And when everyone's super

no one will be...

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That was such solid logic. In a world with no superpowers we would never worship some humans over others.

actually not a bad plan
also would have eventually made everyone resort to crime.

Just ask Sup Forums how that worked out.

despite recent pixar movies all being pretty mediocre, im still looking forward to the sequel. ive wanted to see them fight the underminer since i was a kid, and if its true that brad bird waited until the writing was just right before actually making the movie then im still excited

It was not logic, it was his inability to deal with his own narrow and linear idea of personal worth hitting a wall, rationalized as "enlightment".

He still wanted to be on top and worshipped as the guy who brought forth the era of equality, and violently exclude and dispose of whoever disagreed.

Bird was kind of ahead of his time.

Right, but that doesn't make his philosophy invalid
Bad people can say and believe in true things: being superior to others is fundamentally a relative status. To bring about equity is to diminish the traits of individuals.


What a fucking socialist

I always had this thought with Marvel. There are so many heroes and villains out there with tech that could revolutionise our lives. Think of what just, say, The Vulture has created on his own. Yet all these people use these inventions to rob banks or whatever. If they sold it for civilian use they'd be millionaires overnight legally.

This is a plot hole no one really wants to talk about. MCU's Vulture could've retired, sent his kid to a private college and lived the rest of his life as upper middle class just by selling his fucking wings.

The vulture had an excuse: he obtained his hardware illegally and didn't exactly have a permit to sell alien space weapons to civilians

Tony Stark though? He says he sells tech to civilians but I don't see flying cars or nothing using repulsor tech. I don't see arc reactors for whole cities. I don't even see the Musk Jet he talked about in Iron Man 2


what a comfy thread that was.

peter is one to talk
>create a super strong solvent that desolves in two hours
>billions of dollars worth of industrial implications to this substance
>doesn't contribute to society and just uses it to swing around by his dick
what a selfish faggot

No. We worship accomplishments, we worships actions, we worship people with strong personalities who stand out from the crowd.

You think it's powers that make someone super? No. It's what's in your heart that makes you super. It's your will that makes you a hero.

If everyone is super then the super will become magnificent. If everyone becomes magnificent the magnificent will become legendary and so and so forth.

power is just a means to an end


finally! after 15 years!

And then Kim Kardashian enters the room and turns your whole essay obsolete.

The problem with that is that it still only be rich people

>it's a retards fixate on an afterthought instead of the villain's actual plan episode
Syndrome's plan was not to give people powers or super tech. It was to fake cataclysms so he could swoop in and save the day from himself over and over at the cost of human life. Then, when he was too old to play the hero, sell his inventions out of pure spite to cause that same situation to happen with new "protagonists".

This line should become a case study on just how fucking retarded and unable to appreciate context the general population is.

It will never deliver though

She has some err... strong "personalities" user
Besides, she is popular but being popular doesn't made one good

But...she took a dick on camera.
Really it's all happenstance. Nothing to do with superpowers or personality. Kim's mom just knows how to whore.

I've always had a problem with releasing sequels to movies the target demographic wasn't alive for. The kids won't remember the original, and the adults who do are rarely crying out for a sequel that much later.


What if Syndrome had been female?

Zach please, you're off Justice League, no need to bring that shit here too.

But he didn't give a shit about that all he really wanted was to be a hero to the public and make everyone super out of spite

>old man wants everyone to worship him because some freak accident gave him powers
>the guy who wants to make everyone powerful is the bad guy


>He still wanted to be on top and worshipped as the guy who brought forth the era of equality, and violently exclude and dispose of whoever disagreed.

So...he wanted to be a democrat?

but that's the point! it's for adults with their own kids!

Is this the My Hero Academia thread?

There was a video game where you fight the underminer.

clearly you've never seen my hero academia

>make everyone powerful
>Freak accident

>the guy who made his fortune selling weapons and who designed those weapons by recruiting and murdering supers is somehow going to give joe shmo the ability to fly instead of selling super suits to Chad so Chad can get drunk and kill a hundred people on a drunken bender and no one will fucking care because the world is run by rich assholes who use their money super powers to oppress the weak

if anyone can buy super powers then you'd just see a return to fuedalism

Economies would also eventually collapse. The only value in that type of universe would be anything unique and not 'super'.

by that logic Syndrome was more super than everyone else in the movie.

If he wasn't such a dick about it and wasn't murdering heroes he'd be the good guy.
Nothing wrong with bringing new technology to the people. He could have improved life for numerious people.

How would they collapse, unles they manage to replace EVERY tedious thing with robots and magic, the new technologies would allow more funds towards, entertainment, research and exploration

One can only imagine what kind of Ted Bundy motherfucker he would have become if he were rejected by a girl he really liked instead of his superhero idol.

>unles they manage to replace EVERY tedious thing with robots and magic
aren't those the kind of jobs that'll be replaced first irl? Automatization is going to make plenty of jobs obsolete, I wonder what's going to happen in the near future when the demand for human workers dissapears, probably everyone who's not an engineer/informatic/millionaire is going to end up living on welfare

Fuckin Syndrome.

The MCU in a nutshell.

Yeah, but he didn't want to bring tech to people - he only wanted to do that after he'd made himself the greatest hero and eventually retired as a big "fuck you" to anyone born with powers.

Fucking with supers with the plan, other people getting the ability to fly and shit was just a side effect of his petty vengeance fetish.

they still play the first movie on disney channel every now and again. and dvd is always an option. most kids have probably seen it even if they weren't alive when it came out. I mean as a kid I saw a shitload of disney movies that I wasn't alive for

Motherfucker, he's tried and
>desolves in two hours
is the reason why nobody bought it. They didn't want short stuff even though he could make long lasting stuff.

Thats kinda my point.
If we involve super powers, every (or most) low level job that require close to no qualifications, or belongs in a desk will be gone.

But there are things that metahumans could do way better in short term than machines. For example in a construction. Superstrong people could move heavy things faster and better than robots. people that can fly can help deliver important cargo to other places or even orbit. Water breathers could help repair or build underwater pipelines, etcetera, etcetera. With superpowers humanity would still be relevant in a lot of areas. Maybe even new spots would open up.

Just face it Sup Forums. You don't want other people to get superpowers. You don't want to be told you can be much more. You don't want yourself have no excuse as to why you can't be more than you currently are. Who cares if he was going to sell his inventions out of spite. He's going to revolutionize everyone.

That's just Disney killing off a brand that was it's former competitor. All part of the plan, my friend.

>when everyone's super
>no one will be
Did... did Disney try to make a statement about communism?