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How come Reed is a better Doom than Doom ever was? Is Reed superior to Doom, no matter the role and the universe?

>inb4 Secret Wars
Molecule Man went to Doom because he knew he could commit Reece-Genocide. Meanwhile Ult!Reed built a Raft all by himself, something not even 616 Reed could manage.

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How did UltReed become a bad guy?
Someone spoonfeed me

>Ultimatum happens
>proposes to Sue and gets rejected
>F4 disband
>goes back home
>gets fed up
>launches a world-wide attack from the shadows
>turns out he was trying to "fix everything"
>Sue cucks him with Ben
>half his face gets burned off
>gets lost in space
>dons the Maker persona
>creates a dome where time flows differently
>creates an extremely evolved race of humans
>bombs Washington and Central Europe

And that's the gist of it. There's much more, but that's enough for now.

Now, that Doom has fucked off to be Iron Man, Superior Doom when?

Just send him off to an uncharted part of the universe and let him dscover the physics of new realities, slaughter alien species and do wacky shit.

>Is Reed superior to Doom, no matter the role and the universe?
Yes, that's kind of the whole Reed/Doom dynamic

>proposes to Sue and gets rejected
>F4 disband

You forgot
>Sue hating Reed for choosing to save the world instead of being with her


>Reed become Evil for the greater good as Kang said so
> Kang is actually using him
> Kang is Future Sue

You'd imagine Doom would atleast be better at being Doom. But nope, Reed is a better Doom than Doom. Go figure.

You know, I'm torn on what Humphries did.Hickman wrote him as a completely irredeemable monster. His race of people were just tools, born and bred for a single thing.He didn't advance society, he just did an experiment with human lives.

Humphries gave him a more legitimate motive and made him a more grey character, but that took away from his charm. Ewing seems to be balancing the two.

Ongoing where Sue!Kang & Ult!Reed travel the cosmos as the Fantasic Duo,battling theHih Evolutionary, Shuma-Gorath and 616!Kang when?!

Is seriously how people view Ultimate Sue? Reed neglected Sue because he became obsessed with recreating the Cosmic Cube, he acted like a child when Namor appeared, he had a giant scale replica of Sue's mother in her underwear appear in the middle on New York, when Ultimatum happened he ignored Sue and his friends to go after Namor despite Xavier telling literally everyone that Magneto was responsible because he was jealous leaving Sue in critical condition while Ben watched over her, and then after all that he tried to propose to her. Reed was school shooter level of a pathetic loser. Sue beating him at the end of Hickman's run pisses people off because they know it's one hundred percent in character for Reed to become a whimpering idiot at her feet. Ultimate Reed is a whiney brat and Hickman ignored all of that to create his Machiavellian heartless bastard. The Maker is an OC donut steel that Hickman slapped on to Reed because, much like his run on anything he did at Marvel, he didn't give a shit about fitting into continuity.

You should read Infamous Ironman since The Maker is literally fucking Doom's mom.

>that's kind of the whole Reed/Doom dynamic
Wasn't always. They were previously always balanced against each other achievement-wise, but somewhere along the line, writers turned Doom into more and more of a punching bag.

life raft he copied from T'challa you mean

Ult!Reed was in a whole different universe. Everything he did, he did alone. When the Cabal arrived, he had already planned for the death of everything, and knew that colossion was inevitable. Also

>comparing T'Challa to Ult!Reed

I didn't read how his face got fucked up but does it have anything to do with his Game of Thrones style brutality towards Thor?

>Genocides Asgard.
>Captures Thor.
>Tortures him nearly to death.
>Tells him the only reason he spared his life was so he could live and suffer as the last of his kind knowing he will NEVER be strong enough to get revenge. His punishment is spend the rest of his existence ruminating his utter ruin and failure as Richards gloats from up high.

What was with the burning hatred towards Thor?!

You mean he copied it from the future foundation.

The Maker copied the life raft design from the foundation.

Reed didn't even build the raft. He let the kids do it.


What's with the potato Head?

UltReed disabled Sue's powers which hurt her, Johnny came and burned him out of revenge

Ult Reed has greater control over his powers than 616 Reed. He can stretch his brain to solve almost any problem

He stretched his skull so his brain would have room and he built his helmet around it

616 Reed can also do it, as seen in the Hickman run. I don't know if it's a choice or just very taxing if he does it all the time so he doesnt

Reed on panel congratulated T'challa on the design of the raft.

Kang wasn't using him though. In fact, Kang was right about everything and Fialkov used her to explain away Bendis's retarded character swerves from Utlimate Doomsday trilogy.

Because there's two things about Ultimate Reed - he will always want to be the superhero, or he'd just leave.

I'm gonna need the sauce and context to see which one is right anons.

what happened to the future people or whatever they were called? were they wiped out? did they leave earth?

...Who knows? After Reed got BTFOd, nobody ever brought them up again.

Quite honestly I can give it to tchalla despite not remembering.

I remember the kids figuring it out as they went encounter material issues and other stuff, like their other projects before, but reed recognizing tchalla as the designer could have easily also happened.

Regardless, the Maker is a shit, who after mutations and millennia still keeps getting outsmarted, this time he either copied a bunch of kids, or he stole tchalla's design from a bunch of kids.

Maker is like an idea guy, then he finds the specialist and rips him off. Like he currently is doing in Ultimates. Even The People, they were basically ripped off, superior specialty bred humans and they're only taught zealotry because he just needed them for something.

Wiat, The Maker shows up during the whole Incursion thing? I lost track of reading it once the archive stopped allowing me to search for things manually.

Maker brought Thanos along so Doom could kill him.

At first glance I thought that was a tardigrade