which is easy to avoid because your job takes no effort.

>doesn't make it wrong to bitch about it

So why's it wrong to talk down about Ellis but the second anyone on Sup Forums talks down on the creator of pic related everyone goes up in arms?

Because of our collective MILF fetish.

Because there isn't anything to bitch about. It's a simple and sweet comic made by a surprisingly sweet guy.

If he even remotely handled legit criticism like an adult instead of a snarky 12 year old, you might have had an actual argument.


How is what he said wrong?

>i am fucking pissed knowing that he will never make as much money or have as much fame
And that's entirely the fault of your friend for not marketing himself properly

I will never understand the retards who whine that it's "unfair" that x gets more fame and money than y, who is better. Life isn't fucking fair, kids. There isn't some invisible class teacher in the sky who evaluates everyone's skills and only those, and then magically makes people receive the attention and profit they "deserve" based on nothing but the quality of their output. It's like people legit think that one shouldn't try to make money if somewhere in the world a more talented person exists, because that person would "deserve" that money more (even if they don't really try to get it)

Success is a combination of a lot of things. Human relations is one factor, as is sheer luck, as is being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people, as is the audience willing to give attention for comfortably mediocre things. Such is life. Quit whining and work on your pitch. Your failure isn't the responsibility of the people who currently aren't failing.

Wow, GTA San Andreas shirt mods made by a ten-year old in Paint.net are more creative

Redditfags are huge retards

I used to go to Reddit, and one of the things I noticed is that posts that were just "Look at muh action figure guise" were consistently getting more upvotes then posts showing viral marketing by the company for an upcoming movie

Your friend might be a better artists, but pure skill isn't everything. That's not enough to make people care about you. You can be very skilled but uninteresting and boring. Consistency is also a major thing.

Once again Sup Forums proves themself to be jealous of someone with social skills. It doesn't matter that he's lazy if he delivers work and knows the right people (social skills, kiddos)
That's how jobs work, but sure, keep talking how your Kafka-esque comics "deserves" the spotlight

Hahahahahaa no hes fucking not

>You mean to tell me I actually have to look for a job and find people in the industry to hook me up when people are looking for someone with skills and talents I posses?
I hope you starve to death penniless wondering why a magic man hasn't come and given you a job based on your talents without you actively looking for one.

have a better mr krabs image

These look like an alien made them to try and be relateable to humans

though I still hate this fucker. His humor is always this
>Weird Face
Joke set up

They are truly deleting dobson threads.

What a fucking cunts.


But why? Does Dobbo has enough money to sue?

Maybe Dobby became a janitor just for that purpose.