IT'S DYING! Get in here!

The negative reviews have started doing damage on Saturday. Friday was frontloaded. On it was at 26% yesterday, now it's 16.9% today and going down.

Other urls found in this thread:

The reviews will do the most damage to its legs going forward.

>mfw it'll still gross more than homecoming

Isn't this the film that determines if Sony films stays open?

Don't fuck us over China.

I believe it's one of the films they were banking on being a summer blockbuster hit.

They were saying it would be a major franchise. Still, Sony hsa been releasing a shit ton of films this year. Baby Driver, this, Spider-Man, Dark Tower...

Emoji movie and the new Jumanji. Sony is fucking finished. And that phrase is no longer a meme for once.

I just wanna know how many people came and walked out on the movie (or even better: demanded a refund)


Still, I kinda wanna see Smurfs: The Lost Village.
Is it any more faithful than the other adaptations?

The Emoji Movie
July 29, 1:50 PM, 45% full
Regal Hunt Valley Stadium 12, Hunt Valley, MD


My Little Pony: The Movie (small chuckles)
Daddy's Home 2 (laughs)
The Lego Ninjago Movie (small laughs, murmurs)
Ferdinand (laughs)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (laughs, a 5 year old saying "I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT!")
The Star (laughs, murmurs at the cast)

Laughter was very scattered throughout. I think only about 4 times was there complete laughter from the audience. For some reason though, a few people clapped when this shitshow of a movie was over

So it cost 50 million to make, but what did they spend on marketing? I remember ASM2 fucking itself with ludicrous amount it spent on advertising. Also will Jumanji save them? I know its blasphemy but I cant see doing poorly with that cast

Hypothetical Question Time.

What if you woke up one morning and you realized you were a Character in the movie.

Who would you be and what would you do?

Why do you care?

Im willing to bet the marketing was double or triple the budget for this one

Yes! Crash Sony film studios forever! Release us from their curse!

What really hits it home is that the movie isn't just bad, people are leaving the theater depressed with the state of the world and wishing for death because it was just so terrible for so many reasons.

It actually makes people hate life because of how bad it is.

I've never seen a movie fail in that way that badly.

I recall several audiences hating The Devil Inside because the ending was a link to a website

The animation and models are fine, but the writing and plot is absolutely awful

"Independent girl power that shows up silly males" is the theme

Why did you go see it?

>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
>A fucking video game instead of the board game
And they made the decision of switching the game because...?

Based on the previews it looked pretty good to me (except for >hashtag)

I didn't, that was someones crowd report from another website.

>My Little Pony: The Movie (small chuckles)

The trailer isn't very funny, but then it's not really trying to be. It's got more of a Disney Renaissance "look at this magical adventure with songs" vibe to it.

>Daddy's Home 2 (laughs)

Still hard to go wrong with Will Ferrel.

>The Lego Ninjago Movie (small laughs, murmurs)

The trailer has one joke, and that's "his dad is the bad guy." Most people I know feel like this movie is just filler before Lego Movie 2, it's watering down the brand.

>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (laughs, a 5 year old saying "I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT!")

That kid's gonna be mad when The Rock becomes president.

>For some reason though, a few people clapped when this shitshow of a movie was over

I'd celebrate too if I'd just been released from prison.

Strange. Despite the negative reviews for Transformers, that movie series took FIVE movies before it bombed.

This is beginning to bomb the SECOND DAY.

When you think Hollywood cant be dummer and incompetent
they show you how wrong you are.

Because SONY suits literally think board games are outdated and no one plays them. The entire idea is fucking infuriating to me, ITS A FUCKING MAGIC BOARD GAME, YOU DONT NEED TO UPDATE IT. Moreover, they neutered the fuck out of the concept. In the original you were anticipating what sort of jungle nightmare would come out next, and in this movie its just 4 well known stars prancing through a regular jungle. The new Jumanji is the epitome of missing the point, which is a good example of where SONY is right now

Negative reviews don't always kill a movie. Transformers made bank for a good while despite being skewered by critics.

