Rick and Morty: Pre-Premiere Discussion Hype Thread

Two years of insufferable waiting, one episode after April Fools Days, and finally it returned.


"Rickmancing The Stone" - 11:30 PM ET
>Summer starts acting out in this one, broh. Morty goes ham too broh.

>Leaked pictures:

Other urls found in this thread:


How long until it airs in relative hours

>April Fools Days

*April Fools' Day

As of this post, 15 hours.


Like it matter'ss

How about now?

ausfag here, it's in 3 hours or so yeah?


>jackfags still mad

kekeke so funny nothing matters xD


stream link where?

so hype

we got the sauce back what can we do next?


Don't have cable. Will it be aired/streamed online somewhere?

kimcartoon faggot

Is it an actual new episode tonight? Or just the April Fools episode again?

New episode.

How about you be a man and buy cable you fucking mooch?


What? Since when?

how many hours until it plays? everyone on the AS stream has a different esitmate

Here's to hoping it's better than Season 2. And that they don't feel compelled to do a third improv episode, the second season's wasn't anywhere near as funny as the first one.

I love how he just asks a normal polite question and everyone just hates on him.
Keep afloat my friend

Since ever.

i just saw fucking episode.. the moment when Rick turned himself into the pickle everyone started to ripp off their clothes and mastrubate when moving to the loud lets be shwiffty sound out of the speackers.. and i was like what the fuck? why do i mastrubate at someone man-boobs when yelling "ohh god! yes!! YES!!" before it went all black and we all waked up in new clone bodies..

fuckign shit when you cant be be a pickle dipped into the MC-Seezchuan souse and softly licked by the lips and tongue of Summer.

I heard that S3 doesn't have an improv episode. I don't have a link I can give you, but I read it somewhere or heard it from Dan or Justin in an interview. Justin even tweeted before the premiere of the second one that audiences should keep their expectations low. They've learned.

The first episode of Season 3 just got added to Netflix UK.


When will the new episode air?

To and everyone asking for a countdown:

There will be a stream.

>12 hours

Rick would have voted for Trump to keep Shillary out of office.
Lesser of two evils, Morty.

Rick would have dismissed electoral politics as petty trash, which it is.

Rick strikes me as someone who doesn't really vote or follow politics at all.

>Rick would have voted for Trump

Rick would have voted for Bernie :^)

I could see Rick refusing to vote for Hillary just because of her cringy mom jokes.


Are they gonna give Jessica a personality this season?

Why the fuck with Rick care about some backwater dirt politics?He'd probably kill both just off principle of them being annoying garbage.

rick wouldn't have even voted you retards

>tits is not a personality


It was premiered at Comic Con, it was a pretty good episode, not as good as the first though. I'm one of the lucky thousands that got a chance to see it. I'm special.

That didn't stop Bernouts from saying Trump isn't their president

Rick doesn't strike me as a socialist.

He's a Nihilist and maybe anarchist though

does anyone know of any discords to shitpost in while i watch the show.


Jessica's brown haired friend is a lot hotter than Jessica.

Is there gonna be a stream of some kind? Leafs got cucked once again.

inb4 Morty gets cucked by that new brunette girl

I sure hope so


They are streaming it on the adult swim stream page.

Fuck u!! Give us proof

They'll probably do this once like Samurai Jack and the rest of the episodes will aired on TV only.

I just checked and it is on there.
Pretty neat.


Our boy did it.

But how does it taste?

the madmen

Is it available now?

Yeah, its called a "TV" :)

Yes. But dont count on the monkeys thst actually work there to know that.

it doesn't matter because I'm not an americunt

Well since we're bringing good shit back can i get a bottle of this?

Suck it europoor

There was like two improv episodes. The one with the parasites and the second cable one.

I actually want a Ball Fondlers spinoff

no fuck you

Fuck you that shit was delicious.

Give me the fucking portal gun, you fags will never see me again.


You really want to relive the height of shitty candy pop music and boy bands?

This is the same thing but better

Fuck that imitation bullshit

In a heartbeat.

Dear Justin Rioland and Dan Harmon:
Please dont put trump jokes,youre not capable of doing them right.
Please dont put trump jokes,youre not capable of doing them right.
Please dont put trump jokes,youre not capable of doing them right.
Please dont put trump jokes,youre not capable of doing them right.
Please dont put trump jokes,youre not capable of doing them


Fucking edgy masochist

They won't

Hi fellow /sug/ member

hate on friendo

1998 was a shit year

harmond isn't capable. Roiland's wouldn't be the way you expect them. They'd either be deadpan autistic or really meta and ironic so as to be removed from the source itself.
I wish Roiland had picked a better tard wrangler to keep up his productivity and keep him on the straight and narrow. I fucking hate Harmond

Harmond sucks but sadly i feel his input makes a lot of what makes this show great.

I'd be good at '96, but I liked '98 just fine too.
Godzilla taco bell commercials, N64/PS1 gaming, Pokemon wave at full-crest, Meaningless pop songs on radio loop all summer. Taste is subjective, but I remember it fondly.

Where can I download this after it airs?

No not yet.
But they are giving away three bottles in honor of the Rick and Morty season 3 premiere. There will likely be at all McDonald's restaurants sometime soon though.

someone will post a rip

this is the patricians taste right here.


I don't. He just stops Roiland from going to spergy. Those are things he detracts from Roiland to improve the show. All he actually adds to the show are stupid normalfag shit and diversity hires to the writing staff.
>tfw liked roiland before Rick and Morty
Faggots who like him now wouldn't have put up with him then. Doc and mharti and house of Cosbies are great but they don't gel with normalfags. All we needed was someone to tone Roiland down. Harmond thinks he is people because he did community and other mediocre shit so he meddles too much.

>Pokemon wave at full-crest

I still get Vietnam style flashbacks about this. The carnage at the Toys R Us was indescribable. I saw a woman curbstomping kids just to get to the booster packs. Parents punching other parents for the games. So much blood.

>something could've killed rick
>he single handedly took down the government and the rickernment.
Yeah no after the first episode of S3 i don't believe in any thread against rick


More like the plebian tier

The Beanie Baby campaigns should have prepared you, user. But still, even then it wasn't the same as the TRU runs when the cards were the hot new shit. Even the Furby sellouts couldn't hold a candle to the Pokemon card mobs.

Saw it at SDCC it was fun, Jerry gets some love at the end from Summer but he is still the show's buttmonkey.

It also looks like Beth is going to feel lonely without Jerry now that Morty, Summer, and Rick go on adventures amd they don't want to spendtime with her, she is also doubting her decision with separating from Jerry which Rick hates.

I still see the horror in my sleep.