Hurr I have no gf so I'm gonna draw myself kissing my waifu to pretend I have a gf

>hurr I have no gf so I'm gonna draw myself kissing my waifu to pretend I have a gf

Why people do this?

2D > 3D, user.

Look at his account

Why are these people always into weird fetishy shit?

Take x fandom
Congrats, you've found out something that has happened for x.

>Why people do this?
Likely because of a concept known as fun.

OP being a faggot, like always.


Freed from shackles of embarrassment, he pursues bliss uncaring what repercussions he may face. Beauty and bravery comes in all forms.

Cringe deviantart thread?

>Why people do this?
Some people are just fated to die alone.

Autism + Loneliness

were you born yesterday?

Some may be fated to die alone, but only the greatest of them will truly be...remembered.


>only killed like three people


No Aku! She's not for you!

Is this the guy that lost his job over waifuing Pearl or was that someone else?

What was even the plot of this shit

Don't forget isolation, whether done by themselves or their parents or by some other 3rd party.

Because real life is suffering for 95% of us and living vicariously through our fantasies is preferable to accepting our mediocrity and the truth that the other 5% are living the life we wish we could and don't spare even a neuron for us nor our envy for them.

someone else

Are you guys familiar with the recent wave of x Reader stuff on Tumblr? Because it's what most people would call "cringe as fuck"

Right. Without isolation, they turn you into a furry if you're gay or an MRA if you're straight.

She wants the Jewish cock

More like people are lonely and substitute cartoons for romance and human interaction.

That's why you should become a serial killer instead.
More time-consuming and requires good attention to details, but if you can pull it off you can actually scare the shit out of media. Especially if you go Ed Gein or Richard Trenton Chase routes.
For the record: I'm joking so if any of you cunts decides to do this, this is all your fault and not mine

I have no problem with this whatsoever

This right here
There is nothing wrong with watching whatever you like, your toughts are your own
But when you start letting it mess with your life to the point you can never love anyone exept for a cartoon, you are in deep shit, and need to take a break from Sup Forums related meida

I'm going to kill a bunch of people, suicide and write "Sup Forums/co post 94247587 inspired me" on my body, it will be a good prank.


I write/read shipping fanfiction to make up for me being a total loser IRL.


>putting a disclaimer in your post