How would you fix this piece of shit?

How would you fix this piece of shit?

bring raimi back

replace every actor and character of this shit except Vulture and Spiderman, fuck what a terrible supporting cast.

Reboot it. :^)

Change the base conflict into something else other than "notice me Starkpai."

get all the black girls out like when does spiderman fuck a black girl

make everyone white because i can't stand the fact that new york has minorities in it

i just don't get why ALL HIS FRIENDS had to be non-white

it makes no sense


would've worked if it was a public high school, but it's supposed to be some private school for geniuses, which is why it felt weird.

I know you're being ironic, but I lieve in NY. It doesn't look anything like they're portraying, either you're going super rich neighborhoods which is predominatnly white, middle of the road areas and hipster place where it's pretty evenly mixed, or the fucking ghettos liek flatbush where it's entirely black and ethnic and if you're white around there you're either a cop or fresh meat.

Explicitly mention Uncle Ben and the effect his death had on Peter's motivation

As much as I liked the movie I would have done the following:

>cut down on the amount of time that we see Peter in school
>rather than Montana, the man Toomes killed is named Blackie Drago
>elude to Tinker making more tech that we'd see future villains using (Pumpkin Bombs, Paste Guns, ect)
>have Roxxon play a bigger role in the film
>show that the tech in the suit hinders Peter more than help him in a less comedic way
>cut out the trip to Washington as that scene could have been done any place
>show Aunt May stressing over bills and money while trying to hide it from Peter
Honestly I thought the movie was damn fun.

>but it's supposed to be some private school for geniuses
It was?

My Spider-Man is a dark tale about the trials a boy goes through as a super hero, it's a dark and dank journey that confronts the viewer with a harsh realization of mortality, and makes them question their morality

It is also a coming of age tale of a troubled loner youth, dealing with these issues himself as he figures out how he wants to define himself and what it means to be a hero

Even Peter looking at an old photo of him and Ben together would have been enough. But they couldn't even do the bare minimum.

I would not root all background/setting, character origins and motivations and general writing so fucking much in MCU groundwork.
Spider-Man is one of the most universally recognizable comic characters, and if feels both like a waste of potential and like an insult to the mythos built around the character for decades to just smother it in unnecessary franchise porn

Have Peter's obsession with proving himself to Stark be a result of trying to fill the void left by Uncle Ben's death.
>father figure dies tragically
>Peter finds new father figure in Stark
>works hard as possible to make Stark proud because it helps him deal with the presumed guilt of indirectly killing Uncle Ben. If Stark's proud, in a weird way it's like Uncle Ben's proud
Also either drop Michelle or just change her name to some other supporting character.

I'd either make it more like the Ditko comics or not set it in highschool at all.

Largest problem of this Spider-man and even extends to DCEU Superman. The people in charge rely on you knowing enough about the characters and don't bother going in depth about them because of it.

I'm not saying go through the same steps as previous attempts, but give us a reason to care about these versions. Right now my views on this Peter is that he's a fanboy of the Avengers, specifically Ironman and everything he does is to try and be good enough for them, and DCEU Superman is this somber fellow who doesn't particularly care for much outside of a few folks.

I liked the movie but if it was up to me I would have gone all in on the teenage drama and take his teenager life more seriously. Don't replace Flash with a comedic relief joke bully, keep him a big guy bully even in the genius school. Basically, turn it into full-blown Spider-Man version of Edge of 17/Perks of Being a Wallflower instead of it being Spider-Man: The Disney Channel Movie edition.


It felt like the conversation in Civil War implying Ben's death and the trauma/lesson Peter got might as well not have happened. Here Peter feels like a generic do-gooder turned fanboy or vice versa, and even May doesn't feel like a struggling widow. One vague reference to her dealing with past stuff isn't nearly enough.

If they are going to do Marvel's BvS like they did, have the movie be better than BvS unlike they did

I would make the high school stuff less Breakfast Club style light comedy and make it black comedy-style like Heathers.

Cancel it.
Nobody cares about Spiderman anymore.

First of all I'd actually make a Spider-Man movie, which these people clearly didn't.

I'd buy the rights back from Sony, no matter what they charge.

>How would you fix?
We need a final solution

Yep. Because Sony were the ones needlessly shilling a character they receive no profits from instead of boosting the one they do.

His crush/Vulture's daughter had to leave the school cause her family couldn't pay for it anymore

Get rid of the fat best friend. Fucking Ned is a pile of shit and the only thing that bothered me about the entire movie. We can keep his lego death star though, that thing is badass.

I thought it was fine. The only problem I really had was too much Tony and flash being a bit too much of a dick.