Sony or DC (Warner Brothers), which company is more of a failure?

There's like 4 threads of this movie right now.
I fucking hope you don't make more to celebrate it will be dead or something.

I get to chose?
/vg/ but fuck you I'll go with that MC that gets with my husbando


I wonder what kind of idiotic explanation will they use in the movie to justify the change to a videogame. After all, this is a SEQUEL, not a reboot or a spin-of.
They not only have to justify the game changing formats, but also they have to explain how the game came back from FRANCE.
>"Jumanji is a living portal that changes with the times! It was a board game back in the 20th century but now is a video game!"
And for the record, the thing looks like a generic Pong rip-off console from the 70s.

A noose so I can go about doing God's work.

Jumanji isn't some classic tale, it's based on a picture book where kids play a board game and jungle stuff appears around them, then they finish the game and it all goes away. The 90's was just as a radical revision as this movie.

/mlp/ has no faith in the pony movie and theres little reason to believe that it will do better than Jem and Holograms. There is a lot of Hasbro execs fucking with the movie.


The magic, of Atari.

If i was making a movie i would have a board game that not only make a jungle appear but all kind of wierd shit like creating clones of players, having animals talk, spawn zombies and all other kind of shit you would expect from reading Necronomicon.

I would make the game more dangeorus than and mysterious than just meeting a rhino or a spider.


>Jumanji isn't some classic tale
Well, at least it was fun. Far more fleshed out than the book (which admittedly is the case with most media based on children's books).
Also, if you love animals and pseudo-african stuff then the movie is a blast to watch.

I never said it was. The point is the original movie wasn't afraid to make the game seem threatening or borderline horror movie. A lot of family movies these days are too safe for the sake of maximum profits. Just look at this scene
and compare it to the reboot. The new one looks boring because theres helicopters and thugs on motorbikes for some reason

What a shocker

Sony is the one doing the sonic the hedgehog movie. Right?

New Jumanji sucks? I was hoping it'd be good. or at least entertaining.

Really? The Devil Inside doesn't have an ending?

Yeah, but it's been delayed like two or three times.

>The Emoji movie is tracking at $27 million
If they spent more than double on marketing, then this film has to be a hit in the international markets to be a success. Here's hoping it crash & burns.

In everyone's defense, you don't watch Transformers expecting Citizen Kane. You see it for cool 'spolsions!

The first one was novel enough and provided enough cool splosions to enjoy the show. by the time the 5th one came out, the novelty had worn off and there were better splosions to watch.

>a few people clapped
maybe as a joke? thanks for the info though

>/mlp/ has no faith in the pony movie

Oh gee, /mlp/ is being baselessly negative, how very unusual.

>theres little reason to believe that it will do better than Jem and Holograms. There is a lot of Hasbro execs fucking with the movie.

There's a lot of Hasbro execs fucking with the Transformers movies too and the LEAST successful one of those made half a billion dollars.

Seriously, though, this movie's budget is super low for a cartoon. So long as it opens in the top five it'll turn a profit. They're not shooting for huge blockbuster numbers, that's why it comes out in an off month like October.

>the haters gave us free advertising so now everyone will see it huur

This sounds like the exact same thing the feminists said about Ghostbusters 2016. How'd that turn out?

I genuinely want to know what kind of person bases their entire identity on liking things just to spite the "haters."

He's right in that the response to this movie is ridiculously overblown. It's bad, but the idea that cashing in on a trend is some new dangerous thing is laughable.

Looks like the other thread that said "even SJWs hate this movie" was either lying or was wrong.

>theres little reason to believe that it will do better than Jem and Holograms.
Other than the IP has been established in modern times and the writers know the source material?

Seriously there is no comparison between the two.

This movie will go down as one of the worst animated films to hit theaters in the last decade. The thing is though that it will still make more than enough money as the budget may have been large, but they had so many fucking sponsors throwing money at it that it made its money back in a week. The real question is... will it have a sequel?

