For those affected by it, what are some ASMR moments you know of in cartoons?

For those affected by it, what are some ASMR moments you know of in cartoons?

Other urls found in this thread:

>learn about ASMR
>hmm I think I know what they're talking about
>like 90% of it is people's voices which does nothing for me

I don't even think of this scene as ASMR, it's just visually satisfying

I only like this qt

>90% of it is people's voices
90% of it isn't real ASMR, just people listening to pretend girlfriends

This is actual ASMR

I don't see the problem

Im lucky enough to have both viewpoints, I love it visually and aurally

>For those affected by it
Speaking as someone with ADD and depression who has had to listen to idiots telling me those are imaginary conditions, this is a fucking imaginary condition

you are not special

ADD isn't real though

you're not real

What condition? Are you an idiot?

Nigger kike scum! Gas the kikes, race war now! ELIMINATE JEWRY IN 2017! MODS PLEASE BAN ME FROM THIS UNHOLY FUCKING WEBSITE

>Listen to ASMR
>It's like spiders crawling on my brain
>Can't understand why anyone likes it
>Even thinking about it makes the inside of my head feel itchy
Is it like some sort of masochism thing?

Family guy where Jafar gets a eye exam is what got me into ASMR

Also a anime called Tiger &a Bunny has a guy who whispers

oh my god that's awful

seriously what kind of psychopath can sit through 40+ minutes of that


For asmr purposes this version is better

Incidentally the luxo lamp in the pixar intro always got me

>Watch ASMR with a guy actor
>Contemplate sexuality

That's pretty much all ASMR is. It's just "comfy sounds and maybe visuals."


>A girl saying nice things to you on screen for free is bad

ASMR is typically triggered by sensory inputs of sounds or sights that cause that tingling sensation across your neck, scalp, shoulders, and face. It's similar but different from frisson, which is the goosebumps/chills you get from very powerful scenes/songs. Frisson is more localized and intense whereas ASMR can be used for meditation and relaxation and is more prolonged.

Bad isn't the right word.

Pathetic, sad, pitiable, etc. all fit a little better

Is this what it's called!? Nigga, i get this shit every time i go to the barber and the electric razor is being used. It feels almost orgasmic.


Welcome to ASMR, bro. Check out some various triggers videos to figure out what gets you, but based on that the barber RP ones are probably gonna be your nirvana.

Yes haircuts are very relaxing I have to try hard not to fall alseep

Role playing isn't my thing, actually.

Ho boy, I got a treat for you

Saw this short at a festival and I think it may have be applicable. It's been a while though.

I'd be curious to see someone try and animate an intentional ASMR short.

ASMR is a thing that sounds like complete bullshit until you put two and two together. I think most people on the planet have experienced it but until somebody says something that conects that experience to the term you'll think it's bullshit. Then when you figure it out you're like "oh shit really? is that the name for it? neat."

I always thought it was cool how this was the same old man from the chess game short at the beginning of Bug's Life

But its not a quintifiable phenomena, they tried isolating it but couldn't. It's just a placebo effect that people latch onto.

Unless you refer to the sensation of satifaction in sound, in which case that isn't what ASMR means and you're using it wrong.

Does anyone else get triggered by eating sounds and vocalizations of pleasure from eating?
When I figured out my ASMR, I realized it's why I liked to watch the food network so much as a kid. Really enjoyed seeing and hearing Rachel Ray try foods.

Personally I've experienced what could probably be called ASMR so I'm into the idea of it. Even if it's bullshit it seems actually harmless, compared to other psuedoscience shit like acupuncture.

Yeah, I don't understand this at all.

Like I said, it's not a bullshit thing people make up, it's a very real feeling you get where you just fucking zone out and it ranges from full body to mild tingling sensation.

I'm sure there's another term for it entirely, but it's different for everybody. Which is why you get things from people drinking, eating, tapping on desks and ears, and the like. If there's nothing on it now there will be eventually, it's something that's been around for a while via a thing reffered to in some places as "soft touch massage".

I remember back when the term ASMR was coined in 2012. its sad to see the community has become nothing but roasties making kissing noises at a camera instead of just people trying to experiment with triggering sounds. As for those who don't "get it", you're either born with it or you're not,if you didn't find lice checks too be an enjoyable experience than I am afraid you're just not a candidate for it.

yeah the physical tingle in my back is imaginary.

its well known not everyone gets that tingle to things and it also varies from person to person what triggers said satisfying tingle

the whispering is actually pretty annoying and that seems to be most of the youtube videos
It got weird, sometimes actual goosebumps appeared and i think she got the idea i was getting turned on. Now her husband gives me my haircut, unironically he does a better job than her.
nice, but it does lack the scratching from razor teeth and light pulling of the hair.

I guess i just have to find the one that does it. Sometimes i just get it and when it starts going away i roll my neck and another rush comes, but it's really short.

nah its simply feels different to some people. Its like....difference in taste buds and shit.

For some reason it's not people's specific voices that trigger me but rather like, effects applied to voices. I love the way that voices sound in like early episodes of the Simpsons for some reason, maybe it has to do with how they were recorded.

I have severe misophonia but I enjoy ASMR

its an odd tinglng sensation that only some people just get from these kind of aural sensations.

>the whispering is actually pretty annoying and that seems to be most of the youtube videos
That's a very common trigger, just seek out those that say [NO TALKING]. There's a lot of picky people, talking can break that concentration.

>A girl saying nice things to you on screen for free is bad
>to you
I'm sorry user...

I used to get it in school. I found listening to the tapes in French very relaxing, I guess because of the person speaking very close to the mic and using unfamiliar sounds/words. Years later I found out it was a big thing.

So ASMR is about satisfying sounds, right? Is there something similar that deals with satisfying visuals? I'm talking about those "most satisfying video" things on youtube that have compilations of cooking, machinery, and random colourful stuff. Also, Dr. Pimple-popper videos of pus being squeezed out of zits. Those videos just make me feel satisfied for some reason. I don't get any physical reactions though, it's just mental feel-good.

>So ASMR is about satisfying sounds, right?
Not just sounds, but some people can only get it via sounds
>I don't get any physical reactions though, it's just mental feel-good.
it can be both

When I was younger I had a cousin who had an ear fixation or something. So when I'd play games on the tv, she's fuck with my ear and I'd just zone out. physical and mental pleasure, almost zen. I'd get the same feelings randomly from things happening in the background at random places too, didn't make the connectionto ASMR till I saw a video and got a little bit of that old feeling back. Then read the description and realized that I wanssn't the only one who felt that.

>Welcome to ASMR, bro.

I am 100% certain it is real. It is a very strong physical phenomena.
Also I get it from people talking as well. My earliest memories of it was when the quieter girls would give presentations in elementary school.

Get some real taste, guys.

So it has a name?
For me it usually happen when I see people searching for stuff.
I don't know why.

I'm not sure what causes it for me, but I think just being really relaxed is a factor.
Since most of the times I felt it, I was just in my room doing unsubstantial things.

Anything by PES

>For those affected by it

you mean delusional people?

Is this like having synesthesia that isn't inherently intrusive? Like the conditions met to your senses are more specific so its not like how whenever I see an iceberg I hear the creaking of styrofoam being rubbed together and why my mom owns so much velveteen and velvet because its really pleasant to her?

This sounds kinda fun I just hate how I have some stupidly random synes and all of them are things I find uncomfortable. Since I was a child water slides have made my mouth get a taste like iron and I know I didn't bite my cheek every time I went on one.

I bet this guy is dead in the Toy Story universe.