Can't escape Carol even in anime

>can't escape Carol even in anime

Other urls found in this thread:

>Long hair Carol
At least the nips aren't a completely lost cause

What's the show?

When will this fucking push end?

Marvel Disc Wars

Future Avengers. There are only raws out for now but at least it could get dubbed in the future since it's an original production of Disney XD Japan.


Nah, this is a different show. Disk Wars was a toy advertisement anime, Future Avengers it's just a kid wish-fulfillment anime.

It is fucking hilarious just how out of place she looks being side by side with those typical anime characters, it's like they're from entirely different shows.

Chloe is cute, CUTE!

>mfw I hate deadpool but love DIO

Anyone know who the artist for this is ?

From the looks of it, Shinkiro

Fuck, the Marvel Pokemon series is still going on? Do Japanese kids like it?

It's a new series

No more Disk Wars

It's a different series, this one is more normal. It's about a bunch of kids that were genetically modified and trained by Hydra but rescued by the Avengers so now they're going to train to become Avengers. They have normal superpowers, MC is an air bender, the girl is Mystique+Beast Boy and the kid with the green shirt is a technopath.

>the girl is Mystique+Beast Boy
Uh oh.

>Carol is in the show
Well shit, I was going to give this a hard pass since it seemed like all the generic toy-shilling animeness of Disk Wars but without the ridiculous concept and over-the-top redesigns.

But if /ourgal/ The Yaas Queen herself is in the show then I HAVE to watch it.

Why hate Deadpool?

>Mystique+Beast Boy
Isn't that just shapeshifting?

Like most other people here, the "so randum" fanbase ruined the character for him.

That reminds me, I haven't noticed Sup Forums say anything about The Reflection:

Stan Lee has something to do with it.

>CB Cebulski

Shit writer, shit editor, but somehow managed to parlay being the only guy at Marvel who can speak Japanese into a career.

Me too, user.
Has she appeared in the actual show or just the credits for now?



Just the OP, the first 2 episodes focused on rescuing the kids from the Hydra base.

>they gave Black Widow a silly symbol on her costume

Forgot my picture.

>No trigger discipline
There's no end to this.

That's actually rare in anime. Even when characters are holding water pistols, they have fingers off the trigger. Guess it's fitting the character is American.



I mean, shes already a famous spy, may as well make the switch to hero already.

This finally come out?
Anyone subbing it?

Oh yeah, she's Russian.

I'll forgive it because lol Red Room almost superhuman control.

>the character is American
Dumb fucker.

So you are arguing that not knowing the nationality of a fictional character is a sign of low intelligence.

>no Bucky in animu form

No I'm arguing that insulting a nation based on not knowing the nationality of a character is a sign of low intelligence, or lazy trolling. Or do you think all white people are Americans?

That sounds perfectly reasonable.

A lack of trigger discipline is an epidemic in American media, and I had thought that the character is American. It's as simple as that.

Carol and Natasha are smoking hot in this.

>no Widow cleavage
>the Hydra meme

It looks like not even Japan is safe from Marvel's movie synergy and feminism worship.

Long hair Carol is meaningless. Crapcom chose long hair Carol too, but that won't fix how boring she is.

>disliking Carol
go and take your shit taste with you.

So it's pretty much Marvel trying to cash in on My Hero Academia?

Bucky is in the OP.

It's Disney coming up with shows for their newly launched Japanese version of Disney XD since a lot of their XD shows like Star Vs were already on Disney Channel.

Fuck, I don't even like anime but I'll have to watch it for him. Is he still brainwashed by Hydra like the MCU?

>MFW I hate Deadpool and Dio

He is an anti-hero, in episode 3 he tries to murder the jailed Red Skull.

How does Carol look so fucking good in this game while most of the cast looks like ass?

Are they trying to emulate MCU Bucky or just comic book Bucky?

Even if that were true, it isn't, My Hero Academia is a cash-in on Marvel so it's only fair.

The blonde not-Carol girl looks cute.

Let me guess, this is treated like a bad thing because MUH HEROES DON'T KILL even though the Red Skull is a 100 year-old fascist mass murderer who has escaped prison several times.

Look at that smug playful face, doujin when? non-h of course

Holy Diver is an awesome song, dammit.

In the story, Red Skull is important because he has information of a bigger plan since he was getting alien technology from someone.


Disc Wars was dubbed and we still don't have rips of the dub.

It was made under Bandai, which was basically a toy commercial. Future Avengers is made for DLife, the japanese version of Disney XD, so it has has a higher chance of being dubbed for the US.

Posting the best anime Carol

Please don't post stupid dogs on a civil board.

At least Carol actually looks like a woman instead of some sort of muscular hambeast.

Lizard when?

They better not use teen Peter. Fuck teen Peter.

But then he and Carol can /ss/.

It's SUPER weird.

The style, angles and motion looks cool... when they have budget to pull it off. When they have budget to pull off complex details with thicc lines, it looks unique, when they don't, well, it looks like they drew it on MS point. Sometimes characters move very cinematic, very fluid, sometimes they are He-man characters.

None of the action scenes had any impact, and frankly I thought Sky Show for a flying character is a cooler name than I-Guy, which sounds like Apple made hero.

One definitely cool thing about it is this song though.

No, not really, she has a colorful costume and an anime face.

If I didn't know better I'd say she's the girls mom.

>feminism worship
Do you even know what anime is?

MANTIS fucking when?

Does anyone know when we'll be getting subs?

Was it from the Marvel pin anime thing right?

I have only see a deadpool video


I can sub it, the raws we get have Japanese/Chinese sof-subs.

Why no raws yet? I can understand subs not being a thing though.

please do

China raws:

It actually looks decent. I hope it maintains quality.

What's the name of the show?

Marvel's Future Avengers.

>They have normal superpowers, MC is an air bender,

The Japanese MC should be named Kamikaze (Divine Wind).

I liked Disk Wars. It was insanely stupid and that was great.


>According to the copyright party, your area can not watch this, please understand

So is there any other alternatives to watching this or anyway around this?

Wheres the 2nd episode?

>Meme character pointing out LOL MEMES

I say this a lot but Ill say it once more.

If there's one thing that pisses me off about Marvel more than anything it's how smugly self aware they are about what they're doing

It's especially infuriating to me when it's the byproduct of their own shit writer, in this case Way, and the reception of the writer's fans, or generally just misinformed fans, yet the character has to hold the cross therein.

An obvious example is the infamous Hank Pym matter. Writers down the road have other characters acting as though it's entirely the fault of the character rather than acknowledging someone was fucking up off screen.
Now of course most would think
>Well what are they supposed to do? Break the 4th wall? Criticize their fellow employees? Just ignore it
And my answer is Yes. YES. YES!
If you're going to get referential to begin with don't half-ass it.

Fuck this sort of thing.

Why doesn't Carol look like this? Its the perfect compromise.

I see your Carol and raise you this

is there a link to the op?

It just seems like such a cheap way to sound like they understand their flaws but not actually fix them. And they do it ALL THE TIME. They try to make jokes of events as they happen but don't realize that even if they do that it doesn't change the fact that they still did it in the first place.

The company should never make the same jokes the fans do

>somebody has been watching Dual in 2017

I like it. I rewatch it a lot. Mitsuki is mai waifu

Oh ok, right on.

At least she's hot, and not using the awful mask.