Home Movies complete series coming to DVD

>Home Movies complete series coming to DVD
>not getting it, but happy that people remember this classic

Also, tfw you grew up to be Coach McGuirk. That episode where he buys the flea market swords is me now.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Home-Movies-Anniversary-Limited-Deluxe/dp/B001D2WUCK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1501380563&sr=8-5&keywords=home movies


What do you mean user? The complete series was released on dvd awhile ago. Are they doing another set?

They're doing a full-series set.

i miss this show dude

This show was so fucking slow.

The whole series in one set?

>Spaghetti time

>New York Times?
>New York TIMES!?
>You think you're better than us?
>No way!


So you're eating a lot of Italian then?

It does have extras n stuff but I'll probably just watch it on Hulu.
It's free on the Shout Factory TV site/app too (along with lots of MST3K)

>Look, Brendan, I know you blame your father for a lot of things and maybe it is all his fault... there you have it.

Does it have any extras? Besides the ones on the individual seasons I bought a decade ago?

Well like this morning I poured orange juice in my cereal. I wasn't thinking I just grabbed it pored it, I was half asleep. Then I realized I love it. It's a great mix. Then I realize It's the corporations and the advertisers that prevent us from doing stuff like this. they program us to think one way: milk-cereal. Then you realize orange juice-cereal is fine, it all goes in the same place. You know the old saying.

I think it's the same - just different smaller box, cheaper price and no CD


The summer camp episode is the best episode.

>You gotta trust us, Mom, you might wanna get the car started right now and leave it running - we're about to make some major enemies here.

That shit was gold, I loved the "overdogs" thing too.

Is it a real sword or a fake sword? Cause I have a dutch cutlass

Is there anywhere I can watch this online?

Hulu or kimcartoon


cuz people like watching slightly slowed down/sped up, slightly higher pitched versions

paula's original VA molested little girls

Did she really though?
She's still on the radio every week

It's time to pay the price.

>not blu-ray
Fucking really?

and lena dunham is still on tv
whats your point

Vince McMahon molested one of his relatives, and he's a goddamned multimillionaire. What's your point?

Again--details, please?

Literally just google Paula Poundstone and read her god damn wiki.

ok, ok...I didn't even know she was her original VA

Could have googled that too.

No wonder they replaced her with Felicia Day

>replacing one shitty liberal comic with a marginally less shitty liberal comic
What else is new

Shout Factory TV is legit and free

But there was already a full series set.

amazon.com/Home-Movies-Anniversary-Limited-Deluxe/dp/B001D2WUCK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1501380563&sr=8-5&keywords=home movies

Look how much it costs
You have to reissue out of print stuff nowadays or else it becomes inaccessible to the average person because bots jack up the prices

The new one will be cheaper and lack all the "anniversary edition" add-ons.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I never found home movies funny.

When I was a teen getting into adult cartoons I thought it was very mildly amusing but unable to keep my interest.
Then Bob's Burgers came out and I became a fan, have seen every episode multiple times and all that.
So now when I go back to it I see a lot of the same DNA as that more polished show and it makes it more accessible because I'm familiar with the sense of humor.
Still not a favorite but it's very good for the right mood

Its sixty fucking dollars. That's hardly much cheaper and a fucking joke of a price for a cartoon that's over a decade old and only have four season.
I could buy four seasons of the good Simpsons for less than that.

Then go do that and let those who want to buy the new Home Movies set do that. Who the fuck are you to whine about the purchasing decisions of others?

$41.14 on amazon dude
Not as cheap as their Nicktoons sets but you can watch the contents of those on Hulu, there's a ton of special features on here you can't stream

no user

no, it is you who is the fag, here

Swords are not cutlery!

I paid $60 for that set, best cartoon purchase I've ever made.

I genuinely think Home Movies is the funniest & most underrated cartoon of all time. I've never laughed out loud like I have when watching Home Movies. Just watched it all recently.

This and Venture Bros are my favorite cartoons of all time.

For those of you who don't know, every episode is on the Adult Swim website for free.

>based venture
>comfy home movies
My fuckin nigga