Toonami General #8

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He will SAVE US!


>general 8
>people fighting about the word edgy
>people fighting about the animation quality and what people think QUALITY really means
Old times, old times.

How did everyone react to HInata being killed?

Anko has a different voice.

6 tails?! But 7 8 9!

fuck my internet

When did these ninjas start using the toon force?

Oh hey, it's Anko.



Thread 8. Not even at the end of the block yet.

that's it lads, pack it up

might aswell take naruto off the lineup now


Where do tailed beasts come from?

It truly, truly is.

Do you think Naruto's dick is girthy?

>Anko and Sai left together

Doujins where

Can't wait for this gem

holy shit dude. that got me

Some people thinking she died for good, other people mentioning she had babies and won.

How does Sup Forums feel about storytimes?

Oh, you know... a chimpout. The usual in the Naruto fandom.

Tell me about Anko, why does she wear the fishnets.

Why couldn't the entire series have been like this?
Fucking TTGL with magic ninja.

Why is it that the slug talking throws me off, but not the toads or snakes?

Thanks doc.

But the animation is actually fluid. A lot of anime cut down on detail to make fluid animation.

He's fast

>that powerslide
holy fuck

>"They're moving away from the village"
>"What do you mean?"

Shouldn't you guys wait until he finishes off Pain?

>Pain just sliding around on the ground, drifting around corners
Holy shit this is hilarious

he can fly?

What are you trying to prove?

That entire fight is amazingly well animated

Doesn't matter cause she's fat as fuck in boruto

>and now the hero makes his daring escape!

>extremely fast ninja running at incredible hihg speed

>Pain just drifting on his sandals.

He's a shapeshifter. But his ability to become an entire brigade of lesbians is in the highest demand.

Frieza allahu ackbaring, Vegeta jobbing twice in a night, Jojo, Greed Island starting, zombie Lupin, a fucking fantastic episode of Naruto, tonight was ace, Ghoul was the only real stinker


Oh hey, it's Anko.

>That's no moon.

mmm snake titties



I've seen gifs of the hammering, the sanik running, and the wacky faces, but is there no gifs of that sweet powersliding?

no, jump good



>Screams geometrically

Sarada x Naruto is cuter

>I just gave the proper, official definition, nothing else.
Its just your timing is all, where were you 3-5 months ago when ghoul/aot started?

It looks as though you only popped in because of Jojo, which you probably like.

So how about those ninjas

>star wars sound


I've never seen anything this shit look so smooth and good.

I like her even more chubby

naruto always has the most absurd attacks

like why would anything this overkill be needed ever

>suddenly katamari damacy
whats going on?

And this is how Ninja Moses (or Abraham?) made the moon


Remember when naruto was about simple escort missions and more with the occasional shonen powerup?

DBZ power-scaling ruined naruto for me

What is happening!?!?!?

The Moon. The Moon is the corpse of the 10-Tails.

Was that a fucking tie fighter

did they ever make this into a show

Too bad the events that led to it pisses me off.

What the fuck is this shit

This is so dumb, even for this show

Holy shit those lasers, this episode is amazing.

not gonna lie...this shit just looks really cool. It's goofy but i really enjoy.

Because we don't deserve it and Kishimoto's a hack.

>Someone actually using a reaction I cropped

This series got really really stupid

oh so it probably curves up right?

>Lightsaber noise
>All this intense praying




At least the music is naisu.

user dont show Momo's shit form from the movie wait till the anime readapts it using the manga form

>Pain turned him into that weasel ball.

>Random Tie Fighter laser sound effect

So ninjas can cast meteors now?

inb4 some autist says they are comets or asteroids


>We Final Fantasy XIV version 1 ending now!

Except it doesn't kill him so obviously something more is necessary

I want to pull on her fat while I fuck her


Truly, we have never fully experienced pain like this.

What the fuck is going on

So "planetary devastation" is just making a bunch of rocks float?

moon mom alien vagina

MMA isn't very popular, and there's no romance, so I doubt it.

they have storylines once in a while.

Yeah she is. She starts with her brother.

Sarada's looking pretty slutty there too

This is like tokyo ghoul


So there's this guy that draws nothing BUT Anko. It's pretty great.