Oh, and remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity. I am taking some last minute bets though, while on that topic. Who here thinks it will be well received in China and break records on opening week?

>Pong console
>Modern-ish graphics
This movie looks like a half baked idea they just slapped the Jumanji label on. I fucking hate Sony movies so much. They keep pulling this shit too! They never learn.

Can any of the poor souls here who saw it explain to me how the movie "resists Drumpf" as proclaimed by one of the lead actors?

Now you just sound autistic over your personal preference

>Every other Sony division doing fine

>The Jews at Sony pictures just keep having fuck up after fuck up

How did this happen?

>Trump curse strikes again

Oh boy, kek still favors him

Nothing, it's just that actor being an big idiot with a big mouth, the movie has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Does the movie explain why the hacker gurl has a different skin color? It rattles my autism that she isn't yellow like the rest.

>inb4 muh diversity

>Sombra online

Is there a camrip available yet?

>poor souls

I've seen worse. I hope this movie makes billions and spawns a franchise akin to James Bond just so I can watch people bitch about something so unremarkable.

>The movie has a lot to say to women, and how they have limitless potential, and one of the characters literally breaks through a glass ceiling," he added

Guessing he thinks that the token girl emoji being a princess turned hacker and rejecting the mc was a groundbreaking moment in animation history

Somehow he hasn't realized that "badass grrl with dyed hair who isn't girly" is an even more stock female character than the classic disney princess nowadays

That's because she's actually an Emoji princess from Tumblr

I still like their videogames

Guy posted a few other vids via camrip. Not the whole movie tho.


>critics and average people rating a movie as terrible somehow gives you more coverage than millions of dollars worth of advertising


.Someone post immediately when the whole movie drops pls.

Sony. WB gave us things like Lego Movies

Well you're welcome to feel that way, but personally I think the new movie really misses the mark. Would you even know its supposed to be Jumanji if the name was different? At the very least it could be entertaining given the cast

at least sombra is kinda hot

The fact Homecoming is hauling ass to try to pass 300 million domestic despite THIS competition and all other movies dropping hard will make me sleep well at night.

Hope this hunk of shit makes Delgo look like Frozen with how much money it loses.

I doubt any movie can top Delgo in that area.
Brad and Dave were the only two people in the "rather large auditorium"

Makes me happy when movies made to be a mouthpiece for the creator fail.


Fug. I'm a DCfag, but Homecoming was my favorite MCU movie thus far.

>/mlp/ has no faith in the pony movie
When has a Sup Forums board ever had faith in the media it's following?

Talk to any fan outside /mlp/ or within MLPG and you'll find genuine enthusiasm for the movie. Feels like people are shitposting negativity of it on /mlp/ to deliberately kill any excitement for the film.

>Still waiting on that full camrip

Why are you waiting for a camrip?
Everyone knows it's fucking awful. You've got nothing to gain from watching it. Why waste your time? Do something else with your valuable time.

>Caring about /mlp/'s opinion when all they care about is the autistic fan-made content and not the actual show

But what about epic memery and irony?

There are no memes. There is no irony.
You'd just be inflicting self-torture for no reason.

Isn't that what life is all about

I hope this isn't true. If so, why? I guess if you plan to shoot yourself in the foot, it's best to use a howitzer instead of a regular pistol, right?

Who even greenlit this as an idea?

But think of all the e-cred that I get from watching a bad movie and then talking about it anonymously!

I need the pain

Isn't this exactly how Trump became president?

Well, maybe if they didn't relaunch a reinvented Spider-man every two years, people would be willing to invest more interest.


Isn't that literally us though?...wait no, we're the opposite. Hating things just to spite the fans.

Children these days don't know what board games are.

>talking to gf
>"So, are you gonna see the emoji movie"
>*gives me the most hateful yet concerned look I've ever seen*
>"user idk why you'd even ask, no! It looks horrible"

I think I've found the one boys