ITT: Lost Media

Kappa Mikey Pitch Pilot found

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>Its like World War 2 out here!
>World War who?


this is great. the music and animation reminds me of old NG shit like DucktaleZ.
is the actual show this good? i dont remember thinking much of it when it was on TV.

I( wouldn't call this "good", but, yeah, the show is pretty much the same thing.

This was a weird ass show.

The show didn't do anything revolutionary, but it was a good way to waste time if you were awake before your parents and you wanted to watch cartoons before they changed the channel. It doesn't have a 2deep4u script and the animation isn't great, but it's just a comfortable ride that puts a non-weeb in weeb situations.

Wasn't Goku, i mean Gonard, a momma's boy in the show proper? I kinda like the idea of him being a family man who is too old for this shit instead.

>Kappa Mikey Pitch Pilot found
holy fuck

>Fucking Kappa Mikey did the "we're not robots" bit before Rick and Morty and nuSamurai Jack

It's not so much 'lost' as much as it is 'not available to the public'

Can someone PLEASE tell me what this pose is called!? I've been looking for the name everywhere.

Why the FUCK are people obsessed with this show? It's really no better than Canadian shit.

>fougivu mai wikuness
holy shit

it's called "crabbing".

This video will explain everything. If you still don't understand the appeal after it, then you're too old or too young to understand.

Honestly, this felt like it was made for Adult Swim more than Nick.

the pilot was made for MTV

>that fucking robots that just turns upside down, swivels his parts around and looks exactly the same afterwards

my fucking sites are in orbit

Kinda curious to know how the japanese feel about this show.

>that soundtrack


Why does this show triggers Sup Forums so much?

yoo uh

Or I just don't like anime, hence I'm on Sup Forums?

it's a solid dap!

Didn't even know this existed desu. Nice.

>Anyone born in the later 80's and earlier 90's
>Not liking anime
Too young or too old. Even if just emotionally.

They hate fun

I can't find anything with that specific pose in it, are you sure that's the right term user?

They just stole Togepi sounds from 4kids!

Nah, I'm just Canadian, we never got much anime here.

well that explains alot, no wonder canadian cartoons are so bad, as garbage as anime is you need to know it a little bit to make good cartoons even the justice league had a little evangelion reference

>just Canadian

>underwear vending machine
Holy fucking shit

Anyone remember that weirdass, bad spic movie that looked like it was animated in MS paint?Are there any subs? I found it weirdly watchable

>New New Neo-Tokyo

Nice. Glad someone tracked this down. Kappa Mikey is such an oddity. Ahead of it's time even.

Why a girl has to make a sexy girl voice randomly to different characters?

Mikey doesn't seem as much an idiot in the pilot as he did in the show. I kinda like it more with him as the estranged foreigner getting used to things.
this is as good as I remember it being desu

God this show is like the definition of obscure early 2000s cartoons. Good times.

it's even worse than the show.

Would you?

It honestly looks like it was animated in Flash.
But besides that, even in pilot form, Gonard is still best character. Too bad everyone but Mikey looked 10x worse, Jesus. However that bust on Mitsuki... Even cleavage. This explains the redesign for the 4Kids version, among other things. And why is everyone past the "show" part voiced by the same girl? Even Mikey.

Still though this was interesting.

>modest mouse
i'm sorry WHAT

it's a rough cut with temporary voiceovers and music and stuff

>Vending machines selling Mikey's underwear

This is fucking incredible, no way that would ever make it to a kids show but still, talking about that at all is insane.

>gets in floating car
>starts playing float on by modest mouse

oh fuck you


>world war who?

Jesus fuck I was not expecting that

The car was floating, also i think it was the early 00s

I don't get it.


Bolivar el libartador?

>underwear vending machine
>world war who?

Shit, I like what it eventually became but why couldn't the show have been like this?

Anime tends to gloss over the shit Japan did in World War 2.

Also a common joke is that the nations who were part of the axis like to pretend it never happened and the newer generations don't know about it at all.

>everyone has flying cars and robots and betamax which is so much better than VHS

I thought Back at the Barnyard was a Weird Show

yes, this shit

still lost I think

>Japan is Wakanda

It was found completely actually, I don't think there's a subbed version however


lmao holy shit


>Christopher Walken voice on Mr.Yashimoto


That Jimmy Neutron Spongebob-interruption also resurfaced some time ago
pretty pretty cool.

The dab?

>Good Spongebob
Great stuff.


No, that's not it.

Hey fuck off, you're not me.
And it looks like that is actually it, thanks user!

Was I a spoil sport? He would have found out eventually.

I haven't heard Modest Mouse in a long time

>all these plebs who don't like kappa mikey
How? The show is a fun parody of the Japanese culture craze from the early-mid 2000's. Honestly it's one of the few shows where I can forgive the cheap animation as it adds to the charm and still works as the jokes were pretty good. I never got the hate for this show.

I love how Mikey for the most part is largely unchanged except for the shape of his face and the super hero suit.


Pretty rough stuff, but there's some good jokes in there. It's certainly as wacky as the actual show would be

This dude sounds totally not-evil dude sounds like IceDevimon

missing audio i guess

Wonder Woman test footage found

I tucking love the higher ups, is that still Ozu's voice?

>he wasn't joking

I remember this.
It was part of an event building up tot the jimmy neutron premier.
That shit aired for like 3-4 years after that event ended.
It was every single time that episode aired. As a kid i thought the original was gone, and that was just how the episode was now.

I honestly didnt know that the puppet scene was lost, especially since it aired so fucking much.

It's the modern sieg heil.

Rare Mike Lu and Og pilot, unfortunately only found in spanish.

If a taco could translate this you would be on my side of the wall. I love this channel

i remember a time where jimmy came out and change the fucking show i was watching, in addition to the puppet bits. anyone else remember this?

their album that came out 2 years ago was pretty good

My japanese ex liked it because it made fun of her pop culture.

Haven't you guys been looking for this for a while


Well it's just like the show, Only with crappier animation and that's saying something.

>"Look at all the carnage, its like World War 2 out here"
>"What's that?"
>"World War who?"
Holy shit, even as a pilot this show was hilarious.

Yep, same voice actor.


>no Beat Crusaders
>but Modest Mouse

Dunno how to feel about this

>If a taco could translate

I don't feel like it. Also, I'm pretty sure this episode aired plenty of times.

I love that the vampire dude is doing a christopher walken impression